Prince Archbishop Colloredo of Salzburg expected servility and respect from all his servants. But one of them was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and he was not prepared to give him that. The result was explosive.
Not everbody got to rest in peace when they died. Some got "unrest in pieces" instead. Read here about some famous bodies, and body parts, and their "post mortem" adventures.
When we are dying, we sometimes review our lives. With Queen Victoria, it was a life full of incident. Read this truly personal account of the life of an amazing queen.
King Christian X of Denmark inspired his people to resist the nazis during the second world war. Read about this great king, and how he really enraged Adolf Hitler.
When Joseph Stalin was dying, everybody was too terrified to enter his room to see if he was alright. But the dying dictator was not alone. I pray never to have company, like he had, that night.
The assassination of President Kennedy has provoked controversy ever since November 1963. For the first time all the false rumours are cut away in this brilliant, and gripping, account of what really happened the day that "Kennedy got shot".
Joanna The Mad was one of the most tragic royal figures in history. Read her sad story here. Discover how she was cruely betrayed by her father, her husband, and her son.
The most shocking thing about the Illuminati is the identity of their leader, whose name is publicly proclaimed here, for the first time ever, and it is not who most people suspect.
Statesmen should be always careful about the words they utter. To say, or write, the wrong thing can destroy empires, and ruin worlds. Learn about two such instances here.
Communism was one of the defining movements of the twentieth century. But its true origins did not lie where most people believe. Read this almost farcically funny account of how communism really originated.