Keep your creativity flowing with lines. Yes, lines! Just imagine how many ways can you use this simplest element to produce the finest drawings. Here are some suggestions that you can use to create objects and figures just by drawing lines.
When you take inspiration from real-life, you realize how various objects exist at certain places to complete the whole scenery. They are a part of a bigger composition separated by spatial relationships. Now here arises a visual thinking problem.
Isn’t that great, how simple things can transform into something magnificent? Well, that’s how you become an artist.
You need to be a keen observer to become a proficient artist. Before you pick up your pencil to draw, let’s dig deep into the visual relationships that exist around you. As you begin to do so, you’ll be amazed to see forms that you never knew existed.
Drawing is an act of self-impression. It helps you express your views of the world and discover your creative potential.
A beginner's guide to drawing basic anatomy of an anime male
Long gone the days when the antagonists were just some delinquents who were featured as evil characters throughout the series. Now, they are supposed to have a story so the audience can understand their demeanor and relate to their actions.
To draw an outstanding character or scene, you need to have a strong base. This comes by knowing the fundamentals of drawing. This will help you progress much finer while you begin to draw your very first anime and manga. These fundamentals work in every aspect of drawing, especially characters.
Perspective Drawing is the representation of an image as it is seen by a human eye. Synonym with linear projection, such drawing is based on a principle that the objects begin to appear smaller with their increasing distance from the viewer.
A step-by-step guide to drawing your first anime and manga from scratch.
Retrofuturism literally means “future of the past”. It is a creative arts movement that explores the impact of future depictions in an earlier era.
Give the users, what they’re looking for, instantly. They are task-focussed, annoyingly disloyal, and impatient. If you can’t provide them easy information, they’ll look somewhere else.
Essays are just as important as GPA and test scores for your odds of winning a scholarship. Here are 12 tips for how to improve your essay and increase your odds of being selected.
These tips will help you receive the pay rate you desire, whatever the freelance or consulting field you specialize in.
Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, you can indirectly boost your SEO ranking and also receive appropriate offers of work.
You can’t write a great copy if your brief is insufficient. A client will put all his efforts to give you the best possible information from their end, but it’s all up to you.
Delaying your writing projects is common for all new and experienced writers. It is safe to assume that if the famous writers can put aside their writing projects and take years to complete one task, then why can’t we?
Copywriting isn’t about copying stuff and rewriting it. It is commercial writing that act as a fuel to speed up business growth. Copywriting demands you to write in a communicate way, which should also exhibit originality.
Hachiman Hikigaya is an emotionless high school student. He is better known for being narcissistic and somewhat nihilistic. He claims joyful youth to be a tragic comedy and everyone who thinks the opposite is lying to themselves.
Filled with mystical beasts and supernatural themes, "The God of High School" is a must-watch. To continue with your entertainment, here is a list of 10 similar anime.
Deca-Dence is set in the late 25th century. As depicted by today’s scientists, in this futuristic anime, air pollution has risen to the lethal level. Due to which, humanity is on the verge of extinction. Their extinction is not only because of pollution but also due to the emergence of Gadoll.
If you liked Great Pretender's instinctive storyline, then here is a list of ten anime that share a similar storyline.
To maintain your endless entertainment, here’s a list of five such anime that share a similar storyline as “Game of Thrones”.
Some relationships survive for a while and some leave a long-lasting impact on our mind, maybe because they resemble a lot to our life circumstances. The Legend of Korra is filled with many such relationships. Among them, here are my five favorite and most memorable relationships.
Here is a list of 5 anime characters who are portrayed as writers. Not only they are ardent writers, but their undying charisma may also tempt you to pen down your own verse.
Irrespective of what level of writer you may be, you deserve a daily dose of creative medication. Sometimes the creative vibes come from traveling, observing others and sometimes you become creative while sitting idle in a closed room.
Disney's 1951 version of "Alice in Wonderland" may be definitive, but animators ever since have put their twist on Lewis Carroll's famous story. Anime has been particularly fruitful in the Alice department and this article examines five of the most interesting offerings.
