If your puppy is growling when he's given treats, there are chances you may be dealing with a case of resource guarding. Resource guarding in puppies is best nipped in the bud, as the longer the behavior is practiced, the more ingrained and challenging it can become to modify.
Knowing how to trim dog nails in a positive way is an important step that can also help make vet visits less scary. Discover some strategies to make your dog less fearful of nail trims, along with several tips to ease your dog's fear of the vet.
Living with an aggressive dog poses significant risks. Not only are there risks for serious bites, but there are also risks for the dog's behavior deteriorating over time if appropriate help is not sought in a timely manner.
If your dog just bit another dog, it's normal to feel very upset and unsettled about it. As your life has turned topsy-turvy, you may be wondering about the next steps. Let's take a look at what to do after your dog bites another dog.
Pomeranians are not the easiest dog breeds to potty train. They're very lively and extroverted, and they can get easily distracted. Discover some fundamental strategies to help you succeed in potty training your Pomeranian and what big mistakes you should avoid.
If your dog got stung by a bee, and he is now afraid of the yard, you may be wondering what you can do to help ease his fear. Discover several strategies to gradually rebuild his confidence and make the yard a safe and enjoyable place for him again.
If your dog is flipping his food bowl, you may be wondering what's going on. Is your dog telling you he doesn't like his food? The causes for dogs knocking over their bowls are several.
If your dog growls at your daughter or son when returning home from a school break or college, you may feel concerned about this behavior. While hearing a growl may be shocking, consider that growling is ultimately a form of communication.
Yes, dogs can readily pick up bad habits from other dogs, and this occurs as a result of what's known as social facilitation. Discover how dogs can start feeding off each others' emotions and start reacting to triggers on walks, and most of all, what you can do about it.
If you have recently adopted a Mexican street dog, as a new owner, you might be curious about what to expect in regards to their behavior and training. Let's explore how to best approach their training, along with some practical tips for successfully integrating them into your home.
If your dog keeps getting into fights at the dog park, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent them from reoccurring. Fights among dogs can be scary—skipping the dog park starts to seem like your only option. Let's talk about what you can do when trips to the park go awry.
If your dog barks at other dogs, it may be helpful to understand what your dog is trying to communicate through this behavior. Not all barking is created equally. Some forms require a comprehensive plan to help the dog feel more comfortable around other dogs or learn to better manage its emotions.
If your Great Pyrenees is aggressive towards your other dogs, you may be wondering why. The causes of Great Pyrenees dog aggression may be various. Discover several potential reasons that might be causing conflicts between your Pyr and the other dogs in your household.
Training littermate dogs can be quite a challenge! From teaching their names and paying attention to you to mastering loose-leash walking, it’s essential to address problems early on, considering littermates' predisposition to develop dependency on each other, which can impact their training.
If your leashed dog attacked an off leash dog, you may be worried and wondering who is at fault. While the most obvious answer is the off-leash dog, there can be several other factors at play to keep in mind. One such factor may be your dog's behavioral history.
You don't hear much info about your dog's Jacobson organ, but it impacts your dog in many ways during the day. Discover how a dog's Jacobson organ works and the latest research.
If your dog's poop is white, you're likely concerned about what's causing such discoloration. As far as you know, your dog didn't eat anything that could have contributed to such color. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes of white stools in dogs.
If your dog keeps peeing on your rug, you're likely desperate for solutions to make this stop. But dogs don't understand rugs and often find some of the features appealing for using them as bathrooms. Here are some tips and tricks to stop a dog from peeing on the rug.
If your dog is suddenly wobbly, you're likely worried. Perhaps you are worried your dog is suffering from a stroke or some other concerning health issue. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares potential causes of sudden wobbliness in dogs.
If your dog starts digging holes, you are likely confused by this behavior. Why would they suddenly start doing this, of all things? Interestingly, there are often many reasons why dogs may suddenly start digging holes. Let's explore them!
If your puppy bites you and no one else, you may be wondering why you have become your pup's favorite target. Discover several factors that contribute to this behavior and what you can do to address the issue effectively.
A pale tongue in dogs can be alarming, especially when you are well acquainted with the normal color. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares the several causes of a pale dog tongue.
There are many ways to stop bad dog behaviors, but some can be more harmful than good, resulting in more problems down the road. If your dog's behavior is driving you nuts, take a step back and evaluate the problem, then take an active role while considering these techniques.
