Another edition of "I Write Quotes, Not Tragedies." And the last one for now, since my muse has been more focused on writing poems than quotes. Quotes will just have to wait for some better times.
Happy Halloween and may it be full of scary fun, magic and of course candies! A lot of candies, just don't eat them all at once. Those of you who decided to stay home, enjoy your favorite (horror) movie with with your loved ones or however you want. Stay safe and have fun!
Part 5 is here! We now get to meet a new character, at least a little. As the story progresses, their roll will be more clear. And they do have an important role. A protective one. Who'll they need to protect and from what? Wouldn't you like to know...but I believe it's not that big of a mystery.
Walking by, you notice a bush of black roses, how peculiar. You don't see black roses everyday, so naturally you'd be curious about them. You lean in, intending to pluck one or to smell it, when suddenly...they work their magic. And not one of the good kind.
Things are a bit calmer in this part, yet not less exciting. People are starting to prepare for celebrating Halloween, a holiday that would be a more important event than we could imagine! A new character will be mentioned, who are they? What will their role be in this story? We'll find out soon...
October is here and with it came the time for six quotes that I publish once a month. As usual, there's no particular order in which they're picked.
This is a response to Brenda Arledge's "Word Prompts Help Creativity ~ Week 32 (Fear)". Fear as an emotion is a part of us. Our lives would've been easier if we didn't fear anything at all. But we shouldn't let it take over completely. Overcoming fear is a challenge we must accept, no matter what.
Just when the mystery of what exactly is haunting the old manor is solved, another one comes up! What's cooking up behind the scene? Because there's something happening or more accurately, something will happen soon enough. Tensions are slowly rising, sinister plots are being made...
A scene goes like this: A living room, music playing in the background, old vinyl records lying scattered in one corner, cups on the coffee table. Two people lying on the floor, side by side. Silent, just listening to the music. No words exchanged, because they're unnecessary.
Here's part 2 of "An Abandoned Manor On Top Of A Lonely Hill...Or Is It?". I decided to continue this little story, to see where it'll take me. There's not much happening in this part, except...well, you'll have to read it in order to find out.
This poem is as random as they can get. One moment I was just lazing around, minding my own business and the next thing I know I was like "Hey let's write something cute and warm!" I had no clear topic in my mind, it's simply written for the sake of writing something.
I'm aware that it's too early for this, but the day here has been just dark, cold and rainy enough for me to be in a mood for writing a story like this. Mysterious and "abandoned" manor everyone is talking about, without knowing its history. What secrets does this manor hold? Will we ever find out?
Autumn has arrived, bringing beauty in golden-brown, orange, red and yellow hues that color every surface. It's the time of warm drinks by the fire or at least under your favorite blanket, with your favorite book or a movie, comfy clothes and Halloween. Autumn comes with a nostalgic feeling to it.
Smell of coffee and breakfast on sunny Saturday mornings, watching cartoons on TV, playing outside, playing with dolls and creating clothes for them...those were carefree days, before adulthood took over. Don't kill that free spirit, that bright and curious little thing that still likes exploring.
You have only one key. It can only open one door. A million dollar question is- Which door is it, when there are so many that could potentially be "your" door? You thought it would be easy, but it's not. Don't panic, though! Just keep calm and keep unlocking...or at least try to.
One is a lonely number, but in my opinion in order to become two with someone, you need to learn who you are, what you want from life and from yourself on your own. Some paths are meant to be taken by you only, in silence. In solitude. You won't be on your own forever, just until you find yourself.
This poem is about body shaming and how girls lose their self-confidence when they're very young. Feeling self-conscious and insecure about how you look isn't something to be taken lightly. Especially if you were teased for it. It takes a long time to learn how to feel comfortable in your skin.
I decided to make this a monthly thing! How long it will be depends on how many quotes I can come up with. I already have some prepared, but there is always room for improvement...or for fresh sentences, if I may be so bold as to call them that.
She watches, paying attention to every detail. Nothing escapes her sharp gaze. She is hopeful, yet not naive. She watches in silence, not saying a word. Who this "she" is, I leave up to you. "She" could be anyone, anywhere. You might know her, you might not. You might see her or maybe not...