The year 1930 was the stepping stone for modern animation. It created a base for the upcoming innovations and storylines. Though the movies were hardly ten minutes long, they were creative enough to soak anyone in.
One of the most famous anime of the 20th century, YuYu Hakusho is a winner of several prestigious awards. It includes Shogakukan Manga Award and Animage Anime Grand Prix prize. Based on martial arts and supernatural genres, the anime is filled with extraordinary strong characters.
Anime gained widespread popularity in the 1980s with series like Gundam and Dragon Ball. However, very few people are aware that the first anime was developed nearly 70 years before these series.
From the origin of anime, the visuals have been drastically transformed such that more than half the number of times it's the visuals that affect the anime rating. Taking in all the factors, here is the list of ten samurai anime with amazing visuals that you can’t deny.
Being one of the globally successful anime and a finalist to American Anime Awards, it’s tough to say goodbye. You still have that craze to watch it all over again. But if there are other anime to give you a similar taste. Take a pause and reflect on your thoughts on these five anime.
Ergo Proxy is a perfect combination of how humans and androids survive together and what could be the possible consequences. Luckily, this isn’t the only anime that shows this eccentric relationship. There are many more with similar themes made just for you.
A list of seven anime that makes you feel like you’re still watching Fushigi Yugi.
Anime makers take inspiration from various sources that often stir subjects related to sensitive matters, real-life crimes, which are not equally welcomed by viewers from different cultures. For the same reason, here is a list of famous anime that became the scapegoats for controversies
We are a big happen fan of mysterious plots. Instead of spoon-feeding, we love when we need to put our minds into use to reach the depth of the story. Here’s a list of 20 anime with jaw-dropping plot twists that none of us can even think about.
Not every demon is an evil force, in the list below, you’ll notice how nice people are forced to convert into demons due to inevitable circumstances. While some others are naturally born with this demonic talent.
Bon Appetit! Here is a list of 12 fabulous anime that share great similarities with Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei.
Here is a list of forty best blue hair anime girls. They may make you rethink your natural color.
Fifteen mischievous and ferocious black-hair anime girls that’ll make you rethink “What it means to be a girl?”
Ouji-sama refers to a princely male character in an anime. He demands respect from everyone around him. He is confident, highly revered, well-groomed, and conceited to an extent.
The total revenue of the music industry increases by $2 billion or more every year. In 2017, it was $17.3 billion. In 2018, it reached $19.1 billion and in 2019, it earned a total of $21.5 billion.
The most important point to notice in all these advertorial variations is how brands find the most resourceful partners to advertise their products and services.
The moment you hear the word “advertorial”, you certainly think about “editorial”. Advertorial is, indeed, an editorial written for the purpose of taking an action from the user-end.
Corporate clients are busy most of the times. They may not read your proposal thoroughly. They may not even go through your online portfolio or fix a date to meet with you. It is possible they don’t consider the requirement a priority or they are not yet fully aware of the need.
Before letting yourself caught in the freelancing web, you should understand the know-how of freelancing. Especially if you want to take it as a full-time career in the near future. First of all, question yourself, are you a game for freelancing?
It can be scary to get started with a project like writing a book. You might be concerned whether you can finish it or not. But at some point, all writers go through this feeling.
The number of e-books publications and their sales have gone skyrocket, especially after the introduction of e-readers. Now, millions of reading enthusiasts prefer e-readers over the traditional prints to access their favorite books. They readily buy books from self-published authors as well.
E-book marketplace is a groundbreaking and dynamic place filled up with heck lots of opportunities for anyone who knows how to grasp it.
Today, you can find yoga instructors and yoga gurus in every corner of the world. While these people can help you understand the practicality of yoga, it is also equally important to understand the theoretical nature of yoga.
Irrespective of what you do, it is important to know if your thinking complements your life well. This is a point worthy of your consideration, though it’s hardly discussed.
