Set in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse ''The Walking Dead, is the story of a few human survivors and their struggle to exist in a world populated by flesh eating zombies and other evil survivors.
This story could not happen here. It shows what can happen when an incompetent, ego-driven, uncaring, and callous government has complete control.
Last week, I published an overview of various Conspiracy theories. I really enjoyed researching for this Hub. In my research, one name continued to come up. The name was “Kennedy.” JFK’s assassination conspiracies are perhaps the most well known. A quick Google of “JFK Assassination Conspiracy...
Would The Babe still be the same player if he came up to the Major Leagues in the 21st century? I did some research and wrote this essay. I hope you enjoy it.
While I understand that cigarette smoking has caused untold heartache, pain and suffering to millions of people who have contracted smoking-related diseases, the libertarian part for me is uncomfortable with the banning of cigarette commercials.