When the chips are down and your back is against the wall these wonderful bible verses about faith and trust in God will soothe your soul and remind you that God is still in control.
This article distinguishes itself from other of the same type by laying out 7 reasons documented in the Bible why friendship fails. You can do the wise thing by gleaning from my insights and altogether avoid friendship with persons who portray any of the traits highlighted here.
It's often those seemingly simple things in life that, if understood and pursued, can lead to some of the greatest blessings one can receive. Proverbs 17:17 is a short Proverbs about friendship, but, as you will see, can completely transform your relationships, if taken seriously.
We all need to be encouraged at some point in our lives, whether it's encouragement in hard times, healing, finance, faith, or whatever life throws at us, we all need it. Here are nine excellent KJV bible verses about encouragement with inspirational explanations of each.
The Holy Spirit is well known but little is known of his functions. This article highlight 8 bible verses on the Holy Spirit and explains each function He performs as highlighted in these powerful bible verses.
This has been a difficult year for most of us, but December comes with hope, peace, joy, and prosperity. Here are 10 bible verses to inspire you this Christmas.
God instituted friendship, it's His intention for His people to have fellowship and enjoy each other company. But how? Here are ten bible quotes about friendship and love that'll help you to build stronger relationships and avoid toxic ones.
Hard times are real, life is rough, and you are struggling to hold on to your faith. Don't give up, God loves you and He will do everything necessary to deliver you from all of your troubles. These uplifting Bible verses on faith in hard times will inspire you to hope in God again and keep going.
We often miss God when we're impatient and in a rush to get what we want. But suppose God wants you to wait on Him while you ride out your storm? These 11 Bible verses about patience and tolerance may be just what you need to remain hopeful while you wait on God in hard times.
Holding on to God is tough when life is hard. But God has a word for you: you will not die. The Lord will see you through, and these 10 bible verses about strength in hard times may be just what you need to jumpstart or strengthen faith.
Life is like a wild roller roster, some days we are up, and some days we are down. But sadly, for some, if not most of us, our days are filled with depression, defeat, frustration, and sorrow. But God is in control of your life, here are few powerful bible verses with joy to brighten your week.
Faith is a priceless virtue, it’s the difference between success and failure, defeat and deliverance. When life gets hard, your faith will bring victory. The devil will try his best to thwart you but allow these 19 bible verses on faith and trust to strengthen your heart.
Grief and sorrow are difficult to deal with; they represent those extremely hard times in our lives, but don't be dismayed, you can rest in God's promises of peace, grace, strength, and mercy. Here are 7 timely bible verses about comfort in hard times to boost your faith.
Worrying forms a normal part of our lives, but God has given us His words to overcome an uneasy mind. So here are 55 Bible verses about worry to help you stop worrying and start trusting God.
Understanding the nature of forgiveness might be the difference between letting go of unforgiveness, or keep holding on to it. With that in mind, here are nine Bible quotes about forgiveness that describe nine qualities of true forgiveness.
Life can be a roller coaster of severe trials and discouragement, but encouraging words are streams of life. With that in mind, here are five encouraging scripture verses to revive you in times of discouragement.
Life can get hard at times, but don't allow sorrow to steal your joy. You can still live a joyful life, the devil may try to stop you, but your joy and happiness come from the Lord. So here are fifteen uplifting Bible verses about joy and happiness to help you rejoice amidst life's storms.
Fear and anxiety are real, they have become a normal part of our lives, at times we can't help but worry. But how do you keep your mind from worry? Here are 11 Bible verses about overcoming fear and anxiety that will help you to keep a peaceful mind.
Friendships are worth dying for, but how do you decide which friendships to keep and which to let go of? Here are a few Bible quotes about friendship with the answers.
Love is a fruit of the spirit that we cannot do without. God is love, and to please Him, we need to love, not only Him but also others. So here are 35 beautiful Bible verses about love that will help you to grow even more in love.
You possess greater power than any demon, God has given you the power to command and cast out any evil spirit. You don't need a priest, you can perform an exorcism by yourself. Just follow this step-by-step guide and learn how to perform an exorcism.