Every year more than $200 billion are spent on Internet ads, 2 million blog posts are written every day, and 3 million emails are sent every second. Looking at the stats, you can imagine the demand for skilled copywriters across the globe.
Copywriting is one of the most lucrative writing jobs. It is a known fact that brilliant copywriters make six-figure income annually. If not that much, then earning more than $100k per year is also quite normal for them.
Kundalini yoga is an advanced version of all forms of yoga. Before starting with this form, you need to practice the rest of the forms of yoga especially Hatha yoga, Ashtang yoga, and Raja yoga.
After you have successfully awakened the six chakras from Mooladhara to Ajna with respective practices, you are now ready for integrated chakra awakening.
Bindu visarga is a tiny point located at the back of the head. Its center can’t be located physically. It is found by raising the mental awareness to discover the sound of Bindu, and then tracing to its source.
Vishuddhi chakra is fairly easy to awake after you have successfully triggered the Anahata and Ajna chakras. The most important practices for this chakra are Vipareeta Karani mudra, Jalandhara Bandha, and Ujjayi Pranayama.
Anahata chakra is purely meant for Bhakti and devotion. It awakens as per your devotion to your guru or personal deity, whether they are formless or present in front of you.
Manipura chakra can be awakened through various methods. As per yogic texts, Manipura is in direct relation to your eyes. This means the awakening in this chakra causes the stimulation in Ajna as well.
The focal point for awakening the Swadhisthana chakra is the urogenital part of the body. This includes the ovarian system in females and prostate gland and testes in males. This chakra is directly connected to your sexual energy.
The process of awakening the Muladhara is much easier than the rest of the chakras. You can make this happen by various methods.
The practice starts with the cleansing technique (Shatkriya) known as Trataka. This is an effective aid in awakening the Ajna. It is also called ‘maintaining the fixed look at one point.'
The practices involved in awakening the chakras and kundalini are mainly done in the sitting position. You need to adapt to the meditative asana. The recommended asana is Siddhasana and Siddha yoni asana for males and females respectively.
The rules are applicable to each chakra practices as well as to the techniques of kriya yoga. You must follow these rules as closely as possible.
Sahasrara is not under the influence of anything, yet it is influenced by all. This center is beyond the limitless, yet it is present right within you. It is the pinnacle of all the chakras. It is the golden crown of the highest consciousness.
Bindu, literally translates, to ‘drop’. It is better called Bindu Visarga, which means ‘falling of the drop’. It is symbolized by the crescent moon and a white drop. This white drop is the nectar. This nectar passes through the whole body through the Vishuddhi chakra.
Vishuddhi is made from the Sanskrit word ‘shuddhi’ meaning ‘to purify’. Vishuddhi chakra is a purification center. It is responsible for the cleaning of poisonous substances present in your body. That’s why this chakra is also called the nectar (Amrit) and poison center.
Anahata chakra is a bridge between the lower and higher chakras. In kundalini yoga, there’s a great emphasis laid on this chakra. To ensure the constant revival of the lower three chakras, kundalini must stay in Anahata for a pretty long time.
Manipura is made of two Sanskrit words i.e. Mani (‘jewel’) + Pura (‘city’). It literally translates to ‘city of jewels’. As per Tibetan tradition, this chakra is called Mani Padma, meaning ‘jeweled lotus’.
Swadhisthana is related to the reproductive and urinary systems. It corresponds with the functioning of the prostatic plexus of nerves. Its center is the base of the spinal cord present near the coccyx or tailbone.
Mooladhara is responsible for every manifestation that occur in the world in any form. It is also perceived as moola prakriti. It is the transcendental basis from which the whole universe evolves, develops into its full potential, and then finally dissolves into the original state.
Ajna chakra is responsible for the birth of psychic awareness. It is the meeting point for three main Nadis (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna). These Nadis combine the forces into a strong stream of consciousness, which, then, travels to the Sahasrara, the crown chakra.
A human being, consciously or unconsciously, is always looking for happiness as well as inner satisfaction. And as much as can be understood, the true and permanent happiness is possible through the systematized method of awakening the chakras.