We've all struggled to accept who we are. Our good and bad, our beautiful and ugly, our happy and sad, our light and dark. There comes a time when we get tired of denying ourselves and we embrace our being just the way it is. That's the point, is it not? To love ourselves as a whole.
From a bookshop banter to sharing food in a bakery, I'd say things are progressing quite nicely for our two main characters! It's also the first time since they met that they spent this much time together. It certainly won't be the last, life likes throwing lots of surprises our way...
To hold close or to push away, that is the question followed quite often by a wrong answer. Then comes regret, leaving a bitter taste. Insecurity and dishonesty don't bring joy.
Firefly and Photographer finally run into each other again! Great minds think alike and apparently great minds like the same genre when it comes to books. What will happen this time, will Photographer have a chance to talk to his firefly a little longer? Or will he annoy her again?
Whether you're a hopeless romantic or a hardcore realist that is guided by logic only, you want to meet someone who makes you feel emotions you never felt before. You want the usual- cute dates where you get to know each other, sweet words and sweeter kisses or...
No unexpected encounter in this one! We do get to read about the musings of our photographer and his muse, or should I say his firefly. She is a muse though, and it seems she would be that for a long time. And what about her? What's his place in her life? It's still early to tell...
Part 2 of "A Fated Meeting In A Secret Place: Wildflowers And Fireflies." This time it's from her POV. I'm still not sure where I'm going with this, but it's fun! Also, I don't know about giving them names, I like the whole nickname thing. Though she (little firefly) doesn't seem impressed with him.
I've had a scene like this playing on repeat in my mind, with words "They met in a field of wildflowers..." following, like lyrics of a song. There are those kinds of first meetings and they know not to be the last. Life has unusual ways of connecting people, for whatever reason. It can be fate...
You write and write, you publish your works, they're read by a few people or more than a few, some even leave comments. And that's good, right? You aren't completely ignored. Yet still something pushes you to keep writing, no matter what. You're pushed to try and reach some imagined potential.
Now, I'm not saying ALL couples are like this. There are exceptions. But you can't deny that you don't know a couple or two who bomb their followers with declarations of love, exaggerating it with lots of hearts, emojis, sickeningly sweet nicknames. You might as well be in a relationship with them.
Silence is golden, as the saying goes. And it is. Sometimes silence is the best answer you can offer. Depending on the situation we find ourselves in, it can be heavy on us, making us feel like we're suffocating or it can feel like a breath of fresh air, when we feel relieved and light.
Just as it says on the tin- crossing borders and trying to put our differences aside in order to do or create something great. Even just existing together would be enough. What matters is that we're united.
And ended with a note. Content of that note? Probably a...confession of some sort. At least that's what it looks like to me NOW. Ten years ago I refused to even think about the possibility of it being that. Insecurity sure knows how to make a fool out of you.
Wow, I just love it when I get into "rambling" mode. I pick a topic and just let myself write anything that comes to mind. Now it's about our need to be "perfect" and rejecting our flaws. What for? This world would be such a clinical place if we were all flawless.
And no, I'm not talking about the kind of anger that requires taking anger management classes. I'm talking about the kind of anger caused by hurt feelings, misunderstandings, the feeling of betrayal, you name it. Letting go of it takes time and effort, but it's not impossible to be rid of it.
To be honest, this is more of a vent poem written in the form of a letter. I never received a letter, excluding official ones or that one note I found in a borrowed book. So I decided to write one myself. Hence the "Dear M"!
This week's word prompt is "letter". I thought about what to write for this one. Writing about official letters isn't so special, we all receive them at some point. And we usually communicate via emails and texts. Then I remembered how I helped create a love letter when I was in 5th grade.
You pour all your time, effort, all your emotions into that one person, wishing and hoping for them to be "the one". The protector of your heart, who will cherish you like you're precious, respect you and love you and recieve the same treatment in return. But unfortunately, fantasy stays a fantasy.
When I started my writing hobby 4 months ago, I didn't know how to start. What to write, where to publish my work, am I good enough for it, will anyone like what I write? Those were some of the questions I asked myself. So I got the idea to start small, with my own quotes!
