Find out why it is unlikely that an alien race is traveling across the galaxy just to visit Earth. UFO sightings debunked.
Discover 5 of the most terrifying predators of the Ice Age that lived in North America during the Pleistocene Epoch, the time of the megafauna.
Alleged Short-faced Bear sightings have led some to believe this massive, prehistoric bear is still alive. Is Arctodus Simus really extinct?
Could aliens invade the Earth and try to bring about the end of mankind? If they do, how can we defend ourselves? Here are a few ways we may be able to fight back.
Learn more about Mokele Mbembe and the theory that a prehistoric sauropod dinosaur may have survived extinction in the Congo.
Discover why some think a Megalodon shark is the super predator that ate a 9-foot great white shark off the coast of Australia.
Find out why Bigfoot is not real and doesn't exist no matter what you saw on TV. The Sasquatch myth debunked.
Learn whether it's possible the Megalodon Shark could live in the Mariana Trench and how it may have survived extinction.
The lamprey is a frightening eel-like parasite, but could they really attack humans? Here's a look at this monster of nightmares.
Discover why some say there's evidence that ancient aliens helped to build the pyramids of Egypt. Are the pyramids of Giza more than they seem?
How do you become a cryptozoologist, and what is cryptozoology anyway? Find out what cryptozoologists do, what they study and how you can become a cryptozoologist yourself.
Biologists were shocked when a strange prehistoric animal was found alive in 1938. The Coelacanth was presumed extinct for 65 million years.
What are UFOs, why are aliens here and where do they come from? Are we really sure we want to make contact with an alien race?
Examine some of the best evidence of Bigfoot available and decide for yourself if it is proof Sasquatch is real.
Discover how Yowie sightings in Australia have Bigfoot experts wondering how Sasquatch found his way to the land down under.
Is your house haunted? Learn the signs to watch out for, and get other explanations for what seems like ghosts in your home. If you believe there could be a spirit in your house here are a few things to think about.
Who would win, the Leviathan, the massive predatory whale, or the Megalodon shark? Here's what might've happened when these prehistoric sea monsters clashed.
Find out why the fake Megalodon search aired by the Discovery Channel for Shark Week 2013 ticked off a lot of people. Also learn why the hoax matters.
Here are some of the strangest and most terrifying examples of extinct prehistoric animals that once roamed our world. Could they still be alive today?
The chilling story of how sightings of the mysterious Mothman preceded the tragic collapse of Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge in 1967.
UFO researchers around the world are capturing unidentified flying humanoids on camera. Are these sightings of a new kind of alien, or something else entirely?
Learn facts about the real Megalodon shark and get answers to frequently asked questions about the biggest shark that ever existed!
Learn how research by paranormal investigators may provide proof that ghosts really exist. Here’s a look at the available evidence.
Discover why some people think the moon is hollow and decide for yourself if there is more to our moon than we realize.
Read the shocking story of the Shag Harbour unidentified submerged object (USO) incident, where an underwater UFO was tracked by military forces.
Discover how legends of real demons here on Earth can be traced to sightings of strange paranormal creatures. Here are three cryptids that fit the demon stereotype.
Lake monsters are found across North America in both the US and Canada, not just over there in Scotland. Grab your net and go monster hunting!
Learn the terrifying story of the Jersey Devil. The tale dates back centuries, but sightings continue today. Is the legend true, or could there be another explanation?
If you want to become a real vampire you’d be wise to reconsider. The vampire life could be more than you bargained for, and it lasts forever. Despite what Hollywood would tell you, being a vampire is not that amazing.
Does Aquatic Ape Theory explain how mermaids really exist? Maybe, but real-life mermaids might not be quite what you were expecting.
Discover Bigfoot facts and theories and learn to silence the skeptics who are convinced Bigfoot does not exist.
Find out if it really possible there are dinosaurs still alive today in Africa. Sightings over the past 200 years have led some researchers to say YES! Is there any real proof, and how did the dinosaurs survive extinction?
Discover 12 of the most terrifying paranormal creatures of the mythical monsters of cryptozoology. Are they real or legend?
Gigantopithecus Blacki was a prehistoric giant ape that stood 10 feet tall. The Bigfoot-Giganto Hypothesis suggests it is still alive today as what we call Bigfoot.
Discover the most dangerous sharks in the world! Do they really deserve to be feared? Read this before you head off to the beach!
Tales of mythical sea creatures have existed since man first went to sea. Who would have guessed some of the monsters really exist?
Learn about a few of Pennsylvania's most famous Bigfoot sightings, read the accounts of witnesses, and discover why Bigfoot may be lurking in PA!
Does Bigfoot ever attack humans, and could this gentle giant of the forest be dangerous? The answer will surprise you!
Discover chilling theories that explain what ghosts really are. Learn the possible causes of haunting and other paranormal activity.
Is Nibiru, the legendary Planet X, a real threat bring to doomsday to our planet? Could it be closer than we feared?
Discover the many names for Bigfoot around the world, including strange ones you might not have heard of and a few Sasquatch relatives!
Can sightings of the Mapinguari in the Amazon region mean a giant ground sloth called Megatherium is still alive in the jungles of South America?
Learn about the history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium, home of the Creeper and one of the scariest, most haunted locations in the world.
Bob Lazar’s connection to Area 51 and a top-secret government conspiracy has intrigued UFO researchers for decades. But was Lazar telling the truth?
Is there proof to support the theory that the Earth is hollow? Find out how legendary explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd is linked to Hollow Earth Theory.
Nemesis Theory proposes that there is a second sun in our solar system, a death star that will one day cause mass extinction on Earth.
Discover the strange story of the Philadelphia Experiment,and the conspiracy to hide proof of time travel and teleportation.
Learn the truth about Megalodon sightings and the idea that the Megalodon shark is still alive today. Here’s a look at the evidence, stories, and facts.
Is the Snow Walker video the best evidence of Bigfoot ever recorded, or simply an elaborate hoax?