The basic function of chakras is to control the particular psychic centers. On transcendence, chakras act as the centers of interchange between the physical, casual, and astral dimensions.
The awakening of kundalini comes up like a huge blast that changes a person into a completely different being. Your ordinary consciousness is overpowered by the higher consciousness and then, the former no longer exists.
The process of kundalini awakening is not just about the movement of energy towards the head, but also how it descends back to every part of the body.
Kundalini awakening demands a systematic process. It starts with the purification and proper functioning of the Ida and Pingala Nadis. Then, all the chakras are activated. Finally, the Sushumna Nadi is awakened to give a clear passage for your kundalini to rise to the highest level.
Society principles are organized to treat everyone’s brain in the same direction. If you decide to look for another direction, you are considered to be mad. These principles control your brain and discipline you in a way you forget how to express yourself freely.
Being a Kundalini yogi, you are blessed to see more than what you can actually see through your eyes and receive higher experiences than what your senses can give you. This is frightening, though, if you start this journey without the right preparation, you’ll be confused and stressed.
Food is highly responsible for how your mind works and how your nature replenishes. So, it is very important for you to have an ideal diet for the awakening of kundalini.
Kundalini is such an exceptionally powerful system that unlike other branches of yoga, you can’t practice it without the guidance of a guru. Kundalini yoga doesn’t start at once. Instead of making any noticeable changes in your life, you need to be self-disciplined and start with basic practice.
As per tantric texts and tantric, there are various methods to awaken kundalini. These methods can be practiced individually as well as in combination.
The Kundalini awakening and its union with one is connected with the entire brain. Your brain has ten major areas that link with Kundalini. Out of these ten, only one is active and the rest nine are inactive.
Though Kundalini originates from your physical body, it’s not limited to it. In fact, its concept is beyond the time, spaces and object. You can’t discover it in your mental or astral form as well, it lives in casual form and is limitless.
Kundalini is an essential part of human existence. It represents the man’s true consciousness. So, it’s important that everyone should be aware of this important element.
According to yogis and tantric, a person with awakened kundalini has a very strong intuitive and creative potential. They say kundalini is not a hypothesis. It is, indeed, a biological substance that exists within the boundary of your body.
Viparita Karani, also known as Kapalasana, Narakasana, and Viparitakaranasana, is an inverted pose that dates back to the 17th century.
The intense stretch required in Uttanasana and its variations can help you activate your six chakras from the lowest one, Muladhara (the root chakra) to Vishuddhi (the throat chakra).
Matsyasana or Fish Pose is a back-bending pose that lifts the heart chakra and the head points towards the wall. It is one of the major asanas mentioned in the Sanskrit text of Hinduism named Gheranda Samhita.
Matsyendrasana is a Sanskrit name for the Lord of the Fishes Pose. This asana requires a highly flexible body and can’t be performed by beginners or sometimes, even intermediate yoga trainees.
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word which means energy expansion (pran -> ‘energy’ and ayama -> ‘expansion’). In other words, it is a technique to control the energy within you. Through Pranayama, you can attain a balance between your mind and body.
Here are the ten most common and helpful yogas to stimulate your inner strength and boost the immune system.
By reading this article, you’ll get ahold of the basic rules you should know to create an ideal social media post.
Facebook launched its own shop when online shopping from renewed retailers was at its peak. And still, it has managed to attract more than 100 million users to buy the products from its social media website.
With more than 300 million people using Twitter every month, a rough calculation suggests there are more than 500 million tweets posted regularly on Twitter. Twitter is the foremost choice of most of the government officials as well as business leaders.
Facebook is the oldest of all social media platforms. A place where billion people interact with each other on a monthly basis. Clearly, as a business owner, you need a robust strategy to extract the potential audience from Facebook. To ease your work, I am going to discuss the best Facebook tools.
