Audits are of two types namely optional or private audits and statutory or compulsory audits. Basis for this classification is legal requirements with regard to conduction of audit.
Merits of Continuous Audit and Demerits of Continuous Audit. Audits can be classified into two groups namely; periodical audit and continuous audit.
The liabilities of auditor can be classified as liability under optional audits and liability under statutory audits.
The rights and duties of a company auditor are of statutory nature. The Companies Act of 1956 clearly explains the rights and duties of a company auditor.
Preliminary steps before commencing a Company Audit; Verification of Appointment, Verification of Memorandum, Verification of Articles, Verification of Prospectus, etc.
Zamindari System was introduced by Cornwallis in 1793 through Permanent Settlement Act. It was introduced in provinces of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi.
There was an unprecedent and continuous growth of rural indebtedness under the British rule in India. The growth of Agricultural labor during British Rule.
The History of India: Integration of Indian States. The origin of the process of the integration of Indian States could be traced back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries when the England East India Company began acquiring large tracts of land in India.
Indian handicrafts were famous all over the world. The fine silk fabrics were manufactured at Murshidabad, shawl making industry was localized in Kashmir, Bengal and Gujarat were famous for their cotton and Muslin-fabrics.
Commercialisation of Agriculture during British Rule in India; Revolutionary changes had occurred in the agrarian property relations towards the end of the 18th century. This was over a period of time, followed by a commercial revolution in the agricultural sector. Commercialization of agriculture...
Structure and Functions of Industrial Management. The Nature of Management, Management Structure, Managerial Behaviour and Decision making. The management is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control.
Social Interaction and Social Processes. Social interaction is mutual influences that individual and groups have on one another in their attempt to solve problems and their strining towards goals. Nature of Social Interaction.
Types of Climate. Major climatic types found on earth; Tropical Climate, Dry Climate, Polar Climate and The Highlands Climate.
The social rule that one must marry someone from outside one's own group is called exogamy. Exogamy is a rule that requires an individual to marry outside of a culturally defined group of which he or she is a member.
Movements of the Earth, revolution, and rotation. The earth has two motions, the rotation and the revolution. The earth revolves around the sun and also rotates on its own axis.
Archaeological anthropology attempts to reconstruct the cultural forms of the past and to trace their growth and development in time. In this, historians, cultural historians and archaeologists share the same objective.
Psychology is the science of human behavior. Even anthropology encompasses in its scope the understanding and analysis of human behavior. Both anthropology and psychology are closely related.
Oceans are sources of a number of useful resources. Food Resources of Oceans, Mineral Resources of Ocean, Energy Resources of Ocean. Oceans Resources, Ocean Minerals and Resources.