Have crashing planes become a recurrent nightmare? Are you afraid these nightmares are prophecies that your life is about to take a nosedive? This article will help you sort out your nightly air disaster dreams and make a safe landing in the waking world.
Death dreams are rarely prophetic but are instead yet another symbol which when interpreted well can provide profound insight that can actually enrich our waking lives. Find out how mythology informs death dreams and what the language of the death dream is communicating. You may be surprised!
Fire is a diverse dream symbol with interpretations ranging from purification to creativity to rebirth. This article will help you sort out what's burning up in your unconscious and lighting up your dreams.
How's your dream relationship with water? Are you sinking or swimming? Sinking to the bottom might be precisely what you need to rise to the top. Read on to learn what it could mean if you drown in a dream.
Are you one of the millions of people in the world who suffer from sleep paralysis? Learn what it is, why it happens, and what you can do if you experience it.
Are you afraid of water in waking life but able to swim for the gold in dreams? Have you lost your waking life fear of drowning when you're asleep? Read on to find out what water may represent in your dreams, as well as how to pair the symbolism of water with other dream symbols.
In waking life, hospitals are where we go when we're sick. And yet, they are also places where healing happens. Which scenario is happening when a hospital shows up in your dream?
Whether it's forgetting about an exam, showing up naked, or discovering a test is written in a foreign language, test dreams are at the top of most common dreams dreamers report having. What does your test dream mean? Read on and find out!
Are sheep images one you count amongst your dream symbols? Do you wonder what they mean? If so, "ewe" will know more after reading this article!
Are mice and rats eating away at your dreams? Would you like to find out why? Well, you are in the right place!
The majestic horse is one of the the animal kingdom’s favorite members. Horses in dreams are almost always positive symbols—with the exception of a few certain circumstances. Read on to find out what those circumstances are and what horses typically symbolize in dreams.
Is the king of the jungle stalking you in your dreams? Are you wondering what he and his mighty roar are communicating? If so, you've come to the right place! This article will give you information on lion symbolism and what it means in a dream to tame a lion, be chased by one, and much more!
Going up, going down, or stuck going nowhere? Which way were you traveling in your elevator dream? What do elevators symbolize in dreams? This article answers all those questions and more!
Turtles in a dream can symbolize wisdom, spirituality, and introversion. They may also represent feelings of carrying the world on your shoulders or even impatience with progress. What does your dream turtle mean? Read on and find out!
The sun is typically an overwhelmingly positive dream symbol. But, just like everything we encounter, the sun has a shadow. Are you sitting on the sunny side of life, or are you in the shadow of the sun? Read on and find out!
Weddings in waking life are joyful celebrations of love. Do weddings in dreams celebrate the same symbolism, or do they mean something deeper? The answer is both! Read on and find out more.
Interpreting your blue dreams begins with defining your blues. Is your blue light, airy, and spiritual? Or did the blue in your dream feel dark, heavy, and tinged with sadness? What does the color blue mean in dreams? This article gives you several ideas to interpret the blue in your dream!
Resurrection, communication, resiliency—these are a few meanings frogs in dreams symbolize. But frog dreams also have a shadow side. Is your dream frog good, bad, or ugly? Read on and find out!
Were you the lone wolf in your dream, or were you running with the pack? Was the wolf in your dream big and bad, or was it tame enough to dance with? Whichever wolf was in your dream, here are some ideas about what it meant.
Is rose dream symbolism limited to romance? No! Roses can symbolize beauty, purity, innocence, and more. This article also includes information on interpreting rose thorns, color symbolism, as well as how the openness of the blossom alters the dream's meaning.
Blood is among the top ten symbols dreamers look for help interpreting and this article is here to help you scratch beneath the surface and get to the heart of what's pumping through your dreamscape.
Do you know who the foremost authority is on interpreting your dreams? You are! That's who! You have the best insight into your dreams. This guide will give you some tips on how to access your own information and find meaning in your dreams.
Sometimes a house isn't just a house and that time is in dreams. Dream houses symbolize much more than the structures where we live out our lives. Read on and find out what your dream house means!
Dream deer are as beautiful as those in the waking world—and just as complex. As protectors of the forest and creatures of noble status, they appear in dreams as everything from messengers to Christ figures. What does the deer in your dream mean? Let's find out together!
While the waking world sees cars as symbols of status, the dream realm sees them as symbols of ourselves and how we're getting where we're going in our lives. Are you in the driver's seat of your life, or is someone else taking you for a ride? Read on and find out!
Are your teeth falling out, crumbing away, or turning to dust in your dreams? If so, does this mean missing teeth are in your future? Or is your nightmare more about fear of abandonment or terror of death? Could there be a physical warning in this nightmare? You're in the right place to find out!