There are many weird dog breeds out there that you may have never heard of. Behind their odd looks—some resemble other animals or appear as if from another planet—is often a fascinating origin story. Let's discover them!
If your dog is scared of the dark, you're likely wondering why. Sometimes, dogs are odd: they may be scared of going outside when it's dark or cautious about entering a dark room. Discover several reasons behind this behavior.
If your dog keeps attacking your other dog, you are certainly concerned, especially if the dogs end up hurting each other. Putting a stop to these fights is imperative, and safety should be always made top priority.
Interested in learning about different dog coat colors and patterns? When it comes to dogs, variety is the spice of life, as our canine companions come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Here, you can discover striking canine coat colors and patterns.
If you are considering litter box training a dog, it's important to consider the pros and cons of this method. After evaluating the pros and cons, if you feel this method is suitable for your dog and lifestyle, you may want to discover the best strategies for success.
You may have wondered whether dogs can get tetanus, especially if your dog has a potentially contaminated wound. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares whether dogs can get tetanus and whether exposure to rust can be a problem.
If your dog is hiding under the bed, you may be feeling helpless. The more you try to persuade your dog to come out, the more your dog retreats. Discover several strategies to help fearful dogs and the importance of working with a professional when there are no improvements.
If your dog killed a mouse, it's natural to be concerned about the potential for transmission of diseases or even secondary rodent poisoning. In this article, veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares potential risks associated with dogs killing mice.
Deer head Chihuahuas have a head shape that is quite different from the traditional apple head shape. There are several advantages to owning one. Let's discover several interesting facts about deer head Chihuahuas.
Behavior changes in dogs may feel like a strike of lightning on a totally sunny day. Although abrupt behavior changes may feel surprising and concerning for most owners, there are several potential reasons for such abrupt shifts in dog behavior.
The Black Poodle is a striking dog blessed with a dark black coat. If you like black dogs, this dog is attractive considering its black nose and very dark eyes. Discover more about black Poodles and several fascinating facts about them.
If your Goldendoodle is too hyper, you may be wondering when he'll finally start to calm down. Excited biting and jumping may be particularly problematic, especially when you can't find your dog's "off button." Discover several strategies to calm down hyper Goldendoodle puppies.
The relationships between cats and dogs sharing the household may vary from being cordial and playful to being tense or even hostile in some cases. In particular, what may cause a dog to attack certain cats and not others?
If your dog isn't getting along with your new puppy, you may be feeling very concerned and unsure of what to do. You really want your dog to accept the new puppy, but this doesn't seem likely to happen.
Knowing whether Border Collies bark a lot is important if you are considering getting a puppy of this breed. Discover Border Collie barking tendencies, and what you can do to prevent problematic barking from the get-go.
A Pug's skull is quite different compared to the skull of many other breeds. Characteristics of the Pug's skull give them a predisposition to various health issues that should be carefully considered before adopting one.
Behavior changes in dogs after an owner dies are not uncommon. These may range from anxiety to aggression, with some dogs becoming protective of the surviving owner. In these cases, it's important to address the issue early and ensure everyone remains safe.
Knowing how many chromosomes dogs have is not only interesting but also insightful, considering the role these biological structures play. Discover more about dogs' chromosomes and other fascinating canine chromosome facts here.
If your dog's feet turn outward, you may wonder if this is a normal trait or a sign of a defect that needs correction. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes for a dog's feet turning outward.
If your dog suddenly refuses to come inside after a walk, it's important to troubleshoot what may be going on. What may look like stubborn behavior may turn out to be a sign of discomfort, fear, or a negative association with the indoors or immediate entryway.
If your dog barks at everything, you may feel overwhelmed and concerned about the behavior. While having alerts when there are threats is appreciated, having a dog that barks at every leaf that moves may get quickly exhausting, making it challenging to enjoy peaceful moments.
Does your dog suddenly act energetic and run amok in the house like crazy? It's not uncommon for dogs to have sudden bursts of energy, zooming around the house like little tornadoes. Discover several potential causes of sudden bursts of energy in dogs.
If your dog is destructive at night, you may be wondering what you can do about it, considering the risks of your dog getting hurt and damage to your personal belongings. Discover several potential causes and solutions for nighttime destructive behaviors in dogs.
Wondering whether dogs have strokes makes sense, considering how common they are in humans. While dogs are not as prone to them as humans, several conditions may look like strokes but are not. Dr. Ivana shares several stroke-like conditions in dogs.