Each day the number of social media accounts is increasing approximately by 1 million. Within a second, thousands of posts are uploaded on every social media platform Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and so on. With this Social media has become a huge challenge to accomplish
A one Google search will give you plenty of options on how to manage your Twitter account in every way possible. Certainly, you have million Twitter tools available on the web, but which one of these best complement your social media marketing strategy.
Considering the variety of social media platforms, we have today, it is important to figure out which one suits best for your business.
Marketing needs constant planning. It is all about researching and implementing new tricks to maintain the constant flow of your customers. Now, the question is how to find the new methods and how can they be implemented?
Video game scriptwriting is a challenging task. It works completely in a different way from writing a film script or novel. You need to go through several pre-requisites before beginning with the scriptwriting.
The time taken in building a healthy business relationship with the clients is termed as the sales cycle. As per a rough estimation, it takes somewhat six to eight months to turn a prospect into a promising client. A high-quality referral can shorten that time to a few weeks or even days.
Stephen King’s writing style has made him a legacy as a bestselling author under the horror and psychological fiction genre. His work has made us identify with his dynamic and three-dimensional characters.
Just like Terms and Policies pages, about us page is often not given much attention thinking that hardly anyone ever read this page. On the contrary, fresh readers do wish to know about you and this page is the only way to get connected with your work.
You don't have to be a literary expert to review books! Get tips on writing your own book reviews, as well as questions to ask yourself when crafting your piece.
SEO writing is a heavy research-based writing, you need to write keyword-rich articles that increase the website traffic through the search engine. These articles are less based on information and entertainment and are quite different from magazine articles.
The corporate world has always been very competitive. With the introduction of the Internet, when people have easy access to all sorts of information and have plenty of options to choose from, it has become more important for the businesses to adopt advanced marketing techniques to flourish globally
Are you a writer? Do you have a bio? Bio is the first impression of every freelance writer. Clients need to know you before hiring you. Even if you have expert skills, it’d be useless if you can’t show them through your bio. Today, we are going to discover how to write an effective bio.
A poet can earn between $50 to a few thousand dollars for one publication. As a freelance or employed poet, you can earn around $10k to $70k per year.
Victor Olegovich Pelevin is a Russian writer and a winner of various prestigious awards such as the Russian Little Booker Prize and the Russian National Bestseller.
Ivan Bunin was a Russian writer and poet, who was known for his strict artistry. His writing pattern is often termed as “Bunin brocade”, which is said to be the richest texture of writing poems and stories.
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov was a Russin writer, playwright, and medical doctor. He was active during the early 20th century.
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was a Russian novelist, poet, translate and short story writer. Because of him, Russian literature gained immense popularity in the west.
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was an Ukraine-born Russian dramatist and writer. He was considered to be the most important figure of the Russian literature. Most of his early work is influenced by Ukrainian culture and folklore.
Lyudmila Evgenyevna Ulitskaya is a globally renowned Russian novelist as well as a short story writer.
Maximovich Peshkov, known by his pen name Maxim Gorky, was the originator of the socialist realism literary method. He was a famous Russian and Soviet writer.
Dystopian Fiction is a type of fictional genre that relates to extremely horrible and unwanted society. The situations in the society are irreversible and headed to dystopia.
As an entrepreneur myself, I can affirm that indulging in a reading habit is the best way to stay focused on your goal and leverage better end-results. I discussed with several other entrepreneurs and decided to shortlist these following books.
A very successful Russian novelist and short story writer, Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was a very well-known historian as well.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, better known by his pen Vladimir Sirin, was a Russian-born American modern novelist and poet. He started writing novels in Russian, and later switched to English prose, which helped him gain international recognition.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a Russian novelist, journalist and short story writer. His work widely talks about philosophy and human psychology in the troubled atmosphere of 19th century Russia.
Leo Tolstoy, a legendary Russian writer, has become a source of inspiration for a century now. His work in fiction, history, and non-fiction is still relevant and considered to be one of the biggest literary achievements ever.
