Daisies come in more varieties and colors than the typical white and yellow flowers. Here are the most common types of daisies grown as flowers (with pictures).
Color is a wonderful tool that can help many of us artists in our work. Psychedelic and bright colors are eye catching and fun, why is it that some artists use only pencils, or a black pen to ink and don't experiment in colors? When I was little...
Do you have a gerbil that seems depressed? Depression is not only common among people these days, it can also apply to animals/pets, including gerbils.
A gerbil's teeth and claws are always growing and getting longer. A lot of people will just let them grow and won't stop to think about how this is affecting their pets. Explore three strategies for maintaining your gerbil's teeth and claws.
Most pet gerbils eat store-bought pellets or feed mixes. They can also enjoy the occasional fruit, nut, seed, or veggie as a treat. This guide outlines some common foods that are appropriate for gerbils, like cucumbers and pumpkin seeds.