Is your dog always trying to lie on you and sleep on top of you no matter how hard you try to move away? If so, you are not alone. Countless dog owners have turned into their dog's favorite pillows. Here are 11 causes and solutions.
If your female dog is bleeding from her vaginal area, this may be normal if she's intact, but what about bleeding in a spayed dog? In that case, the bleeding is abnormal and will require a vet visit. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares common causes of bleeding.
You may have recently discovered that dogs have special anal glands right under their tail and are wondering what functions they carry out. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares why dogs have anal glands and some other interesting facts about them.
If your dog needs ACL surgery, you're likely looking at several different options. Your veterinary surgeon is the best person to make specific recommendations. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares various ACL surgery options and what they entail.
Whether dogs have gallbladders is something owners may wonder about. Discover whether your dog has a gallbladder and whether they are prone to common gallbladder issues like those observed in humans.
Moving can stress dogs out and lead to behavior changes, sometimes culminating in anxiety and aggression. Dogs are animals of habit, so changes in their routines can deeply impact them in negative ways. Discover how to make moves less stressful on dogs.
A younger dog attacking an older dog can be concerning, considering the risks for injuries and potential for redirected aggression. It is not unusual for a puppy to get along well with an older dog, but things can take a turn for the worse as the younger dog matures.
If your dog is suddenly anxious, you may wonder what's going on in their mind. Dogs sometimes act in unusual ways, and finding the underlying source of the anxiety isn't always easy. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares various causes of anxiety in dogs, including medical problems.
If your dog gets upset when you kiss and hug your spouse, there can be various explanations for this behavior. Let's dig deeper into the topic of why dogs hate when spouses kiss or hug.
Whether dogs have good memory is something many dog owners may wonder about. Will the dog remember the tasks he's been trained to perform after a long pause? How well do dogs retain learned behaviors? Let's take a look at the latest research.
If your dog is pooping in the crate, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent future mishaps and may be desperate for some solutions. Discover several strategies that can help prevent future accidents in the crate.
How long a dog can live with a bowel obstruction will vary based on several factors. Timely intervention is critical. If caught early, treatment may be successful. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares information about prognostic factors and how long a dog can live with a bowel obstruction.
If your dog is panting, you are likely worried, especially if it's not hot and he hasn't exercised. Not finding a cause can make us feel helpless. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes of panting in dogs and why it's important to see the vet.
If your neighbors are complaining about your dog's barking, you are likely feeling concerned and helpless. What can you do if the barking takes place exclusively when your dog is left alone? Let's troubleshoot some possible causes and potential solutions.
If your dog is shaking out of the blue, you are likely worried about them. Dogs shaking may result from several causes, both emotional and physical. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares 17 causes of shaking in dogs.
If your dog will pee and poop only on a walk, you may be frustrated by this behavior, especially when your dog has access to a nice and large yard or there are days when walks may be difficult. Discover several potential reasons for this behavior and how to encourage your dog to potty in the yard.
If your Yorkshire Terrier is biting, you are likely concerned about the behavior, especially when the biting breaks the skin. Discover several potential reasons Yorkies may bite and the importance of addressing the behavior before it becomes more established.
If your dog is throwing up water, you are likely concerned about them being sick and the potential for dehydration. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes for dogs vomiting water and when it's important to call the vet.
To potty train a dog to go outside fast, it's important to adhere to precise guidelines. Using the wrong approach or trying to cut corners may only backfire and slow down the process. Discover some basic guidelines on how to succeed.
If your puppy is whining, whimpering or crying when left alone, you may be looking for solutions. Discover why puppies whine when left alone and 12 ways you can reduce it.
A dog peeing in another dog's food bowl is certainly upsetting. Not only is there concern about the cleanliness of the dogs' feeding areas, but there may also be worry about any potential tension between the dogs. Discover several strategies to address this "pee-culiar behavior."
If you're wondering whether your dog has separation anxiety, the first step consists of defining what separation anxiety entails. While dogs may show different signs of separation anxiety, what really counts is whether your dog is truly manifesting signs of distress associated with your departure.
If your dog bullies your other dog upon coming home, you may be hoping for a solution. Even if there are no physical injuries, these repeated disputes can impact your other dog, triggering stress and fear. Discover several strategies for calmer greetings.
If your dog growls and jumps on people, you may be hoping for a quick solution. You may worry if your dog may hurt a person or even just cause a big scare. The behavior can feel embarrassing, especially when it happens suddenly and you don't have much control over it.
