Sagada is a town in the Mountain Province in northern part of the Philippines. Here's what you should take time to see when visiting.
Baguio City, also called the City of Pines and the Summer Capital of the Philippines, is a mountainous urban city found in the island of Luzon. Famous for its cold temperatures, here are things you can do while visiting.
Science fiction inspired the minds of visionaries and idealists alike. From teleportation to cloning, technologies from science fiction have gripped the minds of those who yearn to have them in real life.
Balagtasan (/ba/-/lag/-/ta/-/san/) is an art of argumentative debate using verse-form poetry.
Witches, shamans, faith healers, and sorcerers were once common in the Philippines. Learn more about these figures and the occult practices that continue today.
What would you do if you were given a day to live a life with a loved one that has since passed away?
Gotrade is an online brokerage mobile application available in 150 countries that will make you able to invest in hundreds of US stocks for as low one dollar.
This is an almost deep dive on understanding one of ATLA's most pivotal episode, "The Puppetmaster," along with character analysis and lore theories.
"Si" by Bob Ong is not only a story about a man chronicling his life of love, but also a story about the different kinds of love we have in life.
From the advent of the first computers to its ever prevalent applications in different industries, the AI or Artificial Intelligence is (still) a highly efficient tool and often misunderstood form of technology that has been exponentially growing.
A poem.
What happens when crosswords and Sudoku puzzles are combined? We get Kakuro, a logic and mathematics puzzle.
Chris Colfer's "The Wishing Spell" is a great adventure-fantasy book intended for both children and adults, giving its readers glimpses of modern-day fairy tales.
From eerily creepy yet mystifying worldbuilding, rich and ominous histories and lore, to a very interesting magic system, The Owl House is a must-watch Disney animated series for those that desires a new universe of witches and demons.
Learn how to survive the four seasons in "Don't Starve: Pocket Edition".
A movie review for a romcom Filipino film.
"Avatar: The Last Airbender" is one of the few spectacular shows out there that anyone of any age can be a fan of. What makes this show so astounding?
This is a collection of on-the-spot flash fiction snippets of "supposed-to-be-novels" created as a challenge that I posted in my social media account.
When you live anywhere in Southeast Asia, eating balut during nighttime is as common as drinking your morning coffee. But some, or most, outside may find it unappetizing and seemingly disgusting that they would rather enjoy their freshly cooked and baked goods. What is it, anyway?
After ample time spent looking into different channels and days of watching their videos, these are some channels on YouTube I have found that will suit your taste and deserve your subscription.
The City of Biringan is a popular urban legend about a phantom city of the magical, mystical Engkantos, spirits and elementals that are deeply rooted in the country's ancient animistic and religious cultures, with legends and folklores and mythologies rooted in anitism.
The Bakunawa is a dragon in Philippine mythology that is often represented as a gigantic sea serpent. It is believed to be the cause of eclipses.
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. These are some free mobile downloadable applications for those looking for calming days and unisolated feelings.
This article discusses "The Last of Us Part II" and why it has received conflicting reviews from various critics, gamers, and communities.
This article ranks my top 6 Studio Ghibli movies, including "Princess Mononoke" (1997), "When Marnie Was There" (2014), and "Spirited Away" (2001).
This article talks about helpful tips, strategies, research, and stories coming from a native speaker for those learning the Filipino language, especially for beginners.
"Plague Inc." is a real-time strategy simulation video game, developed and published by UK-based independent games studio Ndemic Creations. The player creates and evolves a pathogen in an effort to annihilate the human population with a deadly plague.
Secure. Contain. Protect. The SCP Foundation is a worldwide organization that handles anomalies and things that simply go out of the natural order.
A poem.
"Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibisterismo" are two of Dr. Jose Rizal's many literary masterpieces that spoke about nationalism, patiotism, rights, justice, and freedom.
Looking for new types of content to consume? This article serves as a list for YouTube channels that you should definitely give a shot, watch, and subscribe.
Ever wonder where or how each state in the USA got its name? This article will briefly discuss state name roots and etymologies.
Game of the Generals is an original Filipino board game developed to test its players' strategical and tactical skills by using "modern-day" pieces as their pawns for "war."
A Prose.
Early humans in the Philippine archipelago were thought to have existed 67,000 years ago. Then, excavators made a discovery that changed the country's prehistoric data and ancient heritage.
Meet a South Korean director of the most critically acclaimed and praised movie "Parasite" of 2019, Bong Joon-ho, and reasons why you should start binging most of his, as well as other Korean, movies.
My very own recipe for cooking the Filipino Pork Adobo.
My own style, tips, process, and recipe for cooking Filipino Chicken Adobo.
A short horror story.
A fantasy story that got its inspiration from a map created by one of the pages I follow in my social media account.
A short love poem.
Are you looking for new and enjoyable mobile games to play? View this list offline mobile games and see if any of them suit you.
The Google Keyboard added Baybayin to their featured languages. I'm going to show you how to start to write and read Baybayin — one of the most prominent writing systems in the Philippines.
Having a hard time sleeping at night? Searching for inspiration to create your own horror story from scratch? Let me introduce you the online manifestation of the horror genre—creepypasta.
Monsters, ghouls, or even scared of the dark? You name it! Know how to write a quick, short horror story with these simple tips.
A letter.