dr c profile image63

dr c

Joined 15 years ago from San Francisco Bay Area

  • 25
  • 105
  • 3
  • Dealing with Narcissistic Personality Disorder II

    Dealing with Narcissistic Personality Disorder II

    10 years ago

    Part II in a series about Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This hub focuses on how to deal with people in your life - family, friends, bosses etc. who may show traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. By providing suggestions and examples of how to react, maintain perspective and counteract ...

  • How do you discipline children?

    How do you discipline children?

    7 years ago

    Well, the bad news is that this is at least as much about you as the parent as about the child. Your responses to and understanding of childhood misbehaviors will likely determine your response style, as will your own upbringing. Most of us have had...

  • How do you diagnose Asperger's syndrome?

    How do you diagnose Asperger's syndrome?

    13 years ago

    The initial question from which this hub developed was: " How do you diagnose Asperger's disorder in the absence of medical testing?" The short answer is: you do not need medical testing. Unfortunately science is not yet at the stage where we can...

  • How to say

    How to say "No" to our children - and why we should

    12 years ago

    Saying "no" to a child is one of the most common and often most uncomfortable daily discipline drama encountered by parents, teachers, pretty much anyone working with kids. And there are times for many of us when we feel that that's pretty much all...

  • What do we know about autism?

    What do we know about autism?

    7 years ago

    Autism falls in the diagnostic category of pervasive developmental disorders. The other disorders in this category include Rett's disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Aspergers and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified....

  • The way we live and ideas that change the world

    The way we live and ideas that change the world

    8 years ago

    I often like to indulge in a little armchair politics which, much like armchair surgery is considerably easier and more comfortable from an armchair than from the surgery or Oval Office. Part of the trouble with being president is you can never...

  • 12

    Helping the child with dyslexia

    8 years ago

    There are many very good websites with great interventions and ideas which can help make school a less stressful and more manageable experience for those with dyslexia. This hub helps clarify the nature of dyslexia, describes some of the theories about what causes dyslexia and provides suggestions...

  • Simple, not easy

    Simple, not easy

    14 years ago

    - With many thanks to my supervisor, who originally provided me with this statement. I'm going to share a couple of secrets with you, not so much secrets as tips and tricks really - shortcuts, ways to make your life easier. Sound good? There are a...

  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Children's Mental Health Week

    12 years ago

    May is Mental Health Awareness month, and it begins with Children's Mental Health week May 1st to May 9th. As any of my previous readers will know, this is a topic close to my heart. So, are mental health issues really a problem for children? Do...

  • Tips for dealing with difficult behavior in children

    Tips for dealing with difficult behavior in children

    8 years ago

    Have you begun to have fantasies about what it would be like to run away somewhere far, far away? Have you found yourself not liking your child much? Have you debated whether allowing your kid to run roughshod over you for the rest of their (or...

  • 20

    How to organize your study time better

    7 years ago

    Studying effectively is more than just putting in the time, especially in subjects with a high volume. It's about studying smarter, not harder. How you organize yourself and your time can both reduce the time you spend studying and improve the efficiency with which you study. This hub contains...

  • Helping Children Deal With Divorce

    Helping Children Deal With Divorce

    12 years ago

    The ending of a relationship is always sad, and if there are kids involved, things become exponentially more complex because it's really no longer about you as the parent. Not a fun place to be when your heart is broken and you really need help for...

  • Where Do Mental Health Professionals Go When THEY are experiencing stress and mental health issues?

    Where Do Mental Health Professionals Go When THEY are experiencing stress and mental health issues?

    11 years ago

    How mental health professionals deal with their own issues depends very much on their training and theoretical orientations. Initially psychoanalytic theory stated that countertransference or feelings towards the patient on the part of the analyst,...

  • Tips for homeschooling children with behavioral issues.

    Tips for homeschooling children with behavioral issues.

    8 years ago

    So, to review the above, there are several essentials: 1. Preparation up front will save you time. Just like with behavior management, proactive planning will make your life so much easier. Notice when you have the most difficulties - is it at a...

  • What is Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder

    What is Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder

    11 years ago

    Multiple personality disorder, which is know known as dissociative identity disorder is an extremely serious condition related to early experiences of extreme, repeated, often sadistic and/or ritualized abuse, most often by a parent or caretaker. ...

  • Attention Deficit Disorder in children

    Attention Deficit Disorder in children

    8 years ago

    Attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) describe the 2 subtypes of attention based disorders. A child can show characteristics of the more hyperactive type - not being able to sit still, interrupting,...

  • Children with Bipolar Disorder

    Children with Bipolar Disorder

    8 years ago

    Bipolar disorder, which used to be known as manic depressive disorder is a strongly genetically determined, chronic and often disabling condition. Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania or hypomania. During...

  • Developing a behavior management system for kids

    Developing a behavior management system for kids

    7 years ago

    The first rule is, take a deep breath, and another....most people turn to behavior management systems out of frustration when numerous attempts have failed and the behaviors have escalated. While behavior management techniques can be helpful in...

  • Dealing with school problems...

    Dealing with school problems...

    13 years ago

    So, your child is struggling at school, what is the first step? The first few steps may seem obvious, but they're important, so, stick with me. Ask your child what's up. This is important for 2 reasons, the first is that they may actually tell...

  • 247

    Dealing with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

    11 years ago

    What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder and how do you deal with it? Living with and loving family members, lovers and friends with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. - A guide to understanding the motives and behaviors of those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, ... and tips for saving...

  • Juvenile delinquency in girls

    Juvenile delinquency in girls

    11 years ago

    Research has already established a link between depression and delinquent behaviors in girls, but the latest studies question the directionality of the link. Do girls tend to act out because they're depressed or is acting out a precursor to later...

  • Are you being an overprotective parent?

    Are you being an overprotective parent?

    8 years ago

    This, of course is a difficult one without concrete examples of behaviors, but here are some thoughts in general... What do we know about kids? Certainly many things, but if we look more closely at the factors influencing...

  • How to get your kids to listen to you

    How to get your kids to listen to you

    11 years ago

    There are 4 words which challenge even the coolest, calmest parent, what are those 4 words?....”You Can't Make Me!” - and the power behind that statement? Well, it pretty much pushes just about every parent's buttons & is the ultimate in...

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    How to deal with children with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)?

    8 years ago

    Oppositional Defiant Disorder is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental disorders - Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) as a pattern of negativistic behavior which significantly impairs functioning in more than one area...

  • How to make the life you lead, the life you want

    How to make the life you lead, the life you want

    7 years ago

    Ever have one of those days when you wake up late after tossing and turning all night, can't find the clothes you really need to wear, discover that your last clean outfit has mysteriously shrunk in the wash, your socks don't match and the cat has...


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