You are up for a big promotion at work. The problem is you don't want that promotion and need to find a way to turn it down. So in what cases is it acceptable to turn down a job promotion? How should you turn down a job promotion? This article covers all of that and more.
There is one anime out there that everyone needs to watch. The thing is, most people haven't heard of "Planetes." This article sheds some light on this relatively unknown, but wonderful, anime.
Like many people out there, I don't have a degree. Despite that, I was able to secure multiple promotions throughout my career, even into a position that normally requires a college degree. In this article, I provide advice and share my story.
This list ranks the top five "Star Trek" games for PC across a wide variety of genres.
This article provides a full listing of all of the Star Trek movies, from best to worst, by a true fan of Star Trek.
Want to know what a true Trekkie feels is the best and worst of all of the "Star Trek" TV shows? This article covers each of the "Star Trek" TV series from best to worst with spoilers included.
There are a bunch of massively multiplayer online games with player housing. But which ones are the best? This article covers the top five MMOs with player housing for the PC.
Looking for an MMORPG to play? Something to spend dozens if not hundreds of hours in? Here are the top 5 MMORPGs that you could spend hundreds of hours in.
Considering a house with an alleyway? You may want to think about what you are getting yourself into before you make an offer on that house. This article covers exactly what to expect when buying a house with an alleyway.
Do your cats use your furniture for their own personal needs and destroy them in the process? If so, a cat tower is the answer. Here's what you need to know to select one that fits you and your cat's needs.
When planning a vacation, there are a ton of things to take care of. One of those often neglected items is how to get your home ready beforehand. This article covers what you need to do to take care of your house while on vacation.
Supervising employees is hard enough as it is, but, supervising employees that are working from home can be much harder. This article provides a how to in managing employees working from home.
Virtual job interviews are becoming more commonplace. But just because you won't be at an interview in person doesn't mean the interview will be any easier; you need to prepare for a virtual job interview just as much as an in-person one.
Working from home isn't as easy as it sounds like. In fact, there are many ways it can be harder on an individual than working in the office. This article discusses how you can take care of yourself while working from home.
We all have daily frustrations with have to deal with. But just how do we deal with those frustrations? There is no one size fits all answer. This article covers the different ways you can cope with your daily frustrations.
There are a ton of guides on "Path of Exile", but none really cover how to start out in the game as a new player. This guide has been designed to introduce "Path of Exile" to new players.
What's better than conquering a planet? Conquering a universe! This article contains a listing of the top 5 space strategy games for the PC.
Looking to find a game where you fly a ship in space? If so, then this article covers the top 5 space games for the PC, some of which may surprise you.
Are you reading this on your cell phone? Then there is a chance you are addicted to your cell phone. But what is the addiction and how do you deal with it? This article covers that and more.
Is your morning routine always the same? Is it a slog just to get out of bed to get ready for the day? Then you need to change your morning routine, and it can be done in just 15 minutes.
There are times that busy work needs to be assigned to an employee. Perhaps things are slow, or, you just need to keep the employee occupied so you can work on other important matters. This article covers what busy work is and how it can benefit you, your employee, and your organization.
All employees, from the top down, are evaluated on their job performance. This article covers how to prepare for a performance review and what to do after you receive a bad performance review.
How do you explain a gap in employment history on a resume or doing a job interview? Do you even have to? Read this guide to find out.
College dropouts can achieve all of the success a college graduate can. This article covers 10 things all college dropouts want you to know, especially those who did complete college.
I have perfected this easy-bake, two-ingredient BBQ short rib recipe to share with anyone who enjoys a good plate of ribs but doesn't want to break their own ribs trying to make them.
Can Doberman Security products replace a traditional home alarm system? With the right devices, they can protect your home better than a traditional alarm system.
I have bad teeth, and I know I'm not alone. This article lists ten things people with bad teeth want you to know about them and their situation.
I had no idea what I was walking into when I first became a supervisor. I wasn't prepared at all to be a boss. I wrote this article in an effort to help those new bosses. This article contains a list of 10 things that all new supervisors need to know.
As a supervisor, it can be hard to motivate your employees. It can be even harder to show your appreciation for them. How do you do that? Give them money? Time off? Find out how in this article.
