The word redemption is a rich biblical word that carries a lot of meaning. And it is at the very heart of the gospel message. Jesus, our Redeemer, took our sins upon himself and gave to us his righteousness, thereby securing for us eternal redemption from sin and a place in heaven.
Just as the Colossian church was being lead away from the truth of Christ by the heresies of the day, so many in the modern church are doing the same. The secret to remaining strong and avoiding false teaching is to be rooted in Christ and to be built up in him, thus being established in the faith.
In the Old Testament, the temple served as a representation of God's presence with his people and in the world. Today that job goes to the church as we are being built up as a holy temple to the Lord. We, as believers, are the temple of the Holy Spirit in this world, in this age of grace.
The preaching of the cross is foolishness to the world. It is hated because it goes against man's belief that he can save himself and be his own god. But that same preaching is really the power of God to salvation to all who believe and must be proclaimed without apology.
We are living in a culture that is moving farther away from the Judeo-Christian worldview. We need, more than ever, to live a consistent Christian life before the world so they may see Christ in us and come to know the God we love. The Old Testament prophet Daniel is one role model for our lives.
Melchizedek is an Old Testament figure that is a type of Christ. He typifies the fact that Jesus is our Great High Priest whose eternal priesthood has saved us from our sins and has made us righteous before a holy God. He is also our advocate who ever lives to make intercession for us to the Father.
By looking at the story of the woman taken in adultery, we can see ourselves in the lives of both the condemning Jewish leaders, and in the place of the woman whose sin was made public. This should cause us to have compassion for sinners and assurance of God's love and forgiveness for our own sins.
Christians are crucified with Christ, and we have the power to live a life free from the slavery to sin. However, our bodies, which have not yet been raised from the dead, are still subject to the flesh that wars against the Spirit's control. The key to success is to yield to the Spirit every day.
The story of the widowed mother of Zarephath is an account of a woman whose desperation to provide for her family led her to put her trust in the God of Israel. And that trust was rewarded by the Lord through his miraculous actions to preserve her and her son.
The fact that all believers are eternally secure in their salvation and will ultimately end up in heaven with Christ is a Scriptural concept. And we can see this most clearly through the writings of the Apostle Paul. He sees it as a Supernatural work of God, us keeping ourselves secure.
Joshua's final messages to the Children of Israel, before his death, included reminders of the Lord's goodness in leading them over the years. Then exhortations to live holy lives. And also, warnings of consequences for unfaithfulness. These should be a warning to us today to remain faithful too.
The Bible clearly teaches the deity of Jesus Christ. One of those places in Scripture is Hebrews 1. This passage is written to a persecuted people, some of whom are contemplating abandoning the faith. They are urged not to leave Christ because they have nowhere else to go for eternal life.
The true story of Thomas the apostle and his doubting of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ gives us all hope in our own faith journey. It teaches us that God still loves us in our doubting moments and wants us to move from doubt to faith.
The true story in Numbers 21 about how Israel sinned, leading to God's punishment with 'fiery serpents' is evidence of God's continual hatred of sin. And his telling them to look to a brass serpent on a pole shows his mercy and grace which is later ultimately seen in Jesus' death on the cross.
The Christian life is a battlefield. We are part of the cosmic battle that has been raging since before the foundation of the world, between God and his forces and Satan and his demonic followers. But the Christian has been equipped with armor by God to win the battles. All we must do is put it on.
The ancient story of the prophet Jonah is a tale that reveals God's love and mercy to undeserving mankind, as seen in the evil city of Ninevah. God used Jonah to warn them of his impending judgement, leading to the miraculous repentance of the entire city and God's sparing them from destruction.
The Holy Spirit is a person. He is the third person of the Trinity, which also includes the God the Father and God the Son. Further, he plays a vital role in our salvation. He applies the finished work of Jesus Christ to our lives and ultimately makes us like Jesus.
