Midjourney is a very easy to use discord bot that generates amazing AI images from a text prompt.
A guide to the bakery and cakery mechanics in the Town Star blockchain game. All the information you need to plan your cake or baguette production at your fingertips will help you place well in the weekly competition and win Gala coins!
With rocketing bitcoin prices, mining the cryptocurrency seems very appealing. Don't! There is simply no way you will make any money.
Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that was introduced in 2011 as an alternative to Bitcoin. Find out whether it makes sense to mine or invest in Litecoin rather than Bitcoin.
There are plenty of free fractal generators on the internet, so why pay for Ultra
A list of the day geckos commonly available as captive bred pets, with pictures and species description.
Taking your own printer with you to college could prove to be very convenient. But which printer will do its job well, fit into cramped student digs and not break your budget?
Did you know that the most demanding part of breeding geckos is taking care of the tiny, fragile hatchlings? Learn how to raise dozens of day geckos from egg to adulthood based on my experience.
LEGO Duplo sets are advertised as being suitable for children 2-5 years old. But will two year olds really play with the building bricks?
Making bitcoins (digital currency) is legal. It's like "printing" money. But can bitcoin mining be profitable? My personal experience in 2013-2018 shows what factors end up getting in the way of making a profit.
The different ways in which coffee is brewed around the world, from Turkish coffee to the French press method, drip coffee, and types of drinks based on espresso.
Once you've managed to overcome your fear of spiders, they turn out to be fascinating creatures. Here are 8 unusual facts about these arachnids.
Zebras belong to the horse family and are famous for their black and white stripes. Read on to find out about the possible reasons for the stripes and other fun facts about zebras.
What does a modern computer consist of and a guide for the best mid range components in 2013, if you are thinking of building your own computer or upgrading an old one.
Can laptops handle video editing applications? What are the best laptops for video editing?
This is a list of the equipment I used when I set up terrariums for my Phelsuma klemmeri and P. cepediana day geckos.
A video tutorial explaining how to make split-elliptic fractals in Apophysis.
Fun facts about London for kids (and everyone else!), from the Roman settlement of Londinium to the Olympics.
Facts about the isolated island state of Madagascar and its unique and fascinating animals like lemurs, chameleons, geckos and frogs.
Finding a laptop that is good for editing photos can be challenging. But the advent of notebooks with excellent IPS screens and powerful processors and GPUs makes it possible to find some.
Doing postdoctoral research after finishing a PhD is now a necessary step to a tenure track position. However the terrible career structure in science leaves many scientists in the postdoc trap.
Yes, snakes are vertebrate and they do have bones. The snake skeleton is highly specialised, they have many more vertebrae than other reptiles, and some have teeth that evolved into fangs.
Find out how to use Photoshop to create a variety of beautiful, easy backgrounds for your digital scrapbook projects.
Description of the fascinating types of snakes found around the world, with pictures and videos.
You can start creating your own amazing digital images with any of the free fractal generators available on the web. A description of the software I use, with links to download sites and tutorials.
IPS panels produce more vibrant and accurate images and wider viewing angles than TN screens, but have slower response times. Read on to find the best gaming IPS monitor for you in 2014.
Here are the factors that you need to consider when selecting a pet from the many different gecko species available.
A simple photoshop keyboard shortcut which allows to convert simple graphics into fractal-like images. I use it here to make a colorful butterfly tail fractal image.
Did you realize that native toads can be collected from the wild and easily kept as pets? Here is what to consider about keeping them along with how to set up an enclosure to house one.
Little Nicky was the first kitten to be cloned using DNA from a dead pet. Having an identical genetic copy of her dead Maine Coone produced by a commercial company cost her owner an exorbitant amount of money and caused much controversy.
The following is my experience and thoughts on being a Zazzle newbie.
There are several types of geckos that are commonly kept as pets. These include the very popular leopard geckos and the brilliantly coloured day geckos.
Teacup chihuahaus are often advertised for sale. However there is no recognised standard for a miniature version of this smallest of dog breeds.
My last neon day gecko breeding project went terribly wrong when the female ate the eggs. She didn't touch the embryos but somehow managed to eat the egg shell.
The fact that frogs are amphibians, and go through a fully aquatic tadpole stage, is well known. But did you know that some poison dart frogs feed their tadpoles unfertilised eggs?
Have your fish ever died in their new tank? It's probably because you need to cycle your new fish tank!
The siamese fighter, or betta fish males are extremely territorial and build bubble nests. After spawning the male exclusively takes care of the embryos, but after hatching,raising the tiny betta fry becomes the responsibility of the breeder.
There are almost 5000 species of frog, living on all continents except Antarctica. There are frogs living in water, on trees, burrowing frogs and poisonous frogs. Many types can be kept as pets.
How can the average person obtain tickets to Wimbledon? Here is my experience of camping overnight in the park in the Wimbledon queue to obtain centre court tickets for the tennis championship.
Tadpoles are very different from adult frogs and, after a period of growth, undergo metamorphosis. To change into the adult form, they must develop limbs, lose their tail and gills and remodel their guts and head to change into an amphibian that can live on land.
The fire bellied toad is named for its strkingly coloured, orange and black underside. The frogs are not only brightly coloured, but also active and very easy to keep in captivity.
Both well known and obscure chameleon facts including information about these special lizards' eyes, tongues, feet and skin.
Do you know why siamese cats have a 'point coloration', or are darker in cold countries? Or why calico cats are always female. Science has simple but fascinating explanations to the coat colours of various cat breeds.
Phelsuma day geckos are omnivorous. In the wild, they eat insects but also lick the sweet nectar of flowers. How can you reproduce this in captivity?
Day geckos are brilliantly-colored, small-to-medium sized lizards that make excellent pets. They can be kept in small apartments and don't mind being left alone for most of the day.
The giant waxy monkey frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor, is a fascinating large tree frog with a very striking appearance. I've kept them as pets for over eight years, and here are my tips on caring for them.