Just in time for the Month of Love and Valentine's Day approaching, I have once again pondered on various kinds of Love and which kind can really conquer all inspite of everything. Take a seat and learn with me.
a million words of thoughts on the last full moon of the year and my first time ever witnessing a meteor shower
a poem inspired by a time I went out at night, a song that had a good melody, and having a continuous clear sky each night that blessed me to see stars again
a short poem of the little stars of Sky the children of Moon.
just some random brain dump that I wanna indulge into for a brief moment.
Life notes to pick up when you need a random advice at any age or point in your life. Come back to it anytime.
Some gentle reminders for ourselves on days we feel so terrible, unwell, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, unproductive, in our most fragile or vulnerable state, etc. Some coping mechanisms or ways to try if we get caught up in these situations.
00:00 is a time set to start a day, a timer, or reset anything. Inspired me to write what can we do when we see it on the clock, the things we think, we feel, until it strikes back to 00:00 again. Time starts whenever you're ready.
Last Wednesday July 24, 2024 Afternoon Typhoon Gaemi was classified as Super Typhoon. At around 4pm the flood entered my home, at 6pm it rised up to waist level deep inside and neck to jawline level deep outside. This is a poem reflecting my after thoughts of what its like then. Scary but humbling.
I recently turned 24 a week ago. Sharing this incredible day were I experienced a Cinderella Moment meeting one of the most handsome Thai Actors whose visuals are alike to a prince charming the very night before my birthday the next morning. Did I make it home before the clock strikes 12? Read here.
This is a Thai Movie revolving around asian family cuture, conflicts, drama that is currently showing in some asian countries cinemas. This is a reflection, review, realizations of mine after watching the film here at a local cinema near my hometown.
It's drought season here in my country and heat index is dangerous. Suddenly craving for Ice Cream inspired me to write a poem about this analogy somewhat similar to a melting candle and an hourglass.
With the recent efforts of the Phil Gov't to transform the current transportation system to a more efficient and modernized way by adding more railway stations, subways, train stations, suddenly started to ponder an unimaginable dream for the Transportation and improving travel experience for all.
Just a feel good prompt provided by my muse. Relating the transition of Winter to Spring and Spring to Summer to a hypothetical life scenario meeting your special someone at an unexpected encounter similar to the one in movies. Enjoy.
Often hear about " Enjoy life when you're young; prioritize your studies don't stress on it cause that is not yet the reality of life." What is not the reality of life mean to say? Are we living a fake/altered life till a certain age that we perceived when the "reality of life" actually begins?
Do you ever get these shower thoughts that make you ponder about life ? A prompt came to me after and decided to write something about it. Also, there are a couple of word prompts that summarize this memoir. Simply put, I'm thankful for this life for better days are coming real soon.
Being asked How have I been? sometimes is not easy to answer. But makes one wonder, How have you been? Are you doing well? Let's check on our emotional battery sometimes.
I just wanna give a tribute to Pamela, as she is a great friend that I'll be forever grateful for. Go visit her profile and read her articles mostly medical related and you might find some answers, who knows? Her name is Pamela99, go check it out.
Finding the balance of what's okay and what's not... but fall asleep each time! How tired is the author, read along and see how it goes.
11.18.2023 Saturday. Keeping a record of this memorable day for me filled with the highlights, my emotions/feelings that day, and some miraculous healing moments I had for the first time in my life. One of the happiest and best day of my life ever.
I stumbled upon these short poems when I was finding something inside the box filled with my old stuff from college and highschool days.
Just me pondering some life realizations I made lately.
It's been a while, and I've written this short poem for two young Thai Actors who has been giving me inspiration and uplifting my spirit the past few weeks. Hope you all also get encouragement from this.
Every song that we listen to paints a memory to our heads. As the melody intensifies so does our feelings. I've been wanting to write this but couldn't figure out how, well now I did. It has been a while, so here I am with a poem.
Have you been constantly told to just keep on finding someone better for you? How do we know if we have found the better person? Read on to find out my process of thought regarding this matter.
Responding to Brenda's Word Prompt on "Dreams". Certainly, there's a lesson we can derive from these dreams of mine.
