There are many ways to pray. This article studies key aspects of the Carmelite method as developed over several centuries.
Modern scholars and theologians often view the creation of Genesis as allegorical or symbolic. On the contrary, Jesus viewed Genesis as historically valid. This article explores Jesus' affirmation of the account of creation according to the Book of Genesis.
The crucifix doesn't have any writing on it outside the inscription, INRI. Yet, the crucifix speaks in many ways. It is a teacher of every noble virtue. This article looks at ten chapters of this timeless 'book.'
Science praises the value of reading from an intellectual, physical, and psychological standpoint. Reading also has a major influence on a person's spiritual life. This article looks at five saints who were converted through reading.
To love God with the whole heart, soul, mind, and strength is worth more than a whole burnt offering. Are these faculties different from one another, or are they one power?
The Virgin Mary foretold the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart at Fátima, Portugal. What exactly does this mean? Will she defeat an enemy? When will it happen?
How long was Jesus in the tomb before He rose from the dead? This article considers the plausibility of forty hours as the precise number. In addition, it proposes that Jesus rose with the sun.
Calligraphy is a contemplative art requiring discipline and practice to gain proficiency. This article offers insights from my experience to help beginners succeed sooner.
Some saints died quietly without a witness. Other saints died in the presence of several witnesses who describe the marvels accompanying these deaths. This article highlights 10 notable deaths among the saints.
Mystics and prophets have long predicted a moment in time when God will illumine the conscience of every person on Earth. This event is known as the Warning.
The Holy Bible serves as a map to travel from earth to heaven. However, one needs light to read the map properly. This article offers some basic tips to illumine one's Bible study.
Virtues are qualities that empower a person to reach moral excellence. Because virtues are difficult to acquire, it is wise to find a good role model. Here are Jesus' virtues in alphabetical order.
Our response to temptation will cause either lovely flowers or noxious weeds to grow in the garden of our soul. This article tries to identify soul weeds and methods of pulling them out.
This article tries to answer common questions concerning the Virgin Mary.
To learn the art of prayer is to gain an eternal skill. Acquiring this ability involves constant practice. The Scriptures encourage us to pray always as do the saints. Yet, how is this possible? This article studies seven different methods of constant prayer.
The smile of a child, the fragrance of a flower, sunlight on a fresh spring morning—these are short-lived glimmers of heaven. The inward spirit longs for undying joy. God places this desire in the soul and seeks to fulfill it. Get answers to common questions about heaven.
It's unpleasant to consider the notion of eternal punishment. How can it be so? Get answers to common questions about the place we know as Hell.
Why did Jesus establish the Eucharist as a Sacrament? Is it in Scripture? What's a Eucharistic miracle? Get answers to these and other Eucharist-related questions.
Veils of mystery cover the place we know as Purgatory. Is it for real? Where is it in Scripture? How can I avoid going there? This article seeks to pull aside the veils .
Great women often inspire their husbands to greatness. They help them reach their peak in virtue. Can the same be said of the great St. Joseph? This article takes a closer look at his virtues as formed by Mary his wife.
Motivation is an essential ingredient for success, especially for the artist. While some people seem born enthusiastic, as though a fire burned in their souls, others feel continual apathy. This article offers sparks of motivation for the artist.
We have much to thank for the monastic scribes, craftsmen, and artists who created illuminated manuscripts. They helped preserve culture and inspired later generations of artists.
The human face is the ultimate challenge for many carvers. This article offers helpful insights on how to succeed at relief carving a face in wood.
St. Maximilian Kolbe's heroic life culminated in Auschwitz, as he gave his life to save another man from death.
Days before his execution, Rudolf Höss realized the full gravity of his sins. He turned to God with deep contrition and trust. Could God forgive him?
St. Teresa of Avila offers the best advice on prayer and awakens the desire to pray. This article considers some of her best counsel on prayer.
The Nazi’s centralized camp for clergy was Dachau, making it the so-called largest monastery in the world. This article recalls four stellar souls of these dark days.
Joseph Dutton decided to leave a comfortable life to live at the leper colony of Kalaupapa, Molokai. Did his nearly 45 years there make him a saint?
To some, Father Damien of Molokai was a dirty beast. To others, such as Robert Louis Stevenson, he was a beautiful saint. What is the verdict?
Hermann Cohen was a child prodigy who grew into a wild man. His life changed dramatically after he conducted music for a Benediction service.
America’s female saints are models of courage, wisdom, and charity in the face of great challenges. They improved American society in several ways.
Mental disorders affect many people, including those whom we'd least expect. This article considers four saints who struggled with mental illness.
Every person has a guardian angel. Only the rarest of souls have seen them. Padre Pio saw and spoke regularly with the guardian angels of his spiritual children.
Uncontrolled lust creates problems in society. These saints struggled with lust and have wise advice to stay in control.
"Star of the Sea" has long been a popular interpretation of the name Mary. How did this understanding develop, and what is the spiritual significance?
Did saints have visions of heaven? Several saints saw heaven and left descriptions of their experiences. This article peers into heaven through their experiences.
St. Hildegard’s legacy to culture, medicine, and spirituality has multiple benefits to our everyday lives. Her soul was like a flourishing garden.
Priests normally preach through sermons, but these four talented priests spoke through music. Their lives of prayer served as wellsprings of creativity.
St. Josephine Bakhita’s journey towards the light offers a wonderful example of good triumphing over bad experiences.
When most Germans remained silent in view of Nazi injustice, Bishop Clemens August von Galen risked his life to defend the wronged.
While sibling saints are relatively common, brother and sister saints are less so. These saints reveal the beauty of mutual support between siblings.
St. Philip Neri revived Rome during the Renaissance, earning him the title of “Apostle of Rome,” but his most endearing quality is his joy.
Is there a way to color your woodburning project without raising the grain of the wood? This article reveals the secret.
A mystic perceives spiritual realities that lay beyond the realm of ordinary human consciousness. Caryll Houselander is a modern mystic.
Unlike his wimpy appearance in art, the real St. Aloysius Gonzaga had formidable will power and manly virtue.
From raising a child to creating a cathedral, patience is essential if a masterpiece is to result. The muscles of patience grow strong through practice. Four saints exemplify this virtue very well.
Imagine a dog that never ate, drank, or aged and who would mysteriously appear at critical moments of danger. Was St. John Bosco’s dog Grigio an angel clothed in a furry disguise?
Some saints traveled to Heaven by way of an illumined path. Others, no less holy, journeyed in darkness. These saints teach us how to bear with doubts.
St. John of the Cross is the patron of Spanish poets. His most illuminative poetry emerged from the darkness of imprisonment, including "Dark Night of the Soul."
Sister Nazarena was an American Camaldolese nun, who lived like an Egyptian hermit in a Roman convent for forty-five years.
Blessed Solanus Casey was an American Capuchin priest. His seven-star virtues cause him to shine in the firmament.
Sometimes the most stunning colors appear at sunset. Likewise, the last days of a saint are beautiful to behold. St. Edith Stein glowed in her final days.