Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get a reading from a professional psychic or medium? I have, and I was lucky enough to find out.
The animal you fear most, your Shadow Animal, has deep lessons to teach you. But don't rush into learning them. You'll know when the time is right.
Cranes are ancient symbols of longevity, balance, wisdom, and good fortune. The crane also speaks to the uses of secrecy, devotion, and protection. This article will break down some of the symbolism and potential meanings related to this mystical bird.
Are fairies and gray aliens the same creature? Thoughts on why it is time to retire the ET hypothesis and look at earthly explanations for ufo and alien abduction phenomena.
This hub is a personal account of the role of strange experiences such as ghosts, spirits, haunting, UFOS, and more in my own life, and is in answer to a question posed by Hub Pages veteran Tenerife Islander.