Defining how toxicity is like in various scenarios. How do we handle or cope with toxicity? Some life lessons and realizations lately about toxicity of life.
What is a Convenient Love and its various forms.
A simple and short poem inspired from a photo taken during our trip to Ilocos last July 2022.
My Response to Brenda Arledge's Week 59 Word Prompt 'Purpose'.
A poem inspired by a dream. Pondering on some what ifs and some life scenarios. If you ever craved for something like this once in your lifetime, maybe these flow of thoughts have also occurred to you.
My Weekly Word Prompt Response on Generation by Brenda Arledge . My style here is like a speech of a tedtalk but you might still see a bit of my poetic style of writing nuances.
My personal account of a dream I had several years ago which is still making a lot of sense right at the present. Always thankful for all miracles that has occurred to my life. Although, there isn't much of a takeaway here, hope you still learn something.
My 60th article in HubPages Finally! This is my response to Week 55 Word Prompt Help Creativity "Nothing"by Brenda Arledge. First half describes daily struggles with Multiple Sclerosis and the rest is just some sort of word play. Enjoy. Title is a little bit tricky but it's part of the word play.
This is a guide I've written to help people having difficulty assisting someone having a breakdown or the like of some sort. I'm not a medical professional nor have a degree of expertise but this is me giving a tip as someone who have experienced the episode or attack. Hope you find it helpful.
Responding To Pamela's ABC's Challenge: A way of getting to know the hubbers community. It took me a while but here is mine. Hope I did it right. Enjoy.
.'Some things must have come to an end' a phrase that has been on my mind. Decided to write something about it. Enjoy.
On my last Update, the first article tells us where we went on my birthday, what Singapore is like, and some guided tour. Here on the second part, we finally made it through our day and in Esplanade Mall. Here you'll find how we ended my special day. Enjoy.
Recently, I went to Singapore for my Birthday Celebration Last July 7. Here are my discoveries, realizations, and joyous moments during those times. Hence, the reason for my recent hiatus. Part 2 will be continued soon. Enjoy.
I thought of writing a poem on what I think about proposing to someone, marrying someone, and how do we know we are ready to take the road to forever with our significant other? I hope you enjoy and I pen a little message at the end. I'm no professional to relationships, but these just come to mind.
Thought I'd write something about Birthdays. Can you guess why Birthdays prompted my muse? Read on to find out and enjoy. Thank you for your continued support on my hubs.
My Response to the Week 53 Word Prompt ~Help Creativity by Brenda Arledge. Some Firsts in life aren't that bad. Sometimes you'll be suprised how cool and amazing it can get! Enjoy.
a collection of poems I didn't get to finish writing because... I fell asleep and when it's time to finish writing it, I'll be totally puzzled, having no clue of what in the world I was writing about. Enjoy!
This poem marks my 50th article here in HubPages. It has been a while since my last update but I wasn't feeling my self lately. It's special and I should've written something more sensible but I guess this will do. Hope you all enjoy this simple and short piece.
Response to Brenda's Word Prompt 'Adapt' and this also marks one year of the word prompt series. I feel the first quarter of year 2022 has welcomed me to adapt to some major changes and taught me some ways how to deal with them. Here are some of those and some life lessons I acquired recently. Enjoy
A Response to Week 51 Word Prompt - Chances by Brenda Arledge. Things you should know when people say 'next time', 'some other time'. Pondering on what chances could mean in our lives, what to do with it, how to deal with it. Some life lessons and advices as well you might find useful. Enjoy.
Since I still can't go for a beach trip on my own, here is how I used my imagination of how it will be like on a fictional setting. Featuring habits, traditions, delicacies, of Filipinos. Enjoy. A summer escapade in my imaginary world.
My 46th poem speaks about what it feels when people forget about you most of the time even those times that you were with them. Will you be one of those that remembers? I hope there'll be a couple of things that you'll remember about me. Enjoy and Stay safe always.
It's my first anniversary here on HP today! Here is a recap of how it has been and decided to pen a message for my gratitude and appreciation to all your love and support for me! Cheers for more fruitful and blessed years to come! Enjoy!