Some people believe that the editors’ job is to correct grammar and spelling mistakes, but this is just a 1% work of what editors actually do. Editors work on different levels and their work varies from correcting spelling mistakes to checking the heavy facts.
Writing a review for a restaurant is a great way to share your excitement—or warn potential diners about a disappointing experience. Learn how to write a successful review!
Readability is an evaluation of text to understand how easy it is to read. A text can have complexity, legibility, familiarity, and typography.
Medical writing is the process of crafting well-structured and researched scientific documents. It includes writing clinically researched documents as well as content for health-related magazines, websites, journals, and news.
The Hero’s Journey is a recurring pattern of stages many protagonists(heroes) go through over the journey of their story.
A resume is your first impression with the company. Since nearly thousands of job-seekers apply for the job at the same time, most of the recruiters hardly pay more than a minute (well, it’s in seconds) attention to a resume.
Technical writing is a specialized writing niche that deals with the documentation and explanation of the functionality of machinery, computer software, and many other similar objects.
Flash Fiction is the shortest form of fiction writing with a word count no more than 1,500 to 2,000 words. The specific word length depends on the type of website where you are submitting your work.
Flash fiction is the shortest form of fiction writing. The word-length is not genre-specific but expected to be under 1,500 to 2,000 words.
A character arc is a method to map the transformation of a character’s personality across a story. It is a writing terminology used to signify the changes in protagonist’s journey from the very beginning to the end, symbolically an arc.
Character development is the most essential element of any fiction writing, whether it’s novel, short story, screenplay or any other. You must create a realistic set of characters to give an intriguing touch to your plot.
Policy is the set of high-level guidelines on the basis of which the organization works and conducts its daily routine. Procedure is the set of detailed instructions, implemented at a lower-level the policies, to achieve a certain goal and make the organization perform in a certain manner.
According to a survey by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the number of active birders is more than 51 million. They pursue this activity both for recreational and social purposes. Bird enthusiasts spend thousands of dollars to buy the right equipment for traveling and educational purposes
The arts and crafts industry is tremendous. It is estimated to generate billions of dollars every year in the United States alone, giving an enormous boost to the industry. It follows that arts and crafts magazines are widely read by art enthusiasts.
As simple as the name says, a digital nomad is a remote worker, who is independent of location-specific jobs and works while traveling from anywhere while staying connected.
Flipping TV channels. Chewing a pencil. Going through YouTube Videos aimlessly. Checking email for the infinite times. Some of the common remedies to get rid of writer’s block, which actually is not at all fruitful. Here are some tricks that worked for famous as well as not-so-famous writers
Making a living by working as a freelance writer demands lots of efforts and is a sea of tough competition. Your chances of earning more rises when you challenge yourself every day to do something different, instead of waiting for an opportunity to come.
Slogans often called tag or catchlines, is a catchy and memorable phrase adopted by a company to increase brand awareness among the consumers and persuade them to buy the company’s products or services.
The requirements and standard of living rising day-by-day, it has become comparatively tough to go by just one job in hand. A side hustle is important to fulfill your dreams and secure your life in case you no longer wish to be in that same job.
Interested in becoming a freelance financial writer? Find out what qualifications, experience, and resources you need, plus tips on breaking into the field.
Authority content is the crafting of quality content that demonstrates your expertise by delivering valuable information to the readers, rather than just claiming expertise and saying, “We are the best brand in the world.”
A Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a specialist who excels in a particular field. They either possess higher qualification or multiple years of experience in a specific topic and thus, can help us to deliver more trustworthy articles to the readers if quoted by them.
The automobile is a wide field and a fast-growing industry. Editors look for writers who have deep knowledge and enthusiasm to learn new things quickly. Even if you don’t have a degree in journalism or writing, you can still write for these trade journals.
Your email is your first impression on the editor. You must know how to make it last longer with some effective writing techniques.
Local and community newspapers are the best way to kickstart your career, since they are ready to offer opportunities to newbies.
Most self-employed professionals start by working from home, and many continue to do so for the whole of their working lives. Working from home has many advantages, but some drawbacks as well.