This article gives you tips and steps to follow for how to write effective policies and procedures for the workplace.
It's never fun to be on the receiving end of bad customer service. But when it happens, how do you respond to it? This article shares 10 tips on how to respond when you receive poor customer service.
Finding it hard to get on your boss's good side? Trying for a promotion that you just can't seem to get? This article covers ten ways you can impress your boss so you can get ahead in the workplace.
The MMORPG Wildstar offers a deep and rich gameplay system that requires lots of money to make the most out of it. This article covers the top five ways to earn money in the game of Wildstar.
What is Hong Tze? How can you start your collection of Hong Tze sculptures? This articles covers everything you need to know about Chinese Hong Tze.
Deciding to buy a car is a big decision. Deciding to go with a MINI is an even bigger decision. I've owned a MINI for years now, and I'll share with you the pros and cons of owning a MINI.
There are hidden things your boss doesn't want you to know about their job. It's not about their personal life or how much money they make - it's how they do their job as your boss. This article cover those ten secrets your boss doesn't want you to know about.
Right now, your personal information is on the internet. You may not have put that information on the net, but it's there. This article will cover how to delete yourself from the internet.
Having your car stolen or broken into can be a scary thing. It's like your personal space was invaded, and you never feel comfortable after that. Learn how to protect your car from being stolen.
All employees complain—the good ones and the bad ones. It's up to supervisors to determine how to address the complaint. This article will cover how to effectively handle employee complaints.
Get tips on handling road rage situations, such as a driver getting out of their car to confront you. Learn how to stay calm to reduce the chances of deadly outcomes.
Working in an office that has more female than male employees can be a unique experience. It's not a bad experience, but one worth preparing for. All genders should read this article to find out.
Earning gil in "Final Fantasy XIV" can be hard at first. There are a lot of ways to earn gil, but also quite a few ways to lose gil. Learn how to maintain a stable income in "FF XIV" with these five methods.
Talking on the phone with family, co-workers, and strangers can be a nerve-wracking experience. Learn how to stop being nervous on the phone when speaking to anyone.
More than likely, you have had to deal with a bad boss in the workplace. Or you could be dealing with one right now. Find out what options are available to you to deal with a bad boss.
No matter the job or profession, there is constant gossip in the workplace. It can cause hurt feelings, a sense of distrust, and even ruin lives. Learn how to stop gossip before it starts.
When you first accept a job, the thought of overtime doesn't cross your mind. But then you find out you'll be working a lot of overtime. Is overtime pay worth it? Read on to find out.
Job interviews can be a nerve-wracking process. It doesn't matter if it's the first interview or the tenth interview - you will be nervous. Learn how to overcome that nervousness to get the job.
Video game addictions are often overlooked. But don't ignore the signs—this addiction can have serious consequences. If you are concerned that someone has such an addiction, or that you have an addiction, you should read this article.
Creating an online identity will allow you to differentiate yourself from your real life self, allowing you to enjoy the things you want online. Learn how to do that and more in this article.
Using a public restroom can be a stressful experience. Even though it's something we do on a daily basis, some don't know how to handle it. Learn how to avoid feeling nervous in a public restroom.
It's easy to learn how to perform surgery. Learn by using the ultra-realistic Surgeon Simulator! Once you watch these instructional videos, you will be performing surgery in no time at all!
The digital distribution program Steam delivers games to people worldwide everyday. But twice a year there huge mega sales, with smaller sales throughout the year. Learn how to take advantage.
Office temperature, either too hot or too cold, can affect the productivity of employees in the office. Find out what employers and employees can do about the temperature to increase productivity.
Do you think your boss is watching everything you do? Does it make you paranoid? Do you want to do something about it? Find out if your boss is spying on you and what you can do about it.
Trading in "EVE Online" is a challenging and complicated profession. With the right skills and know how, a player can be a successful trader without even flying a ship! Learn how in this article.
When a customer receives poor service, they wish to file a complaint. However, complaints can be handled various ways, and some don't require writing a letter. Learn how to write a complaint letter.
Keeping your home cool, especially during the summer, can be difficult if you don't have an air conditioner. I own a house that doesn't have an air conditioner, and I have tips on keeping cool.
