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Joined 13 years ago from The Global Village

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    5 Major Challenges of Living With a Colostomy

    12 months ago

    As a colostomy patient, you will experience a few stoma problems that are best described as minor mishaps. What are they, when do they occur, and how can you overcome them or keep them to the barest minimum? Find out in this article.

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    Drainable Colostomy Bags: My Experience

    12 months ago

    Reusable colostomy bags are best for you if you discharge waste frequently. Because they are drainable, you'll not only save money, you will also worry less about disposing of filled pouches.

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    How I Coped With Wearing Colostomy Bags

    12 months ago

    How does one cope with wearing colostomy bags? If you asked me a week after my procedure, I’d tell you I wish I were dead! But then, a few weeks later, I became an expert at managing a stoma. It’s not so bad after all.

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    Post-Colostomy Surgery: My Emotional State

    12 months ago

    How do you cope with your emotions after colostomy surgery and how do you come to terms with living with a stoma? At first, it is hard to come to terms with having a shit bag stuck to your abdomen; what can be worse than that? Going through emotional stress is expected, but how do you deal with it?

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    How I Prevent Colostomy Bag Ballooning

    12 months ago

    If you are living with a colostomy, bags ballooning out (caused by gas build-up) is one of the most common problems. How can you avoid this? If it happens to you often, what are the possible ways to reduce its occurrence? Find out how I coped with my ostomy bags ballooning issues.

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    Colostomy Bag Problems: How I Avoid Leaks and Blowouts

    12 months ago

    A leaking colostomy bag can turn out to be an unpleasant situation and many ostomy patients will encounter this. How do you know when to expect this bag problem and what can you do to reduce its incidence to the barest minimum? This article is about my own personal experience.

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    Ostomy Patients: Swimming With an Colostomy Bag

    12 months ago

    New colostomy patients who enjoy swimming often worry about engaging in water activities. Is it a good idea to swim with a colostomy bag? Here's what you should know about bulging pouches, leakages, the smell, and prying eyes.

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    Ostomy Reversal Procedure: My Story

    12 months ago

    My colostomy reversal procedure was done one year after my colostomy surgery. But what do you need to know about and stoma reversals and how long should you wait before the stoma reconnect procedure? Find out what to expect, and more.

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    A Colostomy Patient's Story: How My Hysterectomy Went Wrong

    12 months ago

    This is a colostomy patient’s story. It is about how it all started, what led to it all, the emotional ups and downs in between, and how it all ended up in a stoma and having to wear a shit bag. It was sad times of a patient’s life.

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    7 Reasons for Colostomy Surgical Procedure

    12 months ago

    Read on to learn about the top reasons for colostomy surgery and what to expect after the procedure.

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    Long-Distance Travel for Ostomy Patients

    12 months ago

    Some colostomy patients wonder if they can travel with an ostomy without having unpleasant occurrences, but having an ostomy shouldn't stop you from travelling long distances. Find out how to travel without worry, how to prepare, and why you don't need to cancel a holiday because of your ostomy.

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    Taking Care of Your Stoma After an Ostomy

    12 months ago

    If you're an ostomate, caring for your stoma and ensuring that it is clean and germ-free is an important part of a stoma care routine. A clean stoma will guard against bacteria that may result in irritation, or worse, an infection. Learn how to keep your stoma hygienic and infection-free.

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    Disposable Colostomy Bags: My Experience

    12 months ago

    There are basically two types of colostomy bags: disposable types and re-useable ones. This article is about the disposable bags and the advantages and disadvantages of using them.

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    Colostomy Supplies: What I Use for My Stoma Care

    12 months ago

    For your stoma care, there are some important colostomy supplies you cannot do without—that is, besides colostomy bags. There are some other products you’ll require, without which proper management of your stoma will be virtually impossible. What are these supplies, and how important are they?

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    Colostomy Nutrition: My Food and Diet Tips

    12 months ago

    My diet as a colostomy patient wasn’t much different from my pre-ostomy days, and If you’ve just had an ostomy, you'll want to know what you can and can't eat & drink. Here you’ll find tips on my experience, the nutritional pattern I followed, my diet, and my general eating habits.

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    Managing a Colostomy After Colon Surgery: My Experience

    12 months ago

    After my colon surgery, when I first realised that I have to wear a stoma bag, my first thoughts were “Good grief! I’ll have a shit bag stuck to my stomach!”. It is, at best, the worst feeling on earth. In the first few moments, you may be horrified. I know, because I‘ve been there too.


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