The Bible is made up of many books by many human authors over several centuries. At the same time, it is one book with one spiritual author, God the Holy Spirit. And it tells the story of how God saved man from sin through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today's Christian Church in America is forgetting its mission of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The good news of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection for the sins of the world needs to be emphasized in order for us to make a lasting impact upon the world.
In our culture, we are losing the real meaning of Christmas and replacing it with ideas of giving presents to loved ones and to the poor, family gatherings and the keeping of traditions. In all of this we have forgotten that Christmas is about the gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ, into the world.
The lives of Simeon and Anna teach us that God wants to use us, no matter what our age, for His glory. We must remain faithful to the assignment that God has given us no matter how long it takes until the Lord takes us home to be with Him in glory.
After the first 3 chapters of Ephesians talk about all the possessions and the position that all members of the Body of Christ have, Paul moves on to the practical section. Because of all of we have and are we are to walk worthy of our calling. The first way to do this is through living in unity.
Jesus' parable of the lost sheep shows God's concern for even one individual who needs to come to Him. And it demonstrates the lengths He will go to bring them back to Himself.
Paul, in Ephesians 2:1-10, shows that God, in salvation, is making us into masterpieces of His grace by showing us what we were before salvation and then contrasting that with what we are now. We were once hopeless sinners. Now, we are transformed into creatures for His glory, made to do good works.
Paul, in Romans 6, is answering some anticipated rejections of the truth that man is saved on the basis of God's grace, through faith alone in Jesus. Some might see grace as a license to sin because sin leads to receiving more grace But true grace is not a license to sin but frees us not to sin.
There is one message which the church must get right because it is the difference between someone spending an eternity in hell, separated from God, or one in heaven enjoying His presence forever. That message is the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we must guard against anyone who would pervert it.
Paul, in finishing his letter from prison to the Philippian church, is telling the believers there to greet each saint. And he also gives greetings from the saints with him as well. In these greetings, he shows the importance of each individual in the Body of Christ and the need to remain connected.
In Philippians 4:10-20 we have the apostle Paul getting near the end of his letter by thanking the church in Philippi and discussing the gift that they had given to him while in prison. We learn from this some vital lessons that God has given to each Christian of helping each other in our needs.
Paul, at the end of the book of Philippians, tells the believers at Philippi about the importance of right thinking in our Christian walk. We need to have thoughts that build up ourselves and the Body of Christ in order to have the mind of Christ and live a productive life that pleases God.
Paul, in this final chapter of Philippians, is giving some final exhortations to this beloved church. In this section, we get some commands from the apostle which should be obeyed by all Christians seeking to become mature in Jesus Christ.
Paul, in Philippians 4:1-3, is confronting an issue that arose in the Philippian church. Two women, Euodia and Syntyche, were quarreling about something which could lead to disunity in the church. Paul is urging them to strive for harmony with one another. This should be every Christian's desire.
In Philippians 2:19-30 Paul talks to the church of Philippi about two men who were living out having the mind of Christ. They were humble, thinking not of themselves, but of others and doing all that they could to help Paul proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were Timothy and Epaphraditus.
As Christians, we are called upon to honor the father and mother that the Lord has given to us. And in so doing, we honor God and make the society that we are in a better place to live.
Paul, in Philippians 2:12-18, is continuing his discussion of conducting oneself well as a Christian, despite being persecuted, in order to exalt Christ and cause the gospel to spread. Verses 12-18 give us further instructions on how we should be living out the gospel in our lives.
In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul reveals further how conducting ourselves well, despite suffering, exalts Christ and His gospel. Further, he gives Jesus Christ Himself as the ultimate example of true humility that puts the needs of others ahead of our own.
Paul, in this first chapter of the book of Philippians, is writing from prison to his beloved friends at the church of Philippi that he had started. And his main concern, in his situation of imprisonment, was that Christ was being preached and exalted. That should be every Christian's main concern.
Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, was thanking them for a financial gift that they gave him while in prison. And, in so doing, showed all of us what true fellowship or partnership in the gospel is about. We are all in this together and are corporately responsible for proclaiming the gospel.
