Surviving a toxic job can be tough. Here are some tips to help you get through it until you find another job (or quit).
Virtually everyone has gone through the often stressful process of finding a new apartment a time or two. What are some things you should ask before signing your new lease?
Looking for cool things to see around the world? Dive into this book featuring obscure and magnificent treasures from around the world. You will not be disappointed, though you may suddenly experience an insatiable desire to travel.
Thousands of job postings are posted online daily, but what makes a job posting good? What needs to be in a posting to attract the right candidates?
A young professional with an established career muses over what it was like working in high school.
You're traveling to Austin for a weekend. What should you know before you go?
A new year is approaching, prompting many job seekers to increase their time commitment to finding a new job or kickstart it. Regardless of your reason, what are some things you can do to stand out?
The 90s were a different time during the infamous 'Black Friday'. Alexis takes a look back on the earlier days of Black Friday and reflects on what it has become.
Searching for a job requires time and work. However, by planning ahead and working "smarter, not harder," your job search is going to be much easier. Here's how to motivate yourself to find the perfect job!
The SNES Classic was released with 21 titles pre-programmed inside it. Despite the SNES' impressive library, what games were missed in the line-up?
Are you deciding whether or not to attend a private university? Learn the pros and cons of private college before making the decision that's right for you.
College isn't just about taking classes and getting a degree. It's also about the experience and potential it provides to students. How can you be sure you're maximizing your time in college?
Taking classes in education—and even practicum experience—won't prepare you for everything you encounter in your first year of teaching.
Losing your job can mean a number of bad things, from financial insecurity to loss of insurance. Yet, in the midst of everything bad, are there benefits to being laid off?
It happens to virtually everyone and has likely happened to a friend, family member or colleague. So, what do you say?
Life throws us the unexpected sometimes. Sometimes you find yourself living an event or situation from the past, but as a different person.
At some point, virtually everyone loses their job for one reason or another. The initial setback is hard, but taking the right measures in the beginning can help in the long run!