Lately, I have been playing a game called "My Oasis". It helps me feel so relaxed and temporarily distracts me from all the stress and worries I'm having. Also helps, when I'm at the peak of my emotions that I can't control. I've decided to write a poetry about it. Hope you enjoy.
Inspired from these time travel plots I have watched a couple of times from various Asian Dramas and Movies. The twist is I have written the plot to be interactive and in poetry form! How would you end the story or narrate it if you'd be the main character? Plot twists ahead! Enjoy.
I was searching through some pictures in our photo albums when I saw this picture. It's me and my grandmother. It prompted me to write some short poetry about it. So here it goes. Enjoy.
It has been almost two months and a half after my journey on having Covid and getting diagnosed with MS. An update on how life has been, how I'm coping, and what's new.
So the Acpeo content stealing incident has gotten so much into me that it has bothered me for some quite time. Seeing that many have responded to the forum, and were also bothered by this issue, I have decided to write something about it. What I know so far, the what ifs, and other possibilities.
A Response to Bill Holland's Challenge. After a long brainstorming and deliberation with myself, I finally decided on something I could work on. A topic that's timely, with tons of things I can talk about. Join me Reminisce some of My Memories in Highschool just a few years ago. Hope You Enjoy.
If ever something has upset you recently or not feeling that well lately, just take time to read this whenever you need it. I hope it helps and that it would cheer you up even just a little bit.
In this article, let's ponder about the PWD community. How PWD friendly is your community or country? How well do we acknowledge the PWD community so far? Inspired from a post I saw a couple years ago with photos depicting concerns of the PWD community all over the world.
Just me blabbering some talks about love and relationships. Overthinking and being poetical at the same time, maybe. Some things I just want to ponder upon, reflect upon, and answer the questions I had to myself. More than a rant, I hope you learn something from here too.
My Response to Brenda Arledge's Week 50 Word Prompt "Puzzles". It's a compilation of stories of what has happened in between the Hospitalization Series and so much more insights and thoughts. This will also be the third and last part of my Hospitalization Series. May you enjoy solving the Me-stery.
I just wanted to write a short appreciation poem to Misbah Sheikh. A little tribute and showing my gratitude. Appreciation to how she is as a person, how she inspires me, and with regards to her endless support on my hubs and endeavors. A beautiful soul with a wonderful heart indeed!
So I got inspired to try a new form of poetry introduced to me by a well known Hubber and Author that goes by the name of John Hansen called "Blitz Poem". It was a poem exercise from Veronica McDonald who is also an author here at HubPages. My first attempt so please be kind to me! :)
The Sequel of Encounters: Life at The Ward. On this Second Part, I wanna share and start first with how lucky and blessed I am being there. How luxurious it is, and how grateful I am for the comfort it brings. Just the happy moments for the second part. As I promised. Enjoy!
How did I found out, How I was diagnosed, What were the symptoms, How it was like, How did it started? Acceptance and living with it. My Journey: Finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. An inspirational poetry with a sense of gratitude. Enjoy the ride.
This would be a series of my experiences at the Hospital during the time I got hospitalized. Sharing my encounters with some of the patients that made an impact to me. This first part talks about the Encounters I had at the Emergency ward and a sneak peak of the next part which is " Life at 4B Ward"
My short response to the Word Prompt 'Treasure' by Brenda Arledge. A moment that happened recently that I keep holding close to my heart. For some I don't know weird reason. Let's keep it fictional and hide the fact that it's a true story. It's our little secret hub friends! Shhhhh!
My response to Brenda Arledge's Word Prompt This Week "Forgiveness". I chose forgiveness on oneself as a response as I believe most of us have been holding back these past few years to finally forgive our ownselves for everything. Now is the best time to do so. Forgive yourself this year 2022.
It has been a while since I rested my muse. Now I write something good for a little refresher. Hope it brings you delight and joy. Will be back soon for more when I recover.
Just wanna say thank you and sorry to everyone for the past few months and years. A little story about my current health condition. Hope everyone is well. Blessings to all of you.
My Response for the Week 44 Word Prompt "Patience" by Brenda Arledge. I read this "Fifteen Minutes Rule of Waiting" logic from a self help website seven years ago. It's a great practice if you are having difficulty to patiently wait for whatever it is that you are waiting for.
