In this busy era, millions of people around the world are using baby monitors just as they use cellphones. Moms-to-be put it on the list of newborn must-haves, recognizing it as something that keeps your child safe. Ironic.
Tackling the problem of climate crisis
The Oracle of Omaha and the third richest person in the world spent his lifetime dispensing advice to all who would listen. And his ideas are really worth of stealing, especially for a businessman.
A habit can be a powerful tool when striving towards the success. So watch out, here's a story about habits of a billionare, Jeff Bezos's story.
Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao and her research team from MIT lab have produced a new type of tattoos that control different electronic devices and change color according to your mood.
Living in a modern world full of new possibilities tends to be quite challenging. Marketing seen from the perspective of the marketers is actually one big contest for customer’s attention.
Google Map tools can be used as an effective marketing strategy if you don't have enough money to invest in creating your business website. So here are some tips to optimize your account.
American blockbuster “The Pursuit of Happyness” is actually a movie where a simple, seemingly unimportant life story became a story about fulfilling our dreams, by celebrating our failures.
Self - motivation is the individual's ability to continue in achieving the goals, despite the obstacles and problems. Here is the story about one of the most successful entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs.
We've all heard the story about Robin Hood, a hero who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. What we don’t know is that there is a Robin Hood living among us today, and his name is Banksy.
For the tea-loving population, benefits of the teas they choose are usually the first thing that they consider when buying a new type of tea. So buy Huangcha, one of the healthiest teas in the world.
Getting a puppy is an exciting thing. But to raise a puppy into a healthy dog, you need to know all the basics for their nutrition.
For the first time in human history, scientists in the U.S. tried to change the structure of DNA inside a living human body. It was a bold attempt to make a huge breakthrough in the world of medicine
Did you ever, after brushing your hair, look at your brush and experienced a shock? Loosing your hair can be a serious problem, especially for women.
Evolving from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, modern Halloween has become less about literal ghosts and witches and more about costumes and candy.
Have you ever heard about Thomas Alva Edison? Of course you had. But only a few of us have heard a story about how he became one of the most brilliant and successful people in the world.