Extinction is a Law of Life. All species become extinct. They follow the Population Curve.
EPR has been a thorn in the side of Quantum Mechanics since Einstein formulated the thought experiment in 1935. The Rope Model of Light and Gravity offers a rational physical interpretation to EPR.
The dinosaurs disappeared around 65 million years ago after ruling the planet for millions of years. The extinction of these formidable animals is a blueprint of what is about to happen to Man.
Quantum Mechanics provides no sizes or diameters for the particles of the Standard Model. The particle mathematicians accelerate 0D 'point' particles. This may explain why they can't draw an atom.
The global economy is about to collapse and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Neither Intelligence nor Technology can solve the problem because Intelligence and Technology are the causes.
A mass extinction is NOT the result of extraterrestrial agents, volcanism, nuclear war or disease. A mass extinction occurs when the ecological pyramid overturns.
General Relativity sweeps the troublesome Mach's Principle under the rug and has no explanation for the complex units of the gravitational constant G. On the other hand, the rope hypothesis justifies Mach's Principle and at least two factors of the gravitational constant.
Quantum Mechanics proposes that the Universe is entirely made of particles. If so, Quantum is fatally flawed. It cannot explain how one particle attracts another one.
Is light a wave? Does it consist of particles? Wave-packets? What if we assume, instead, that light has the configuration of a rope?
Whether God exists is not an issue to be resolved through belief or knowledge, but rather by defining the word exist.