Many characteristics of positive affirmation and manifesting are not in line the biblical teaching.
An exploration of why Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites.
Sharing the gospel may not be what Christians think.
A look at reasons why people who profess to be Christians do not go to church and why people should reconsider.
It is possible to live in unity with others.
We can handle and motivate lazy people in a Christian way that follows Christian principles.
Tips on how to overcome barriers to taking risks
There are biblical ways to deal with angry people
There are some practical, biblical ways to overcome fear.
The reasons why I still go to church, despite being hurt by churches in the past.
How certain behaviors damage non-believers’ ideas about Christianity and what to do instead.
Here are some common reasons people tell falsehoods and how God feels about them.
There are several ways that we can evaluate feedback on our volunteer service.
Sometimes, life feels like a boring routine. So how can we get out of being in a rut?
The differences between serving God and pursuing wealth and reasons why Christians should be serving God first.
Christians are required to forgive but not necessarily to forget. Read on to learn more about what the Bible says about this age-old saying.
Here are some reasons why Christians should do random acts of kindness.
Here is a look at the areas where we need to discipline ourselves and what the bible says about self-control.
Why minimizing traumatic events can be harmful.
A comparison of God’s values vs. the world’s values.
How seniors can stay in their homes by gradually remodeling their houses, adding accommodations, and monitoring technology if needed.
Many people say that Christians are hypocritical, but is this assertion true? Let us examine what Jesus said on the subject. The answers maybe surprising.
Here is why we should think differently about how the world views celebrities and other well-known people.
Tips for parents on how they can handle their own fears and stress, and answer their children's questions about war and terrorism without upsetting them.
Here is a new way to look at the ten commandments and an explanation of why these laws are as meaningful today as they were when they were first given to humanity.
Here are the seven things that people do that top God’s list of hates and how Christians can avoid these behaviors
The damaging effects of people who ignore or invalidate our emotional pain, dreams, accomplishments, and strategies to deal with them.
Why Christians should have a good name and be careful about things they say and do that may impact someone’s reputation.
What we can—and cannot—do when people refuse to reconcile with us.
Biblical principles to help Christians deal with fighting and conflict
How Christians can help others without trying to fix them
Why encouraging others is an essential part of Christian Living
How positivity can become toxic and harm Christians and other people.
Tips on understanding the differences between constructive and destructive criticism and benefiting from the good
How Christians can recognize and overcome feelings of jealousy and envy
Why giving unasked-for advice is a bad idea and could be harmful.
Tips to help us understand why people make insensitive comments about mental illness and how to respond to them.
How Christians can recognize their talents and avoid wasting time pursuing the wrong goals
How pride can be destructive to Christians.
How adult Christians can face their dysfunctional past and overcome its negative effects
Why Christians should strive for excellence instead of perfection
Biblical principles from the story of Joseph that help us cope when the world turns upside down
How Christians can discern the difference between godly and harmful shame.
Biblical steps to overcoming hopeless situations with hope.
Recent research on how working from home negatively affects remote workers physically and mentally and how these effects can be overcome.
Various biblical methods Christians can use to respond to trolls online
Strategies for recognizing and dealing with toxic family members
How unforgiveness can have negative effects on us mentally and physically
Tips on how to navigate challenging relationships with people who deny they were abusive in the past.
How Christians can know that they have healed from childhood hurts and trauma, and have hope for a better future
Reasons why Christians should not ghost people.
Here is a guide to domestic violence which includes reasons victims stay, the challenges victims face after leaving an abuser, and how Christians can help them.
The signs that I experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in childhood are revealing, and, at times, surprising.
Tips on how to handle the entitled people in our lives who drive us crazy
Steps to loving yourself in a healthy, Christian way.
Why a vigilante approach to handicapped parking violations does not work and may unintentionally hurt people with disabilities.
The reasons why Christians should realize they are being oversensitive and Take steps to overcome these negative feelings.
Some of the most common ways that people attempt to “help” do not really help and may even be harmful to disabled people.
Tips for Christian adults about dealing with toxic parents and, in some cases, having a healthy relationship with parents who are were toxic in the past.
