Sanctuary cities should be stopped. California is on its way to become the nation’s first sanctuary state. The Trump administration is bringing law and order. Who shall win the day re: immigration?
The CIA has become a state within a state, not accountable to anyone. They have now become so powerful they are attempting to take down President Trump. Is this something we are comfortable with?
Trump has a real chance to change the trajectory of American foreign policy. Will he be able to resist the generals and neoconservatives telling him to increase America’s military presence even more?
The Deep State is determined to dethrone Donald Trump before his first term is even over. Will they be successful? Or does the Donald have enough ammo to fight back? This is a dangerous game...
This February, President Trump and his administration have declared war on the mainstream media that enjoys falling trust throughout the public. Is Trump on solid ground? Or will his tactic backfire?
Right to Try is gaining momentum in the US. It should become the law of the land, but we need to make sure more are aware of the federal government’s slow walking of this vital issue.
Not only will Trump have to deal with a nearly-nuclear armed Iran in the Middle East, he will also have to grapple with rising China looking for territory in the sea and a nuclear-armed North Korea.
Let’s stop shouting at each other. Let’s stop making stories up to support our own side of the aisle. The truth is all that matters. The truth will set you free. Pursue it!
Trump was dealt a big blow by the Ninth Circuit. Will he be able to overcome the resistance from an activist judicial branch? Or will he moderate his positions moving forward?
Trump is taking us down a dangerous path toward Iran if he keeps it up. Does he know what he’s doing? Will Iran lash out at us in the Persian Gulf somewhere? Things are getting scary with Iran.
The Left cannot continue down this divisive path. Trump is our president now. Deal with it. Learn to reach all of America, not just the cosmopolitan coasts.
The liberals in America are up in arms over Trump’s orders on immigration. We must keep things in perspective. The media must learn how to treat the Trump administration fairly, if they are to survive
The mainstream media has not learned its lesson in dealing with Trump over the past year. You can’t keep misrepresenting the real movement he has going. He’s the president now. Better get used to it.
How quickly the narratives can shift following an unforeseen occurrence. The media discussed an inevitable Clinton victory that never came while Trump worked hard to dominate the electoral college.
Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted to usher in an era of peace and prosperity. She has promised to start World War III with Russia while Donald Trump has promised a warming of relations with Putin.
A generation of Americans are growing up regularly at war. The conflicts the U.S. is drowning in currently have no end in sight. Will our endless wars ever end?
Hillary Clinton would continue the status quo. Donald Trump would upend everything. Do we need stability or do we need a redo? The presidential election is finally nearing its final act.
The elite get what they want unless the people unite and stand up to them. Do Trump and other nationalist-themed movements across the world signal the beginning of the end of globalization?
Donald Trump’s speech last Wednesday changed tones for the Republican nominee. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton struggles against a criminal investigation and accusations from Trump of how corrupt she is.
The killing of 49 in Orlando ignites an interesting, yet difficult debate on how to stop the next massacre from happening.
The federal government is growing at a rate that will crush the American people in the rapidly approaching future. Learn five ways.
Obama wraps up East Asia trip with historic visit to Hiroshima, looking to cement his legacy. What does America have to gain by the president going there and speaking to the nuclear weapons conundrum?
How our current president avoids being the center of attention and shrugs responsibility for the world's maladies with the help of an acquiescent media.
American involvement in Iraq has only intensified sectarian divides. Obama struggles to clarify post-invasion strategy. Would ISIS exist if the US invaded Iraq at all?
Either way, you’re gonna get something you don’t like.
Does it make any sense? Does it matter? Here, you will find all you need to know about Donald Trump’s foreign policy ideas and how he views America’s role in the world.