There are a lot of Action Role-Playing Games (ARPG) for the PC. Find out which ones, new and old, are the best ones out there for you to play.
It's easy to back projects on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, Kickstarter doesn't do a good enough job advising of the dangers of backing projects. Read this article so you ensure you don't get scammed.
The beach town of Morro Bay may not be the biggest around, but that is what is so appealing about this small town on California's coast. Learn what the town of Morro Bay offers to vacationers.
Many people on the internet try to create memes on a daily basis. Some catch on, and some don't. Learn what you need to know to make a meme that will catch on and spread throughout the internet.
Collecting decks of playing cards can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Learn the pros and cons of collecting playing cards and ways to display your collection.
Learn how to protect your home without using an expensive security system. There are some cheap, easy, and effective ways to deter your home from being robbed and your family harmed.
It can be hard to get promoted and end up supervising your former co-workers or, even worse, friends. Learn how to help both you and them during your transition from co-worker to supervisor.
Rare champions play a large role in "Mists of Pandaria." Learn how to fight these creatures, where they are located in "Pandaria," and the unique items each of the creatures drop.
With multiple game systems across various platforms, buying games can get expensive. But there are ways to get around paying a lot for video games. Learn how and where to buy cheap video games.
Working a customer service job can be harder than anything else out there, as customers are picky and difficult. Learn what you need to do to help your customers, business, and yourself.
You need to work well, not just with your coworkers but with your boss or employees as well. This article covers how to do that without brown-nosing or disappointing your boss.
At one point or another, you will find yourself in a job you do not like. This article provides tips on how you can survive a job you hate and turn it around to a job you like.
Picking the right tree timmer can be a difficult experience. It's expensive and can really affect what your home or business looks like. Learn how to hire the right tree trimmer for your trees.
Training someone else to do your job can be a hard thing to do. Each experience is unique since you are dealing with a unique person each and every time. Learn how to train someone properly.
A supervisor has to perform a balancing act when it comes to their duties. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but there are ways to organize supervisor duties so that they are manageable.
It's easy for anyone to hide behind a computer screen and hurl insults at other people, which can cause harm to others. Learn what you need to do to protect yourself and your family from such acts.
Do you have a toxic coworker? Do you want to find a way to deal with them without having to sink as low as they would? This article has you covered.
Each organization handles time off differently. In some cases you get paid vacation days, but in other cases you may not. So learn what you need to know before you ask for any time off.
Spare change is something that gets lost in the car, the cushions of the couch, etc. Learn how to properly hold on to your spare change so it doesn't become lost, and instead turns into extra money.
Cats are finicky pets, and it takes a lot to make them happy. This article provides a variety of ways to please your feline friend.
A fiscal year doesn't simply start on January 1st and end on December 31st. With business and government, the fiscal year is much more complicated. Learn why and how.
No matter how cheap gas gets, it always puts a dent in your wallet. This article shows you how to find the cheapest gas in your area.
Sometimes you just need a day off from work or school for some personal time or to handle something else going on in your life. In cases like this, you need to learn how to fake sick.
Almost everyone has experienced that itchy feeling after having a haircut, but it is preventable. This article covers how to avoid skin irritation after a haircut.
Buying a computer is like buying a car. There are so many makes, models, colors, etc. that you don't know what to buy. So there are things you must consider when buying an assembled or branded PC.
How you speak on the phone can be very important when communicating with prospective employers, as a phone call could be the first contact you have with them. This article discusses how best to present yourself on incoming and outgoing calls as a job-seeker.
Learn how to build your very own theme park in the computer game "RollerCoaster Tycoon." This article contains both text and video instructions on starting your theme park.
Shift work is something hundreds of thousands of people experience on a daily basis. Are you up to the task of working in a profession that requires shift work? Find out in this article.
Driving through a bad neighborhood can be a stressful experience. Learn to figure out if you are in a dangerous neighborhood, and how to safely drive through it.
The swing shift can be a rewarding, but difficult shift to work. However, for the right person, the afternoon shift can be the perfect fit. Learn if it's the right fit for you.
What is the graveyard shift? How can you handle working a graveyard shift? This article covers the advantages and hardships when working the graveyard or night shift.