If your dog is protective of your husband, it's important to make safety your top priority. Protective dogs are often on edge, and they may misinterpret our actions—even if they're well-intentioned.
If you're wondering how to make a dog throw up, they likely ingested something that may be harmful. It's important to be cautious. Inducing vomiting when a dog eats something caustic can cause more trouble, and there are safe and non-safe methods.
If you're trying to move your puppies out of the bedroom, the process is often not without its challenges. Dogs are animals that love routines, and any disruptions can trigger stress. The situation may be further compounded by the presence of separation-related distress.
A dog that is acting aggressively at night is adhering to a pattern that requires some investigation. Several factors may be at play when it comes to nighttime aggression in dogs, and sometimes, there may be an underlying medical issue requiring treatment.
If you are wondering whether dogs can be bipolar, this is a valid inquiry. Dogs and human brains are similar in many ways so it makes sense to wonder whether some mental conditions may be shared between two species.
If your dog's stomach is making noises, you may be wondering what all the rumbling is all about. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares common causes of stomach noises in dogs and some possible solutions.
We are often told to yelp and move away to stop a puppy from biting, but what can we do if this method doesn't work? It can get frustrating when a method that is often talked about doesn't work. Discover some alternate strategies to reduce a puppy's biting.
If your dog acts up when you are on the phone, you may be desperately seeking some solutions. You need to answer those calls, but your dog goes nuts and starts barking or even biting, what to do in such a case? Discover several strategies.
If your dog blocks your other dog's path with his body, you may be wondering what's the purpose of this behavior. Dogs may body block other dogs for a variety of reasons. Unlocking the underlying motive is key to addressing the behavior correctly.
If your dog chews up wires, you know that you need to take steps to help ensure your dog's safety, but how can you keep your dog away from the wires? Discover several astute solutions and the importance of taking a "holistic" approach.
If your dogs are peeing in the house, you are likely feeling frustrated about the behavior and tired of cleaning up messes. Despite what you may have heard, dogs don't pee out spite, but more out of instincts. Discover several potential causes of dogs peeing in the house.
Orange diarrhea in dogs can be alarming. We are so used to seeing brown stools in dogs that a deviation in color may set all alarm bells off. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential factors that may lead to the manifestation of orange stools in dogs.
If your dog bites your husband as he's leaving the house, you may be wondering what's going on in your dog's mind. Discover several potential causes for this behavior and what to do to curb it.
If your dog is pooping in the house after just being outside, you are likely very frustrated about the behavior. Well, here is some dog news for you: your dog isn't pooping out of spite or just to get a reaction from you. Discover what may cause dogs to poop in the house after being walked.
If your dog's breath smells like fish, you're likely wondering what's causing such a peculiar smell. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares potential causes for a rotten smell of fish coming from your dog's mouth and why it's important to see the vet.
Grooming a scared dog is not easy considering how squirmy and uncooperative fearful dogs can be. If your dog fears grooming, it's important to take several steps to help the grooming process become more comfortable for them.
We often hear that punishment dog training is negative, but why exactly does this training have such a bad rap? Discover what studies have revealed about punishment-based dog training, and why you should consider safer behavior change methods.
To get something out of a dog's mouth without biting, do not try to pull the item out of the dog's mouth. That's the best way to get bitten, and it can have deleterious effects on your future interactions with your dog, potentially leading to more aggression.
If your dog keeps coughing and gagging as if choking, you are likely concerned. Could something be caught in his throat? Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes of gagging and coughing in dogs.
If your dog is waking up multiple times a night, you may be wondering what's going on. Discover several potential reasons dogs may get up many times a night and why you should report this to your veterinarian.
Yes, crate training an older dog, is not only possible, it is also recommended considering the fact that a dog may need to be crated during post-surgery recovery or in emergency scenarios. The process is similar to crate training a puppy, although it will require more time and patience.
A dog with itchy skin is one of the most frustrating ordeals to deal with, especially when you can't find the source of the problem. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares some causes of itchiness in dogs.
Is your dog growling at your cat when he's eating? If so, you may be dealing with food-related aggression in dogs, a form of resource guarding. Discover ways to keep your dog and cat safe and out of trouble.
Adrenaline in dogs can trigger a variety of physiological and behavioral changes. Adrenaline may be released when dogs are excited, stressed and when facing a threat. Discover how adrenaline rushes affect dogs and influence their behaviors.
