This article takes a look at some of the more dramatic interruptions in "The Canterbury Tales." These interruptions are at the end of the "Monk's Tale" & "Wife of Bath's" prologue.
"Everyday Use" is a short story written by Alice Walker and is a story about heritage and the deep south. This essay is my response to reading the short story and what it meant to me.
A look at 3 different poems, where the the poets have interesting takes on death. I will look at two poems by Anne Sexton and one interesting one by Marie Howe describing death as a sexual creature.
A look at two poems one by Matthew Arnold and the other by Anthony Hecht, and how they relate. One poem focuses on a more romantic tone while the other appears to be mocking.
This is an analysis of John Greenleaf Whittier's poem "Ichabod!" and what it brought to light during its time.
A review of 3 poems by Stephen Dobyns; Fragments, Cemetery Nights, and How To Like It. He is an interesting poet whose work I discovered during one of my classes in college.
A look at creation stories of some Native American tribes in comparison with the traditional biblical creation story, and the controversy that comes with these stories.
In her poetry book "Transformations," Anne Sexton retells and mocks the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. See an analysis of four of these poems.
An in depth essay on Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 and how it breaks the rules of a sonnet in the sense that it looks at a woman's flaws and finds beauty in her imperfections.
A compiled list of songs I feel do their best at bringing light to a tragedy.
An essay about how being too absorbed by one's physical appearance can cause one to be tricked by the beauty they see instead of seeing the person for who they are.
An analysis of Henrik Ibsen's play "A Doll's House" and its three viewpoints of marriage: fantasy, security, and a model of a true marriage.
A look at Poe's idea that the death of a beautiful woman is one of intoxicating values. I take a look at a couple of his poems and compare them to a poem Jo writes for Beth in Little Women.
An in depth look at a passage from Shakespeare's Othello. Specifically Act 2.3.310-336.
A look at the poetry of the rapper Tupac Shakur and analyzing a few of his poems and how I interpret there meanings.