My name is Roberta Lee, and I am an ardent Do-It-Yourselfer, artist, gardener, cook and writer fascinated by all things vintage. I am currently in the process of restoring (not remodeling!) a wonderful 1953 stone and brick house near Philadelphia, PA. We bought the house in the fall and I dug up, divided, potted and moved 286 perennial plants from my previous home's gardens to the new house, and I can't wait until they all wake up in the spring.
I also brought along my tools when I moved, as well as a few odd items, including a mid-50s vintage bathroom sink I will be installing in this house--after removing the horrific 70s Formica and plastic sink now in that otherwise authentic bathroom. As is the case with all my Do-It-Yourself projects, it will be documented here on HubPages with photos, a step-by-step guide to how to do it, and some video footage of the work in progress. Expect that video to be much-edited, however, as if there's one thing I have learned about plumbing restoration it's that it will involve a great deal of colorful language!
When I'm not ripping out the truly horrific '80's wallpaper with which this house is infested, painting walls and restoring my fabulous vintage bathrooms, I work on my Suburban Sprawl series of novels, marketing my nonfiction books (The Language of Tarot and The Language of I Ching) and plein aire landscape paintings. Here on Hubpages expect lots of articles on my restoration projects, gardening, Canine-American studies and the quirky old movies of which I am very fond.
You can find out a lot more about me on my website,
I will also be participating in The Turtle Artisan's Tour, an artists' open house self-guided event May 5 & 6 in Cheltenham Township, PA.
Thanks for your interest and happy DIY to you!