When a substitute "takes charge" of 4th grade for a day, tedium is the rule until recess.
So, you want teachers back in the classrooms. Then maybe you should put them at the head of the line for vaccines.
The first in a series about my life as an educator past and present.
Mark is home on leave and drops by the bar his grandfather, a retired police captain owns and meets Sara, the new bartender. Before they can become better acquainted, the police scanner blares out the news of an officer down.
Marc thought he'd spend a solitary week camping at New River State Park until he met Veronica.
Mark learns the identity of the Malibu's driver, but not why the man is watching his neighbor. Or is it Mark the PI is keeping an eye on?
A young man is bow hunting in the icy swamp and has to track his wounded quarry over the thin ice.
Mark has lunch among statues and paintings of pirates, real and fictional, at the Pirates' Cave. On his way home, he spots a stalker he thinks is eyeing Cybil and her daughter.
Mark hadn't gone to the beach hoping to meet a woman, but when Cybil introduced herself, talking to her seemed like the courteous thing to do.
Mark hears from his older brother with whom he has a contentious relationship.
Mark begins his new routine with a run on the beach, breakfast, and then wonders what to do with the rest of his day.
It's Saturday morning. Mark retired from the Army the day before. The nightmare his last combat mission left him awakens him before sunrise. Not the way Mark hoped to begin the new chapter in his life.
Young drivers often get caught up in what's going on in the car, sometimes to their peril.
Michael's son Declan has graduated college and will soon be leaving to start his military career, but not before father and son share one last sail around the lake.
The farm I lived on when I first married had an old tobacco barn behind the house and there was one slat on the barn broken off at the lower corner that always drew my attention.