How Chistians can recognize the harmful effects of destructive criticism, deal with an offender, and begin to heal.
The reasons why Christian writers and preachers should not associate a spiritual state of being with schizophrenia, a serious mental illness.
How parents can explain to their children how they are affected by post traumatic stress disorder.
Even if you have justifiable reasons to feel sorry for yourself, there are some very good reasons to avoid indulging in self-pity.
How people with disabilities want to be depicted in the media.
Tips for Christians who are experiencing injustice
Why many people with chronic illness and disabilities do not want to be told that they are “inspiring,” or that their lives are an “inspiration.”
How being too overprotective with children impacts them and their parents.
Here's how we can honor our parents, even though they abused, neglected, or rejected us.
When children see people with disabilities, they may ask all kinds of questions. Here are some tips on how to handle those questions.
Kids can have difficulty coping with traumatic events such as mass shootings and natural disasters. Here are signs to look out for as well as conversation guidelines for talking with them.
An explanation of the tenth commandment – do not covet.
An explanation of turning the other cheek, a much misunderstood Christian concept.
Listening effectively helps us on both our business and personal lives.
Why the quality of mercy is necessary for Christians.
The unexpected death of a colleague in the workplace can present a number of challenges. HR and management can implement a number of measures that acknowledge the emotional state of their workers and provides support during this difficult time.
How sign language interpretation and performance can inspire others.
Is using bad language, swearing, profanity, and using God's name as an expletive wrong?
This article takes a look at the latest research on the effects of childhood bullying that can last into adulthood, as well as my own story as a bullying survivor.
This article explains how parental neglect in childhood has negative effects that last into adulthood and offers tips on overcoming the harm that was done.
Read on for a look at the benefits making amends has for Christians and the times when amends is not possible.
Why people pursue goals that do no match their abilities.
How we can overcome the barriers to reconciliation, and practice it in a Christian way when possible.
Here are some steps for Christians to reconcile with people who harmed us.
Applying the parable of the lost sheep to Christians in modern times
Some of the characteristics and skills needed to become an effective sign language interpreter may surprise you.
How Christians can survive long trials.
Are we Christians supposed to walk around like human smiley faces and never be angry?
Some tips on how to attract and engage readers with your online content.
A look at some misconceptions and Biblical principles related to verbal and emotional abuse.
What the Christian faith teaches about trusting other people.
Referring to “people first” and then their disability is supposed to focus attention on the person and not their condition. If that is true, why aren’t more people and the media using it?
Here are some of the main issues that irritate and challenge people with mobility issues who use wheelchairs.
Sometimes, Christian adults carry emotional baggage from being bullied as children. Here’s how the harm bullies have done can be overcome.
Here are some things to keep in mind when communicating with an person who has autism spectrum disorder.
Deaf people who are fluent in sign language and English can help hearing interpreters understand the gestures and made up signs of deaf people who have limited or no sign language skills.
This article takes a look at the growing demand for political correctness in the terminology used for people with disabilities—the good and the bad.
Learn what the Bible says about narcissists and find out how Christians can deal with them. Hint: it involves prayer.
Christians can overcome obstacles to their dreams and pursue their goals and aspirations.
Self-righteous Christians seem perfect on the outside, but can be a pain in the neck and downright dangerous to our mental health.
There are telltale signs that a church may be abusing its members.
Is there hope for loved ones who are not saved before they die?
Many people are fascinated by sign language but don't understand much about it. Here are some common myths and misconceptions about sign language..
In spite of more exposure to deaf people in the media, certain myths prevail about this unique and diverse community.
Problems arise when hearing children are asked by police, educational or medical professionals to act as sign language interpreters.
Some tips about how we can handle and learn from social media bashing.
Here are some practical tips on working with sign language interpreters.
Should deaf children learn sign language? An examination of conflicting opinions on this controversial subject.
Many deaf and hard of hearing people object to being labeled as “hearing impaired” or having a “hearing impairment.” Surprised? Check out the reasons why.
Some people with profound hearing loss identify themselves as a part of a deaf community with a unique language and culture.