The incredible, edible egg—it's as amazing in dreams as it is in the nest. Rebirth, fragility, the cosmos, the stone rolled from Christ's tomb—for more secrets of the meaning of dream eggs, read on.
This article covers rabbit dreams as symbols of agility, quick thinking, intuition, creativity, fertility, and resurrection. It also provides information on rabbit folklore and mythology.
Dream money has many different meaning depending on the action in the dream. This articles covers lost money dreams, found money dreams, theft of money in dreams, poverty and wealth money dreams, and change in dreams.
Includes volcano dream as symbols of emotional pressure, violent emotions, instability, Divine power, the relationship between volcano dreams and one's ex. Also includes some volcano mythology, and volcano archetypes.
Insightful article with information on alligators and crocodiles as warning symbols, symbols of hidden danger, treachery, betrayal, power, royalty, and deceit. Also includes mythologies of both alligators and crocodiles as well as giving information on the differences between the two.
Are you tiptoeing through tulips in your dreams or are you inside nurturing a wilted rose back to life? Are your dream flowers brightly blossoming or are they fading fast? Do you know what flowers mean in dreams? Read this article for some ideas!
Discover how mythology and folklore about bees could impact the meaning of a bee showing up in your dream. This article includes possible dream interpretations, such as bees as symbols of activity, resurrection, cooperation, productivity, the Divine, and much more.
Is the moon just a pretty face? No! As a dream symbol, the moon means more than romance. It symbolizes the intuition, emotions, creativity, and archetypal energies. What does the moon in your dream mean? Read on and find out!
For dreams about spiders, captivity, venomous words, cruelty, patience, intelligence, and the archetypal Self are all possible interpretations. Read on to discover which meaning fits the spider in your dream.
What do pregnancy dreams symbolize? Are pregnancy dreams prophetic? How do images such as rabbits, the moon, and eggs also stand in as pregnancy symbols? This article answers those questions and more!
Explore the Jungian animus archetype. Understand concepts such as masculine and feminine principles, the divine hermaphrodite, and how to identify and interpret animus dreams.
What are some possible meanings for dreams about stars? This beautiful, insightful article reveals that stars in dreams symbolize hope, promise, guidance, and the divine itself.
Do you suffer from recurrent tornado dreams? Many people do. Tornado dreams can indicate that something in your life is spinning out of control, or they can symbolize issues with anxiety. Read on to learn more about these disturbing dreams and what you can do to alleviate them.
In depth information designed to help readers interpret the meaning of dreams about snow. Includes the emotional symbolism of snow dreams, color symbolism, snow dreams as innocence symbols, and even includes information on how snow dreams may be symbolic constructs of the Anima.
The most common meaning of trees in dreams are spiritual connectivity, natural change, and sustenance. We'll look at all these ideas as well as more obscure ones!
Information designed to help the reader gain a basic understanding of the Jungian anima archetype. Explains concepts such as masculine and feminine principles, the divine hermaphrodite, what is meant by male and female with regard to the anima and animus archetypes, how the anima may manifest in...
This article provides information on Carl Jung's archetypes and the shadow side of archetypes, and explains the concept of the collective unconscious.
A guide to help understand the Jungian shadow archetype and how it manifests in dreams. Read on to learn more about integration of the shadow archetype and shadow gold.
Did you know that dreams of being chased or stalked are one of the most prevalent of all nightmares? Have you ever dreamed you were being chased? Have you ever wondered what that dream might mean? If so, you've come to the right place!
This article explores both the favorable and unflattering symbolic interpretations of dream nudity.
Do your dreams feature vivid colors or are they more like classic Capra films shot in black and white? Have you ever wondered what different colors mean in dreams? If so, you're in the right place. This dream guide interprets a number of colors to give you ideas about what they might mean.
This guide focuses on hair as a dream symbol and offers ideas on interpreting and finding meaning in dreams about hair.
This guide offers interpretations of various types of dreams about cats. Cats can represent many things and may reveal issues in your waking life that you need to address.
This is a guide to interpreting dreams about dogs and the dog as a dream symbol. It includes information on many facets of dog symbolism, including dogs in the collective unconscious, guardian dogs, guide dogs, the dog as a fidelity symbol, dogs as death omens, and more.
Lilies are symbols of purity, innocence, and spirituality, but they also symbolize death and resurrection. Explore how to interpret dreams about lily flowers.
If you've ever wondered what the color red means in a dream, you've come to the right place. In this article you'll learn about interpreting the color red on an emotional level, as an expression of anger, a symbol of the life force, and as an indication of spiritual growth.
Has a snake slithered into your dream recently? Its symbolism could apply to a variety of things and depends on multiple factors, from the type of snake that shows up, to the emotions that show up. Find out what a slippery dream snake could mean for you in your waking life.