This poem talks about how smiling can change and make an impact to your life and the lives of others. Smiling is one of the most noticeable traits amongst Filipinos inspite of the struggles they face such as calamities and catastrophes. They keep smiling even on the toughest times and darkest times.
My Response to Brenda's Week 43 Word Prompt "Breakfast".
It's starting to get a little colder than usual. The cold never bothered me anyway. I'm used to it, well guess not.
My Response to Week 42 Word Prompt "Writing" by Brenda Arledge . Sharing My Journey as a Writer: How did it Start and How is it Going at the Present. UNEXPECTED TURN OF EVENTS AND PLOT TWISTS AHEAD... ^_^
Memoir: Recounting what it was like walking with you, and now learning to walk again without you anymore. True story.
Lately, I've been bothered by a strange habit of someone I know. Over sleeping in every chance they get, Isn't this alarming? When is it time to worry, and when is it alright to just let them be? Hope you are all sleeping well and proper.
My response to the Week 41 Word Prompt Help Creativity "Shopping" by Brenda Arledge.
Lesson I learned and realized after meeting a healing priest in a province called "Pampanga". Hope is on the way! Good news is that I'm gradually healing!
"Do I Always Have To Tell You Everything?" is a lyrical poetry about various frustrations and emotions when leading up to a confrontation that would hurt one another. Tough love and how it is portrayed. Not knowing what you don't know and what should not know might be the best for you. Less is more.
A coincidental entry for Brenda Arledge's Word prompt "Anxiety". My underlying thoughts lately. Being lost and drowned by overwhelming fear, worries, and irradical thoughts making me almost lose my mind.
This new poem I wrote is about what are the things a person would say if it was his/her last? If you'd sing everything you want the person to know for the last time, how's the song going to be? It's gonna hurt but at least you won't have regrets.
On this new poem, I talked about a series of hope I found while I was on a short trip. There was a Love that blooms, my quench to be happy was filled with so much content, and finally finding the beauty of life after being in total darkness. Hope you find Spring too when Winter comes in your life.
What is a place like home? Word Prompt: 'Safe Haven' and 'Sanctuary'. This piece is a safe haven on its own. It was written to calm me down when I was at the edge of commiting suicide. Let us be kind to one another and be a safe haven for people searching for home.
Travel experiences when in Bulacan and in Manila. Struggles of a commuter in the busy streets of Bulacan. Living alone in Manila: How to Survive? Tips to dealing and negotiating with other people on the streets. Always have faith till you make it!
From the story foretold in my poem Just How It Is, few years later after drifting apart from each other I just decided to move forward and move on even if it will hurt and break me apart more than it already did. It's time to let go and start a new. New beginnings and a journey to a happy life.
Waking up to the sounds of mornings always bring us some hope and realizations that we are never alone in whatever challenges we face all throughout our day. Life still goes on even for every creature around us despite difficulties. Let us always be grateful for every blessings we receive.
Learn to value your worth and your own self. You don't have to do things just because it's currently on trend. Don't let others have control of what you really want to be because that will never be who you really are. Acknowledge every achievements. Never give up. You'll make it if you just believe.
Songs sometimes speak for us when we can't express ourselves properly. Songs will remind us of a lot of things, thus listening to songs has become part of our habit and our lives. Dig in to know what are the type of songs that makes life more interesting. Without songs, Life is dull and boring.
Describing what fear and anxiety is like in the perspective of a young adult facing depression as well. What pressure and stress is like and how does it affect the daily routine of individuals. Living life with threats and fears in this new normal, how are we supposed to handle it? and more.
Forgiving at times may be difficult but know that you can still do so if you start within yourselves. Love yourself as you make peace with the past. Healing will take time so just keep holding on to your faith.
Forms of Love and what I have learned from them.
Our every firsts somehow correlates to something we know and what we love most. I got inspired writing this from the Chinese Series called "Count Your Lucky Stars" featuring Shen Yue and Jerry Yan. On starting a project we always go to our roots, starting on things we like and are comfortable with.
Uncertainty of Love in Various forms. A Story between two young individuals that found love at the online platform. This is based on a true story of the author's first love.