Though this world is increasingly moving away from an understanding of what it means to be female, the Bible has given us what we need to know. As we move away from a biblical understanding of life we get more confused about it. So, we must return to a Scriptural teaching about womanhood.
The Day of the Lord, in Scripture, is a time when God will come as the righteous judge in wrath against sin and those who commit it. And it is also a time of salvation and reward for those who follow Him. The pride of man will be made low, and God exalted. We all must be prepared for its coming.
The final enemy that has been plaguing mankind since Adam and Eve committed the first sin is the great enemy, death. However, because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can all rest assured that there will come a time when death will be destroyed and we can live for eternity without it.
Our God is both transcendent, that is He lives above and beyond His creation and He is immanent, He desires to dwell with and have a relationship with us. Nowhere is that seen more clearly than in Paul's sermon to the Athenians on Mars Hill in Acts 17 about the unknown God who wants to be known.
One of the most powerful ministries of the Holy Spirit is His filling of the believer in Jesus Christ as we yield our lives to Him. It is the filling of the Holy Spirit that gives power to every believer to live the Christian life and to minister to each other and the world with the gospel.
I Corinthians 12:12 and 13 tells us about the baptizing work of the Holy Spirit. This is an action by God the Holy Spirit at the time of every believer's salvation that places us into the Body of Christ. It brings us into unity with Christ and with our fellow believers for all eternity.
The story of the wise men, or the magi, shows how these Gentile men read and believed God's Word and sought out His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, humbling themselves before Him at His birth. They didn't fear what others thought of them but obeyed God rather than man. We need to follow their example.
Sometimes God has to allow our pride and arrogance to get us into trouble. He has to allow us to come to the end of ourselves and our abilities to get us to the point where we no longer rely on our own strength. Rather, we allow Him to empower us and we cling to His abilities. Just like Peter.
God likes to use ordinary situations and ordinary people to fulfill His plan of saving the world by proclaiming what Jesus did when He came to earth as a baby in a manger. And He will use those whose hearts listen to Him as the shepherds listened to the voice of the angel more than 2000 years ago.
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ is a clear teaching of Scripture. It matters because it fulfills prophecy, preserves Jesus' deity, His humanity and also His sinless nature. We must defend it as we do all of the doctrines of God's Word.
One of the undeniable truths of the Christian faith is that Jesus Christ is returning back to this world. And He expects us to prepare for His return by remaining faithful to the preaching of the gospel and telling others that they need to get ready for His return as well.
Though there are many religious beliefs in this world and many people who claim to have access to God or the gods, the Bible says that there is only one God who created heaven and earth. And there is only one way to heaven and a relationship with that God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the non-negotiables of the Christian faith is a belief in the gospel. That is the good news of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection on our behalf in order for us to be saved from sin and receive eternal life in heaven with God. Without that belief, one cannot call themselves truly Christian.
A belief in the Bible as the Word of God is essential for anyone who calls themself a Christian. The Scriptures plainly teach it, in both Testaments, as well as Jesus and His Apostles. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice and so we must make sure we learn and obey its precepts.
The concept of sin is throughout the entire Bible and is a fundamental teaching of the Christian faith. One cannot rightfully call him or herself a Christian and deny the fact that there is sin and that it offends a holy God.
Though the term Trinity is not in the Bible, the concept certainly is there. Further, a knowledge of God as triune is one of the essentials of the Christian faith. Without it we would be worshipping a God other than the God of Scripture.
This article is the beginning of a series of articles on the essentials of the Christian faith. Today we deal with the fact that Scripture teaches that Jesus is God. He is the eternal Word of God, who Himself was God in the flesh. He became a man to die for us to take away the sins of the world.
In this last chapter of I Corinthians, Paul is giving some final instructions to the Church at Corinth. In these instructions we can glean several responsibilities that saints have to serve God by serving our fellow believers in Jesus Christ. We must work together to do God's will on this earth.
