Have you had a negative pregnancy test but still think you might be pregnant? Check out these reasons for a negative test, particularly after your period is due.
To maximize your chances of having a baby, you need to know when it's the best time to get pregnant during your cycle. This article will cover factors like cycle length, sperm levels, and more.
What are the options for women who want to get pregnant at 50 or older? And what are the odds of having a healthy baby? Here's what you need to know before trying.
Of course if you have unprotected sex then there is a chance that you could get pregnant. But it may help to know the times when pregnancy is least likely to occur, so that is what we are looking at.
If you are wondering why you can't get pregnant, then there are a number of things that you can do to make sure that your chances of conceiving are maximized. Check out some tips here.
A chemical pregnancy is effectively a very early miscarriage. It can affect people in different ways, and some may not even notice that it has happened.
In order to get pregnant you need to ovulate, but how can you know if you ovulated? This article will discuss a couple of ways to tell if ovulation has already occurred.
Can you get pregnant at 44? I succeeded in having a child late in life myself after lots of investigation and research.
Getting pregnant after a miscarriage can be very frustrating as you wait for your body to return to normal. For some people, ovulation happens straight away, but for others, it takes a little longer.
Telling people when you are pregnant is a very personal decision and you may want to tell people at different times. Society seems to dictate to us when is right but there are reasons not to take notice of what is deemed as normal.
If you have been diagnosed with a blighted ovum then you may be wondering what it all means and why it has happened.
If you are not having any pregnancy symptoms don't panic, this is not a sign of miscarriage. Many people have symptom free pregnancies or the symptoms just turn up later.
After 10 months of trying I am pregnant with my first child at the age of 44.
If you think you may be pregnant, but you are not sure if it is too early to test, then check out this information. It should help you decide if it is too early to take a pregnancy test or not.
There are a number of supplements that you can take to help to improve the quality of your eggs. Some research has been carried out that shows some of these supplements can be beneficial so if you are struggling to conceive and are over 35 then one or more of these may be worth a try.
If you are trying to get pregnant and want to know when you might ovulate then there are a number of ways that you can tell from your body when ovulation will occur. If you can get your timing right then you should have a better chance of conceiving.
There are many issues that affect the chances of getting pregnant but one thing you can do is to test your levels of fertility yourself if you are concerned about your chances of conceiving.
During the two-week wait before you can accurately test for pregnancy, it is difficult not to obsess over pregnancy symptoms—but which ones are real and which ones should we ignore?
How can I get pregnant? There are a number of things that you can do to help your chances when you are trying to conceive. Some reasons you are not conceiving may be medical but if you are just trying and need a little help then maybe try some of these tips on helping you conceive.
How much folic acid should we take and how much is too much? How much will we get from food as well as from a supplement and what is the maximum recommendation?
Did you know that there are certain things men should and shouldn't do when trying for a baby? Here, I discuss the information I've found out about improving sperm quality.
In my attempts to get pregnant at 43 I checked out the stats of my facebook friends to see what the chances might be.
Are you looking to get pregnant in your late 40s? Are you confused about whether you are entering menopause or having pregnancy symptoms? Getting pregnant in your late 40s can be tricky but still possible.
Are you in your 40s and trying to get pregnant? I share my thoughts after lots of research into later motherhood and having my own baby at age 46.