As a copywriter, you will find your business stands or falls by the relationships you are able to build with your clients. And a crucial aspect of this is your ability to accept and indeed encourage feedback and constructive criticism of your work.
Aim high. Beginning copywriters often think that they can only get tedious, low-paying jobs. And these may indeed be more accessible when you're first setting out in this field.
Networking, as you probably know, means using your existing network of friends, relatives and business associates as a means of generating work.
A trade magazine is a periodical that deals with specific industry or trade such as apparel and fashion, retailing or architecture or any other industry. It is also called a trade journal or trade paper.
A columnist is an editorial writer works as self-employed, or through an agency. He/She contributes regularly to a magazine, newspaper or website. On the other hand, a syndicated columnist is a columnist who gets their articles published across multiple media at the same time
I’m writing to you in hopes of applying to the recent copywriter position I saw on ABC website. My skills and experience position me as a strong candidate for the role, and I am confident I will help your organization both in handling its regular workload and long-term goals.
PR i.e. Public Relations, majorly focuses on enhancing brand’s reputation by effectively communicating the businesses. It helps forge the brand’s image as authoritative and trustworthy. It works as owned, earned or paid media.
Starting with the writing career, it is important for you to decide what topic you have expertise in and what is your preferred medium such as websites, magazines, book, etc. it is better to go with at most 3-4 areas in the beginning and do thorough research on them.
Oil and Gas is a competitive field with huge demand in every sector. Let me mention again that you need to be a passionate learner to work as a writer in this field and consequently, increase your chances of higher salary and level of experience.
Magnetic Marketing copy is the powerhouse to attract potential customers and clients to your services and products. It works in writing cover letters, sales letters, blog posts, tweets, business proposals and many more.
For many digital marketers, the website security is a remote concern and they don’t put their hands into it. As a marketer, it is worthwhile to stay informed about web security and advise the clients on the same.
A grant is a non-repayable fund provided by the government, foundation and trust to a non-profit organization. To ask for a grant, an organization needs to write a compelling grant proposal. Here are a few tips to help you with grant proposal writing process to win the grant for your organization.
Real Estate is an ever growing industry. Real Estate is not just about selling and buying housing properties or residential land, rather it is a much wider field that includes single to multi-family houses, townhouses, condominiums, commercial and industrial building, land and luxurious properties.
Social media management is an essential skill. If you are a freelance writer, then using social media to increase your income is quite easy.
Besides developing intact business skills, an entrepreneur needs to acquire strong communication and presentation skills as well. To give yourself an edge, having these skills will increase your success chances manifold times.
Building a successful business empire is a dream of every entrepreneur, already aware of the fact that how much efforts it takes and how many hardships they have to face. They are ready to challenge themselves in every situation.
An aspiring entrepreneur possesses the same major goal for their startup business to become the next multi-millionaire brand. There’s no doubt successful entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were also in the same dilemma before they achieved their big success.
Social media marketing is the most effective way of branding your business. With millions of users active on these platforms on a daily basis, it is the best place to reach the potential customers.
writers who write books, posts, articles, memoirs, web copy, newsletters and speeches for others and are not given credit for their work are called as ghostwriters.
Writing a report is an art and benefits of accomplishing it is like getting close to the completion of important business functions. The far-reaching consequences of business reports can not be neglected, most of the crucial business decisions are based on it.
Working on the Internet has its own perks, yet generating the expected amount of traffic and receiving steady income is not at all easy. It requires a budget and solid marketing strategy to stand ahead of the competitors.
Technical writing is a part of business writing that is written for specialized purpose and goal. Its goal is to inform and persuade people about technical activities. It is also termed as transactional writing because it is written by communicating with two or more people or in a group.
A travelogue is a diary of a person’s journey to another place. It is both a narrative story describing personal experiences and a written report with helpful factual details. The aim of a travelogue is to entertain, entice, and inform anyone who might be interested in visiting a destination.