If your dog is suddenly acting aggressively, you are likely concerned about the behavior and may be wondering what's going on. Sudden behavior changes in dogs may be caused by various factors, including health conditions and environmental triggers.
While there are several coat colors in Labs, it's important to know that the official breed standard only accepts three: yellow, black, and chocolate. Discover other coat colors in Labrador Retrievers, from the lightest to the darkest shades and everything in between.
If your dog attacks your other dog after grooming, you may be wondering what's going on. Does your dog not like your dog's haircut? Is it because he smells different? Can he no longer recognize him after being groomed? These are all valid concerns. Let's take a closer look at what may be happening.
Behavior changes in dogs after undergoing boarding and training are not unusual. Dogs, just like humans, may respond differently to changes in their environment and routines and various training approaches. Studies have shown that aggressive behavior in dogs is most frequently caused by stress.
If your dog is jumping and biting you on walks, you may feel concerned and overwhelmed. This behavior is not easy to address, considering that dogs who jump and bite often undergo high levels of arousal, which makes them difficult to control. Discover strategies to address this problematic behavior.
As social animals, many dogs have a hard time ignoring other dogs on walks. The presence of other dogs acts as a strong distraction that can put a dent in your dog's training. Discover several strategies to help your dog focus on you and ignore other dogs on walks.
The red Siberian Husky boasts warm and vibrant colors that give the impression of a sunset's embrace. Discover more about the red Siberian Husky and all you need to know about this dog breed, from its personality to health.
You may have heard a lot about the "French" Poodle, but did you know that this dog's name is not technically correct? And are they even French? Discover more facts about "French" Poodles and why you shouldn't call them this.
Does your dog bark and growl at your fiancé or spouse? Discover why your dog may be acting this way and what can be done about this behavior. For safety, it's important to work with a professional specializing in dog behavior.
Teaching a dog his name is a very important first step in establishing communication and a strong foundation of trust. Discover how dogs can easily learn their names courtesy of positive training methods.
Training your dog to enter his crate on command offers several advantages. The biggest perk is seeing your dog enter the crate with enthusiasm because being in the crate has been associated with so many positive things!
If your Bulldog nips when you try to clean his face wrinkles, you may feel helpless and may be wondering what to do to make your dog more collaborative. Discover several options to help your dog feel less stressed.
Yes, dogs can manifest behaviors that suggest jealousy of other dogs, and sometimes they may include aggression. Discover what studies reveal about dog jealousy and strategies to reduce jealousy in dogs.
You may have noticed how your dog avoids making eye contact with you and perhaps even with other people and other dogs—why is that? Discover several possible reasons why dogs avoid making eye contact and what you can do to develop a more trusting relationship.
A dog waking up in the middle of the night to poop can be a very frustrating ordeal. Discover several potential reasons why dogs wake up with a sudden urge to poop.
We are all familiar with the full body shake when water meets dog fur, leading to a spectacular water show, but what causes dogs to shake their bodies even when not wet? Let's discover some fascinating insights about dog "shake offs."
When a dog tucks its tail between its legs, there are different meanings depending on the situational context, the breed and the dog's overall condition. Let's discover several reasons dogs keep their tails tucked.
If your dog is persistently trying to hump other dogs, you may be desperately seeking a solution. A dog humping all dogs at the dog park is certainly not fun, and meeting the wrong dog can lead to a potential fight.
If your dog lays his head on your chest, you may be wondering what it means. As with many dog behaviors, there may be several reasons why your dog keeps on engaging in this behavior. Let's discover some possibilities.
In the realm of canine social structures, the traditional concept of alpha and beta may not accurately reflect the complex nature of canine interactions. Instead, it may be more insightful to think about the dogs’ individual personalities, their past experiences and having a strategic plan in place.
When thinking about the sounds dogs make, the first thought goes to barking, but there are so many more vocalizations! Let's discover the many different types of canine vocalizations and some technical terms.
Among the signs of vision loss in dogs, behavior changes are often one of the first to be noticed by dog owners. However, these signs are not always recognized since dogs are very good at adapting.
If your dog is suddenly sleeping under the bed, you may be wondering what caused this sudden change in behavior. Perhaps you are also a tad bit worried. Discover several potential medical and behavioral causes as to why your pup sleeps under the bed.
We often associate pain in dogs with classical signs such as yelping, whining, and favoring a leg, but there are many other behavioral signs that often go unrecognized. Here are 30 signs your dog may be in pain.
