The suit worn by Project Gemini astronauts was America's first true "space suit". The Project Mercury suit had been designed only to provide protection in the event of accidental cabin depressurization (which fortunately never occurred). The Gemini...
The spacecraft Faith 7 successfully carried astronaut Gordon Cooper in 22 orbits around Earth in NASA's last Mercury mission.
This is part of a series on America's first manned space program, Project Mercury. It presents an overview of the program and provides links to the other pages in the series, which contain more information on specific topics.
This page is part of a series on America's first manned space program, Project Mercury. America's third manned orbital spaceflight took place on October 3, 1962.
Scott Carpenter piloted America's second manned orbital flight in May, 1962. The mission was the fourth flight of Project Mercury, America's first manned space program.
This page is part of a series on America's first manned space program, Project Mercury. Links to all the hubs in this series can be found at the NASA Project Mercury Overview. At the start of 1962, America was far behind in the space race. The...
This article provides a range of information and insight on the Hubble Space Telescope and the key discoveries humans have made using it.