In Paul's final chapter of his epistle to the Corinthians he begins talking about some practical matters. The first is the collection that was being taken for the poor saints of Jerusalem. In this section we can begin to see some major principles on helping the poor and needy. Especially believers.
Paul ends his great chapter on the resurrection by telling us about the mystery of the victory that members of the Body of Christ, the church, both the living and dead, will have over death because of Christ. Verses 50-58 describe that we will not all sleep in death but all will be changed.
Paul, in I Corinthians 15, is dealing with the resurrection of the dead. Now in verses 35-49 he begins to explain just what the resurrection body will be like and how it will be perfectly suited to the new life that every believer in Jesus Christ will have and its superiority over the natural body.
In I Corinthians 15:29-34 Paul is continuing his argument for the reality of the resurrection. In doing so, he shows people, including himself, whose actions and attitudes are changed and are consistent with people who have been convinced by the facts that the resurrection of Jesus has taken place.
One of the types in the Old Testament which point toward the resurrection of Christ and therefore the resurrection of all dead one day, is the Feast of First Fruits. Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection, telling us that one day all who believe on Him will be raised from the dead as well.
Paul continues his defense of resurrection by pointing out that it was the raising of Christ that brought us to salvation. And Jesus' resurrection is the ultimate proof that it is possible. He gives a 'what if', showing the problem if Jesus hadn't raised from death and ends by saying He has done it.
Paul is speaking to the Corinthian church about the resurrection of the dead. There were those who believed and taught that there was no resurrection. Paul shows them that the gospel that he taught, and that they believed, featured a risen Savior. And there were many who attested that it was true.
In the last 20 verses of chapter 14, the apostle Paul is attempting to show several ways in which the Christian worship service is to reflect the God whom we serve. Worship should be done in an orderly manner, showing the world that we do not serve a God of confusion, put of peace.
Paul, in I Corinthians 14:1-19 is coming to the end of his 3-chapter discussion of Spiritual gifts by showing how believers should desire gifts that edify the Body of Christ. He cotrasts the gift of prophecy and tongues to show how prophecy edifies others and tongues only oneself.
Paul, in I Corinthians 13, is continuing his discussion of spiritual gifts by saying that all of them should be done out of love for God and for our fellow Christian. Without selfless agape love, the gifts that we may use are valueless. Further, these gifts are temporary, but love will last forever.
Paul continues his talk on spiritual gifts, in I Corinthians 12, by comparing the spiritual body of Christ to a physical body in verses 12-31. And just like the parts of the physical body are necessary for its proper functioning, so are the various people who are parts of the Spiritual body.
In I Corinthians 12 we learn that Spiritual gifts were not given to us to show off, or to enrich ourselves. They were given especially so that we can serve one another as members of the Body of Christ and so that the Church, the Body can grow and become all that God intended it to be for His glory.
In I Corinthians 11:17-34, the apostle Paul is confronting the Corinthian church because they were not taking the Lord's Supper seriously. By looking at his correction, we can find out the reasons that the Church in the 21st Century should be celebrating this beautiful ancient memorial of our faith.
Paul, in the first part of I Corinthians 11, is addressing an issue that has come up of women in the church who prayed and prophesied with their heads uncovered. Though this was a cultural issue of the day, there are eternal principles which we can learn from this passage that are relevant today.
Paul, in I Corinthians 10:14-22 is telling his readers that we should flee from idolatry. We should not participate in the pagan practices that the world does or allow ourselves to be swayed by demonic influences to put anything in place of or alongside our worship of God. For He is a jealous God.
In I Corinthians 10:1-13, Paul uses the history of Israel and their sins to point out that giving in to temptation leads to consequences and judgment from God. He points out that Christians in any age are not immune to Israel's sins, but that God will provide a way of escape if we allow Him.