When a dog takes a long time to be potty trained, both behavioral and medical factors can play a role. Let's explore several potential factors that may cause delays in a puppy's potty training journey, and then let's look at some tips to set your pup up for success.
Even well-behaved dogs may occasionally exhibit aggressive behaviors, and one incident doesn’t define a dog’s entire character. While pinpointing the exact dynamics and triggers may remain somewhat elusive, we can explore some possibilities.
Many struggle with a variety of problematic behaviors when they open their heart and homes to a new rescue dog. If you're determined to roll up your sleeves and get over the initial hurdles, remember to take care of yourself and be patient. A step-by-step approach may feel less overwhelming.
Several breeds of dogs are trained for personal protection, but an individual dog's potential as a personal protector varies based on several factors, such as temperament, size and what tasks will be required. Let’s explore these categories and how a breed like the Mini Schnauzer might perform.
To stop a dog from chewing blankets, it helps to take a closer look at what may be triggering the behavior in the first place. Many dogs who chew fabrics are attracted to this type of texture. Tackling this behavior requires a multi-faceted approach.
A dog who fears going up and down steps can be problematic, especially when it’s a full-grown Mastiff—carrying the dog is out of the question! So, instead of using a forklift, let’s explore some options for our step-fearing, larger-than-life canine companions.
There may be a fine line between protectiveness and overprotectiveness. Left to their own devices, dogs may exhibit behaviors that veer toward the extreme end of the spectrum. Let’s delve deeper into the subject and explore strategies to moderate these tendencies.
There are several different ways to train a dog to shake hands. Picking one strategy over another may vary based on personal preferences, a dog’s temperament and how likely the dog is to use his paws. Let’s explore a variety of methods we can use to train a dog to shake.
When your dog bites someone for the first time, it can be extremely unsettling. Feelings of shock, anxiety, fear and uncertainty about this behavior are common. Let’s explore what may have gone wrong in this interaction and plan to prevent future incidents.
The recent interactions among your dogs sound concerning and there appear to be multiple dynamics going on. It’s essential to address these pressing issues promptly to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all your dogs.
Training your dog to hand target can come in handy in a variety of settings. From giving your puppy an alternate behavior to engage in rather than nipping to helping your dog form positive associations with guests, hand targets offer several advantages.
A puppy biting your clothes and hands while growling can feel like an overwhelming situation, especially when the puppy is totally focused and becomes difficult to redirect. Let's look at triggers and how to avoid them.
No, a spayed dog cannot get pregnant after being spayed because spaying surgically removes the dog's uterus and ovaries. However, the big question is: Was your dog really spayed in the first place?
Your female dog’s humping behavior is not unusual, as many dogs engage in humping behaviors targeted towards people's legs, other dogs, and even cats. But how can you curb this behavior? And when is humping not so normal? Let's dig deeper into these questions.
Interfemale aggression can be tricky to treat because it’s not responsive to hormonal manipulation. In other words, spaying a female dog will probably not fix the problem. When female dogs fight, it also tends to be more intense. Learn how you can manage this situation.
When dogs become reactive with one another during group walks, there are steps you can take to restore harmony and maintain a peaceful and enjoyable atmosphere.
Caring for dogs who are blind and deaf is a remarkable and compassionate endeavor—every small gesture of care and comfort matters for these special needs dogs. Despite the challenges, blind and deaf dogs demonstrate remarkable resilience and a strong desire for a fulfilling life.
If your dog is raiding the trash and chews everything when you’re gone, know you’re not alone. Countless dog owners face these daily challenges. Here is what you can do.
Many dogs will bark at other dogs passing by the house given the opportunity, and the barking can quickly turn into a solid habit that is difficult to extinguish. Certain dog breeds may be more prone to engage in this kind of behavior, and left untreated, the behavior can readily get out of hand.
Although formal studies on littermate syndrome in dogs are lacking, a substantial body of anecdotal evidence supports the potential for challenging behaviors to occur when raising littermate puppies.
Most people know that dogs are scared of fireworks, but something that isn’t discussed much is when fireworks have an everlasting effect. Let's explore ways we can help our dogs recover from this trauma.
Knowing how dogs see colors opens a gateway into their minds, unlocking the secrets of their behavior and giving us insight into their existence. Let's embark on a journey into the technicolor world of canines.
Collars that emit high pitches can be tempting to use when dealing with persistent barkers, but how effective are they? And most importantly, are there any dangers associated with their use? Let’s look at these tools and then delve deeper into ways to reduce a dog’s persistent barking.