SEO Copywriting is also considered as one of the highest paying online jobs, with a huge market for potential growth. If you ever wish to be a part of a freelance writing career, then SEO copywriting is the best option to go for.
A fund-raising letter is a storytelling letter generally written by non-profit organizations to ask for donations (mainly written on an annual basis). An organization urges people to support them in their respective mission.
Outsourcing is the method of handing over the companies task to an outsider. The outsider can be a private enterprise or an independent professional. Most of the big companies are outsourcing their job to save time and money.
Newcomers in web designing have to face lots of hurdles to achieve the final perfect design. There’s a need for an intact process to be followed to achieve the goal. Making errors is nothing new for beginners, it is just a part of gaining experience.
As a freelance writer, it is important to stay up-to-date with the current trends to improvise our writing style. It is a part of our job to know where to invest our time and what to capitalize on.
Whether you are writing a web sales page, speech or a blog post, you want it to persuade your audience to follow and trust you. In this post, we are going to discuss, through a few tips, how to make your writing compelling to your readers.
Upwork currently has stiff competition in the field of web development, freelance developers need to brandish their profiles to become noticeable with thousands of clients.
Development of the app is a tedious task involving financial investment, time and efforts. In most of the cases, you will require some amount to start a marketing campaign to spread a word about your app.
When we hear the word “Developer/Software Developer”, all we think about the sea of technical skills because that’s what sufficiently distinguish them from therest of the workforce. But we precisely talk about Freelance Software Developer, are good technical skills enough for them to be successful?
The best way to earn lots of money is by becoming an expert in an in-demand technology and so does the case with freelancers. While companies hire additional staff to educate their employees on the latest technologies, freelancers need to upgrade their skills all by themselves.
Highly lucrative, but social media advertising requires lots of strategy and patience to get long-term success. Which social media platform to choose is itself an intriguing question.
As the trends are changing day-by-day, finding an efficient way to market the business is itself a challenge that every relevant professional needs to overcome.
As the trends are changing day-by-day, finding an efficient way to market the business is itself a challenge that every relevant professional needs to overcome.
Here are some ways to build a successful online audience without losing the growth of your offline business.
Giving a successful start to your business through online marketing is quite challenging. Building up a list of trusted followers, improving your online presence and even looking for a place to give a start to your “voice” need lots of hard work, money and time.
What I wish to discuss here, are some important tips that will make you question your views about money and wealth and help you to perceive them in a different way as an entrepreneur.
No doubt, receiving a chance to get featured in magazines and trade publications is the best opportunity one can get. Though these media are surely lucrative, there’s a need of immense experience and skills to get such kind of gig.
Maintaining work/life balance is a common challenge faced by employees as well as business owners. To uplift the balance and bring better chances to manage work and personal life, here are some effective and inspiring productive hacks from five female founders.
According to a research, nearly 99% per cent of the working people change their careers five to seven times during the lifetime. However, there is no standard reason for which people change their career.
Formal communication requires lots of thinking and needs to be balanced carefully. Keeping up with the latest technical jargons is a good thing, but make sure it does not force you to step on someone’s toes.
Here are some five extremely simple steps to help your blog attract more job opportunities.
Smartphone has made life easier with its remarkable features, especially by helping us take HD quality photos. But besides the simple process of taking selfies, the smartphone camera serves much more than that. Here are some of its major advantages.
Menopause is one of the most difficult phase of women's life. To ease its side effects, here are some technological solutions.
Check out 15 most practical ways to increase your brand engagement rate on Instagram.
Whether you're a freelance makeup artist, photographer, model or stylist, there are many ways you can use video to gain more industry reputation.
Check out the list of few Instagram Accounts that you should follow to boost your business and personal growth.
Visual graphics such as images are the best way to explain your ideas and demonstrate your views regarding a topic. Here is a list of twenty such websites that provide free images:
Check out the ten common profile mistakes done by almost every freelancer.
A project proposal is a document that you present to potential sponsors or clients to receive funding or to get your project approved. Learn how to write a winning proposal.