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Learn About PHP Options/Info Functions

Updated on October 14, 2011


Here, On this Page, I'm publishing the list of and information about All those PHP functions that fall in "PHP Options/Info" Category of PHP. Information includes

  1. function names,
  2. syntax,
  3. Usage & description.

You can conclude from the name itself that "This type of functions deals with configuration information of PHP installed in your system". System can either be "localhost" (Your own computer) or "Webhost". This functions enable you to view/get lot of information about PHP on which you are building your application/websites, e.g. runtime configuration, loaded extensions, version etc. . You'll also see many functions that allows us (Programmers) to set options (Overriding the old ones) to change the default behavior. The most common/popular function in this list is "phpinfo() function", which may be well known to you too.

Php options/info functions
Php options/info functions

PHP Options/Info Functions

Function Name
Description & Usage
Set/get the various assert flags
mixed assert_options ( int $what [, mixed $value ] )
Checks if assertion is FALSE
bool assert ( mixed $assertion )
Loads a PHP extension at runtime
bool dl ( string $library )
Find out whether an extension is loaded
bool extension_loaded ( string $name )
Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles
int gc_collect_cycles ( void )
Deactivates the circular reference collector
void gc_disable ( void )
Activates the circular reference collector
void gc_enable ( void )
Returns status of the circular reference collector
bool gc_enabled ( void )
Gets the value of a PHP configuration option
string get_cfg_var ( string $option )
Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script
string get_current_user ( void )
Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values
array get_defined_constants ([ bool $categorize = false ] )
Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module
array get_extension_funcs ( string $module_name )
Gets the current include_path configuration option
string get_include_path ( void )
Returns an array with the names of included or required files
array get_included_files ( void )
Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
array get_loaded_extensions ([ bool $zend_extensions = false ] )
Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc
int get_magic_quotes_gpc ( void )
Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
int get_magic_quotes_runtime ( void )
Alias of get_included_files()
Gets the value of an environment variable
string getenv ( string $varname )
Gets time of last page modification
int getlastmod ( void )
Get PHP script owner's GID
int getmygid ( void )
Gets the inode of the current script
int getmyinode ( void )
Gets PHP's process ID
int getmypid ( void )
Gets PHP script owner's UID
int getmyuid ( void )
Gets options from the command line argument list
array getopt ( string $options [, array $longopts ] )
Gets the current resource usages
array getrusage ([ int $who = 0 ] )
Alias of ini_set()
Gets all configuration options
array ini_get_all ([ string $extension [, bool $details = true ]] )
Gets the value of a configuration option
string ini_get ( string $varname )
Restores the value of a configuration option
void ini_restore ( string $varname )
Sets the value of a configuration option
string ini_set ( string $varname , string $newvalue )
Alias of set_magic_quotes_runtime()
Dummy for main()
There is no function named main() except in the PHP source.
Returns the peak of memory allocated by PHP
int memory_get_peak_usage ([ bool $real_usage = false ] )
Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP
int memory_get_usage ([ bool $real_usage = false ] )
Retrieve a path to the loaded php.ini file
string php_ini_loaded_file ( void )
Return a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dir
string php_ini_scanned_files ( void )
Gets the logo guid
string php_logo_guid ( void )
Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP
string php_sapi_name ( void )
Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on
string php_uname ([ string $mode = "a" ] )
Prints out the credits for PHP
bool phpcredits ([ int $flag = CREDITS_ALL ] )
Outputs information about PHP's configuration
bool phpinfo ([ int $what = INFO_ALL ] )
Gets the current PHP version
string phpversion ([ string $extension ] )
Sets the value of an environment variable
bool putenv ( string $setting )
Restores the value of the include_path configuration option
void restore_include_path ( void )
Sets the include_path configuration option
string set_include_path ( string $new_include_path )
Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
bool set_magic_quotes_runtime ( bool $new_setting )
Limits the maximum execution time
void set_time_limit ( int $seconds )
Returns directory path used for temporary files
string sys_get_temp_dir ( void )
Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings
mixed version_compare ( string $version1 , string $version2 [, string $operator ] )
Gets the Zend guid
string zend_logo_guid ( void )
Returns a unique identifier for the current thread
int zend_thread_id ( void )
Gets the version of the current Zend engine
string zend_version ( void )

PHP options/info functions

So, That was the huge list of PHP functions falling in above mentioned category of PHP. If you face any type of problems or have query regarding any this function, then, you're free to ask about it in comments section below (Fulfill it's Purpose).


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