Dreams are a funny thing. Our subconscious either tries telling us something through images it sends us throughout the night or is just spamming us. Only time will tell which one is it. Until then, dream on and keep wondering what and why are you dreaming certain things frequently.
Some of you may relate: you sit in a group of people you call friends. They joke, laugh, have fun in general. And you try that as well, you really do, don't vibe with them. You never felt connected, never felt like you're a part of that group. But it beats being alone, right? Wrong.
Life is full of those. We all got that one person, perfect in everything they did. And good looking as a bonus. They got it going for them, or at least it seems that way. No matter what affection you might've held or still hold for them, they're somehow out of your league. Someone more human isn't.
Time is a valuable thing that we often waste on unimportant things. Then we look at our family, our friends and think how much they made this life bearable. And how hard it will be once they're gone. So we should really appreciate them more, even when we don't exactly see eye to eye.
Okay sooo...this is something that DID happen to me a few years ago. It also involves a guy from college I found cute at the time. We weren't close, just basic "Hi", "How did you do on your exam?", etc. level of communication. Nothing special.
At first, it was supposed to be about the beauty of lies created by carefully chosen words. How words can paint such a lovely picture, before it gets ruined by the harsh truth. Then it went in a totally different direction that even I don't know what to make of it.
Do you ever hear that little voice whispering that you should've been more blunt and cut the nice act? Especially when people really didn't deserve you being nice while they're being rude, thinking you don't have it in you to tell them off? Well, that's what I mean by "inner witch". The meaner you.
So, another silly and short poem. This is something I had written a few months ago and since my brain cells took a vacation without notifying me (the traitors, all of them!), I decided to post it. Bear with me please.
This was inspired by Brenda Arledge's "Word Prompts Help Creativity / Week 22". Word prompt- "Shadow". Shadows can hide, our own shadow follows us loyally, and in some cases, or at least in some interpretations, shadows can even protect. This time, it's about hiding in order to protect.
You're relaxing on the balcony. It's a nice summer evening, the heat of the day long forgotten when suddenly, you feel it. You start scratching yourself, that annoying itch not going away. You notice a tiny bump on your arm or leg. That's when it's all clear- it's a mosquito bite! Yay for you.
No one likes being rejected. You applied for that job and they didn't hire you? Your project didn't meet the standards of your superior(s)? The person you like doesn't feel the same? Yeah, it all sucks, but maybe it's for the best. Maybe there's something even better out there for you.
This is a response to "Word Prompts Help Creativity / Week 21" by Brenda Arledge. This week's word prompt is "Age". Personally, the older I got, the less I understood the stigma around certain number of years. You can enjoy your life no matter what your ID might say.
We all know someone who has so much potential to do great things, yet they choose to be in the shadow of people who aren't as talented or creative, but get all the attention and praise for their "talents". They portray themselves as dumb, cold, apathic, etc., but what for? They deserve better.
This is what my ideal world would look like, at least that's how I'm able to describe it. A big forest with high trees, creating a roof with their treetops, a river or a lake placed somewhere further in the forest, and of course, magical creatures finding their safe haven in there. We all need one.
When I was 10, I couldn't wait to become a teenager. When I was 15, I couldn't wait to turn 18. When I entered my 20's, I started missing my teenage years. I came to the conclusion that I just...breezed through my younger years, wishing to be a grown up, to be taken seriously.
I decided to write about inspiration's temporary absence from...well, not my life exactly, but the point is it's not there. I'll fight fire with fire. Fight the lack of it with writing about the lack of it.
We like to indulge in romance novels (or fanfics) from time to time. Especially if it's about forbidden romance between two people from different worlds, who can't resist the attraction, the passion burning like fire, daring them to play with it, to get burned.
I was inspired by a line from a movie. A woman was talking about herself and said she wasn't good at being a wife or a girlfriend so now she's a writer. At one point, her friend told her "Maybe you're still searching for a perfect word for yourself" or something like that. So here it is.