Behavioral euthanasia is often considered by owners of aggressive dogs, but is it the only option? Discover what other options may be available and where to get help and support if you are concerned.
While puppies won’t stop biting overnight, there are several strategies that you can use to prevent yourself from being a human pincushion. Let's examine several forms of biting along with strategies to stop the behavior.
Several options can be considered before bringing the topic of behavioral euthanasia to the table. Let’s look at several possible dynamics of what may have caused these bites and why seeking help is important.
If your new dog is growling and barking at your other dog, she is using her “words” to manifest her emotions. Growling and snarling are a form of communication which can signify various emotions and intentions. Let’s take a closer look at what may be going on.
If your dog jumped after being spayed, you may feel worried. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares the risks of jumping in recently spayed dogs, several signs of trouble to keep an eye on and strategies to keep your dog calm.
There are many cases of dogs becoming aggressive after being spayed, and these require deep investigation. The safety of the people around the dog is paramount. Let’s take a look at some important considerations.
If your dog has hiccups and is gulping and licking the floor you may be wondering what is wrong. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes for this behavior.
Redirected aggression refers to the phenomenon where a dog or cat redirects its aggression from one target to another. Whether this is a case of redirected aggression or some other dynamic, consider that addressing this type of problem behavior can be challenging.
To better understand why dogs attack chickens in general, we need to take a look at several potential causes such as genetics, breed predispositions, lack of socialization, rehearsal history, level of obedience training and high energy levels.
The different consistency and color of your dog's poop can provide some important insights about your dog's health. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana Crnec provides info on the different types of dog poop and shares the canine version of the Bristol Stool Chart.
A dog’s sudden fear of noises can certainly be perplexing, especially when the affected dog has never exhibited any apparent discomfort or startle response before even in the presence of loud highway sounds. Let’s take a closer look at what may trigger an acute onset of noise sensitivities in dogs.
If your puppy is not peeing outside, you’re likely frustrated by the behavior, especially when your pup ends up peeing right the moment you head back inside. It’s important to understand the reasons for your puppy’s failure to eliminate outdoors.
To stop a dog from biting people it’s important to rule out medical disorders first and then implement management and a behavior intervention strategy. Let’s take a look at several important steps.
It’s not uncommon for puppies to undergo house training regressions, where they start having accidents as if they were young puppies again. If your puppy was reliably pooping on the pads inside, and now is no longer using them, this warrants a careful investigation.
Your dog’s whiskers aren’t just cute—they’re an extraordinary network of sensory superhighways responsible for relaying important information from the external world to your dog’s nervous system and brain. Let's explore how these remarkable extensions shape our dog’s behaviors.
A dog who is possessive of people can be very problematic, especially when that dog becomes possessive of multiple people. Let's evaluate the behavioral dynamics to help determine an appropriate behavior change plan.
When dogs are in heat, pregnant, or whelping, they may display aggressive behaviors toward other dogs—even dogs they normally get along with. With proper planning and management, it is possible to create a less stressful environment.
Whether a German Shepherd will attack small dogs will vary based on several factors. Let's take a look at several variables that may play a role in how a German Shepherd may react to small dogs.
The reasons dogs bark can vary widely. There are many different types of barking in dogs that are driven by a varied range of emotions and circumstances. Let’s take a look at several possible underlying reasons for your Chihuahua’s barking.
Are lurchers more aggressive and/or likely to bite or attack people or animals than other dogs? Are they more dangerous than other dogs?
Dogs nibble with their front teeth for a variety of reasons. Also known as cobbing, nibbling is a gentle mouthing behavior that is common in dogs. Discover more about nibbling in dogs and the function of this behavior.
The white Siberian Husky is one of the least common color variations in the breed. Here's what you should know about these beautiful Huskies before getting one.
Dogs may become aggressive toward men for several reasons. For a behavior modification plan to work, it’s important that all family members are on board. A collaborative effort significantly enhances the dog’s chances of positive transformation and growth.
Surrendering an aggressive dog should be a last resort only after all efforts to address the aggression have been exhausted and when the safety of both the dog and other pets or people involved is in peril.
A mother and daughter dog suddenly fighting after many years of cohabitation signals that something must have changed. Identifying what may have triggered the fights isn’t always easy, but it’s possible to gather some data by looking at the most common culprits for intra-household aggression.
With a scared puppy, the goal is to create a safe and welcoming indoor space and to provide lots of positive experiences. The acclimatization process may be slow, but here are several tips to help your puppy become comfortable in your home.