A segue is a key part of a public speech. Without a smooth transition, you could find your audience losing interest in your speech. Here's what you need to know about making a proper segue.
This article covers everything you need to know about playing Hearts on your computer against the AI as well as other players online.
How many times have you walked up to a roulette table and wanted to place a bet, but you were unsure what bet you should place? This article covers all you need to know about roulette.
You don't necessarily have to use money when you are playing poker. There are many things you can use instead of money. Some can even be found in your own house. Ante up!
What is the definition of a career goal? How can you accomplish your career goals? This article will explain what a career goal is and how you can achieve your short-term and long-term career goals.
Difficult customers is something that almost any type of company and organization has to deal with. So how do you deal with them? Do you just take the abuse they give you? Read on to find out.
One of the most difficult questions faced during a job interview are questions about conflict, as there are multiple ways to respond. This article covers how to respond to any question about conflict.
Apple's mobile devices, especially the iPad, have encouraged the growth of mobile gaming. Role-playing games are not an exception to that, and many great games have been developed for the iPad.
How do you explain a previous job termination on your job application or during a job interview? Do you even have to? Read this guide to learn how you should explain a job termination on your job application or during a job interview.
Will you know what to do when society collapses and civil disorder reigns? Find out what supplies you will need and where you need to go if and when the apocalypse happens.
Review of the Parker Brothers board game Pay Day. This review covers the various versions made throughout the years to the Pay Day board game, one of the best selling board games of all time.
Googling for free stuff can be unreliable and may not really be free. This article contains personal experience on how to get free stuff on the internet, in alleyways, and more!
I had a huge fear of public speaking, but I overcame it—and so can you. Use these tips to set yourself up for success.
Loud people in the workplace can be distracting and annoying, especially if it's on a constant basis. This article will discuss how to handle that loud person to give you some peace of mind.
Have you ever wondered what color is a polar bear's fur? If you thought it was just plain white, then you might be surprised. Read on to learn some facts about polar bear fur.
There are common qualities all supervisors should have to be able to supervise their employees effectively. Without these qualities, there is no way the unit being supervised can run properly.
I talk about my own experiences of being bullied when I was a child. I hope sharing my story will help others see the signs of a bullied child and do something about it.
An introduction into the wonderful world of sword and knife collecting. Learn where to buy swords and knives, how to display them, and much more. Pictures provided from my own personal collection.
My top 10 tips on how to write on Hubpages. These won't be about how to make money, get rich quick, etc. These tips are on how to improve your writing experience on Hubpages as a whole.
You can change your entire life if you ask yourself this question, "Will this matter a year from now?". This article will teach you how to live life with this philosophy in mind.
As a supervisor handling a difficult employee can be one of the most stressful things on the job. This article instructs you on how you can manage those difficult employees effectively.
Supervising a supervisor can be even more difficult than supervising a line staff employee. This article covers all you need to know to effectively manage supervisors and managers.
This article covers the pros and cons of dice collecting, the art of displaying a dice collection, plus much more. Included are pictures of various dice collections on display.
Even though you are interviewing applicants for a job, they are also interviewing you and your organization. This article will help you perform the perfect interview so you get the applicant you want.
A glimpse of Estes Park, Colorado and the Rocky Mountain National Park through a series of pictures and descriptions of my own experiences. Take in what this wonderful vacation spot has to offer.
You can never prepare too much for a job interview. This article contains 10 tips on how to succeed at a job interview by someone who has conducted and been on multiple job interviews.
Conducting an employee performance evaluation can be a stressful experience. This guide covers how to prepare, write, and give an employee performance review effectively and easily.
This article covers what it takes to not only be a supervisor, but to be a leader. The author's own experiences are provided to give real world experience in being a good supervisor in the workplace.
Looking to reduce waste? Want to learn more about trash to motivate you? Then this article has you covered. I talk about how to reduce your waste and provide facts about trash.
This article contains the top 5 ways that anyone can use to make money online. These tips can help build your skills or even turn into a full time career.
Are you looking to earn a lot of gold in "World of Warcraft"? If so, then this article contains five tips on how to do that. (Updated for Warlords of Draenor!)
Are you new to saving money and need some suggestions to get you started? Then these 25 easy and quick tips for saving money is for you!