We're always happy, energetic, enjoying life to the fullest. Nothing bad can get to us, we're practically invincible! We are perfect with no flaws. But is it all as it seems? What is hiding behind our wide grins and "positive" attitude? Word of advice: wash off your makeup before going to bed.
This can be defined as an explanation of how I come up with what you read so far. We all have our own means of finding inspiration for our works, be it writing, composing, painting, etc. Oh, and let's not forget our favorite nuisance- writer's block! Now those are headache inducing.
You don't deserve an ice age, you deserve springtime. To love truly and without fear of it not being real and to be loved the same in return, by someone who knows how to feel it right and knows how to express it in a way that leaves no doubt in your heart and mind.
Not having a perfect body figure? Not looking like a model in the morning? Not born with long lashes and long hair? Not having clear skin? Shame on you! How dare you stand out and not fit in society's criteria of today's "beauty queens"? How dare you be your unique self and not a copy of a copy?
Always try to deal with an emotional storm in your heart in a healthy way. They get to us, they can be hard to deal with, but don't let them pull you under. Sing, write, paint, talk about it with someone you trust. Maybe you won't feel better instantly, but over time you'll get there.
For some, what is destined to be comes a little easier. For others, it comes with a bit more effort. Just because you work harder in order to gain what you set your sights on doesn't mean you're less deserving of it than someone else.
I think that dreams do feel that way, when they're good dreams at least. You feel weightless and comfortable, especially when you manage to fall asleep after tossing and turning for hours, trying to find a perfect position to sleep in.
He came to me in a dream once. A gorgeous blue-eyed, devilish man. But it was so long ago that his image is a bit blurry, except his intense blue eyes.
This one wrote itself. I just typed the words. It's the first time since I started writing that something just came to me so naturally. I've no idea how to explain it other than the fact that I've felt like something clicked in its place. It was almost enlightening in a way.
Yes, we all use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Including me. I might turn out to be a hypocrite with this one, but let's just say that when it comes to the subject of the usage of social media and how it changed our lives, we'll agree to disagree.
No matter how much you try, no matter how much you wish from all of your heart that THEY are the one, sometimes it's just not meant to be. Maybe not until a certain point in time or maybe never.
This one is a bit silly in my opinion. It's also on the subject of "dark", but with a lighter tone to it (is this a pun?). Dark humor maybe? I don't know. You can be the judge of that.
This is something my mind persuaded me to put on paper (or in this case, write on my phone) when I thought of words like "storm "dark and myserious" "gothic story worthy". It isn't that scary, though, so don't worry! I just like...venturing to the dark side from time to time.
Healing is a long process that takes time and effort. Be kind to yourself and don't pick on those wounds too often.
We often like to revisit the past, to reminisce about the people that stayed there, who never moved forward with us and about the way they made us feel once upon a time. But we can't change what happened, we can only focus on the now and try not to repeat the same mistakes.
As you near that "magic" number, those questions we dread being asked by relatives, friends, friends of your friends, their moms, aunts, etc. begin. Don't you just love turning "dirty 30" soon? Well, this one's for you, ladies. For those of you who're taking it step by step and are just chilling.
Music is something we enjoy. We have a song or even a playlist made for every mood we find ourselves in- happy, sad, angry, stressed, etc. Songs can makes us reminisce about the good ol' times, when we were younger and life was simpler than it is now. Music's always there, helping us unwind.
This story was based on a Furious Fiction June 2021 Prompt, where you were offered certain phrases that needed to be used in a 500 word story.
We all need a cup or two (or three, or judgement there!) to start our day off and to keep our head from droping on the first flat surface it comes close to. Yeah, you guessed it- it's coffee! Of course, not everyone likes its bitter and strong taste, but that's perfectly fine too.
Light, dark, shades of grey. The good, the bad, the ugly. It's a constant battle of heroes and villains. Which side will win? No one knows. When it comes to us humans, I believe that we choose our own path and means of achieving what we set our sights on. Either we work hard or cheat our way up.
Presenting ourselves to the world in a certain way in order to avoid being excluded or ridiculed is something we have done for centuries. That's why we wear a "mask". And to some, it's exhausting to uphold a different persona in social circles.