Dogs' excessive peeing while on walks often drives owners nuts because a walk ends up feeling like an interactive tour through the world of smells in your dog’s social universe. Let's explore the behavioral aspect of peeing in dogs and find out how to reduce this annoying habit.
If your 9-month-old puppy has started waking up in the night in the last couple of months, you may be wondering what may have caused such regression. From noises to a genuine need to go potty, there are several potential reasons for dogs to wake up in the night and cry.
Dogs pee in different places for different reasons. Your pup may never pee at home but feel the need to mark friends' houses. Here are several possible reasons why a dog may pee in other people’s homes and how to stop it.
Can an older cat and a puppy get along? Let's explore ways to socialize these pets to avoid conflict and encourage a positive relationship.
Concerns about leaving two dogs alone are valid. As dedicated pet parents, our dogs mean the world to us and we would never want anything bad to happen to them. It is possible to leave multiple dogs alone at home while keeping safety in mind by exploring several options.
Although face-licking in dogs may be mistaken for aggression, this behavior can arise from several other underlying issues. It's crucial to identify the cause in order to effectively address the behavior.
Your dog dying after spay surgery is something you may be worried about. Isn't it supposed to be a relatively safe procedure? Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares several potential causes of death in dogs after the surgery.
If your dog won't use the doggy door, you're likely frustrated and hoping to find a quick fix. Let's take a look at some possible reasons and solutions for reluctant dogs.
From preventing the rehearsal of undesirable behaviors to teaching response substitution, there are many ways to curb this type of aggression in dogs.
Discover whether switching to a raw diet can cause behavior changes in dogs and which breeds may be predisposed to problems.
From boredom to separation anxiety, there are many reasons a dog might destroy their bed when left home alone. Here's what to do about it.
There are many reasons a dog may cower even if they've been given no "reason" to do so from your perspective. Cowering in dogs is a dog's way to communicate their feelings of unease in certain situations. Here's what you can do about it.
Cane Corsos have ingrained protective tendencies and alertness. Early socialization, ongoing training, and behavior modification can all reduce aggression.
There are many reasons dogs are prone to biting children, from rough play to unpredictability. Here's what you can do to stop your dog from biting.
To stop a dog from barking at visitors, you will need to take a multi-pronged approach using management, training and some elements of behavior modification. Discover several tips to help you succeed.
Walking a dog with high prey drive is no walk in the park. You may worry about your dog pulling you at full force when you least expect it. Discover several strategies to improve the walking experience.
Many dogs struggle to warm up to strangers and may show conflicting body language when meeting unfamiliar people. There are many ways to help them feel more relaxed and secure when around new people.
It’s not unusual for dogs to develop a fear of ceiling fans, air conditioners, air vents, exhaust fans and furnaces. Here's what you can do about it.
According to a 2022 study, atopic dermatitis was found to cause anxiety, aggression and fear-based behaviors in dogs. What can you do about it?
Any breed of dog can be a PSD—even a Cairn Terrier—as long as their temperament and task ability matches their owner's needs.
The Miniature Schnauzer's disposition and natural instincts make this breed prone to barking. Here's what you can do about it.
Stress can cause dogs to act in uncharacteristic ways, including biting or aggression. Getting to the root of the behavior is key.
Working on interdog toy aggression is not an easy fix, but it can be done with the help of long-term management and behavior modification.
On top of providing adequate exercise and mental stimulation when you're home, here are 9 ways to keep your dog entertained when you're out of the house.
Jumping is a common complaint among dog owners, and it can be a hard habit to break if training is inconsistent. Here's how to train your dog not to jump.
Looking for ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated and happy? Enrichment games are great to be played when you are around so as to ensure your dog's needs for social interaction and mental stimulation are met. You don’t need to do all of them in a day of course!
Phantom pregnancies often lead to aggression and other behavioral changes in dogs. Here's what to watch out for and what to do about it.
With patience and dedication, you can train a senior dog to use an indoor potty. These tips from a professional dog trainer will show you how.
There are many reasons your dog might avoid pooping in the yard. Luckily, there are just as many ways to fix it!
It’s a common misconception that LGDs act out of instinct and require no training. On the contrary, training them to do their job requires a good level of commitment and time.
Behavior doesn’t just randomly happen in a vacuum. Identifying why your dog is nipping may help you solve the problem behavior.
In short, it depends. Discover when dogs do and don't enjoy belly rubs and what body language to watch for.