God and the gospel of Jesus Christ should be the center of our lives. In I Corinthians 9, Paul showed how he made the gospel his number one priority by the way he lived. He gave up his rights as an apostle, limited his freedoms and served for an eternal reward rather than one that is perishable.
In practicing our freedom that Christ has bought for us on the Cross of Calvary, we should always pay attention to how that freedom will affect our brothers and sisters around us. And we should never do anything with our lives that will cause fellow believers to stumble into sin and way from God.
Paul's view of marriage was based upon his understanding of the Old Testament book of Genesis and by His knowledge of what the Lord Jesus Christ taught. Marriage, to him, is a covenant that is between two people for a lifetime and one that cannot be easily broken.
The Apostle Paul begins, in chapter 7 of I Corinthians to answer questions posed to him by the Corinthians. The first 9 verses are his answer to a question on sex and celibacy both in and outside of marriage bond. His answer is that sex is for marriage and each spouse should not deprive the other.
In the raising of Lazarus from the dead Jesus proved that He was God, that He had the power of life and death and that all those who believe in Him will one day conquer death just as He did. Further, His own death and resurrection made this all possible for us who accept him as our Savior by faith.
In I Corinthians 6:12-20, Paul talks about the sin of sexual immorality. The people of Corinth were reflecting the culture that they lived in rather than the Christ who bought them from sin. Paul tells them that they need to stop living immoral lives because they now belong to Christ.
In I Corinthians 6:1-11 Paul is talking to the believers about a habit they have of some Christians taking their fellow Christians to a secular court to sue them rather than solving the problem within the church. The Apostle says that believers should be capable of solving church issues themselves.
I Corinthians 5 is Paul's warning to the believers in Corinth that are allowing a sinning brother to continue to fellowship amongst them as if he were living a righteous life, all while sleeping with his father's wife. Paul is saying that sin must be dealt with, or it will destroy the local church.
Paul is completing his reprimand of the Corinthian church for their sectarian following of human leaders by pointing out that these leaders are merely God's servants. Further, God is their ultimate judge, not men. Therefore, it is utter folly to follow human wisdom and not God's wisdom.
The term carnal Christian, taken from I Corinthians 3, has been misunderstood by many. It does not mean one who has accepted Christ but lives a life totally like the world. It is actually a Christian who continues to struggle with sin in certain areas of life, seemingly with no victory over it.
Paul continues his writing to the Corinthians by showing them that following human leaders and human wisdom is foolish. Spiritual truth is real truth and can only be revealed by God the Holy Spirit. Specifically, he is speaking about the wisdom that is found in the cross which provided salvation.
The message of the cross of Jesus Christ is, to them that perish, foolishness. But for the saved person it is both the wisdom and power of Almighty God. And the Lord uses the foolishness of preaching to change the world.
In the book of I Corinthians, the people of Corinth had several problems. A major one, seen in the first chapter, is that they were not unified. They followed various leaders rather than Christ. Paul taught that they needed to unite under Christ as head. Following Him brings unity with one another.
Philippians 4:13 is one of the most misunderstood verses in Scripture. It is taken out of context and used by people as some motivational mantra to claim that God will empower them to do any selfish thing that they desire. The true meaning of this verse is something far better and more exciting.
It is important to know the true story of the first sin by Adam and Eve because is this event that led to man's need for a Saviour. All of Scripture from the point of this account looks forward to the time when Jesus becomes the second Adam who saves the human race from God's wrath and judgment.
The Passover celebration not only depicted the greatest salvation event of the Old Testament with the deliverance of Israel from Egypt but the greatest salvation event of all time when Jesus died for our sins on the cross of Calvary. He is our Passover lamb who took away the sins of the world.
The Apostle Paul ends the book to his young son in the faith Titus by following through with one major theme of this book. It's the fact that the gospel produces godliness in the lives of believers. There is no legitimate separation between belief and behavior. So good deeds should follow salvation.
The message of the angels to the lowly shepherds over 2000 years ago was one way God announced to the world that someone special, (i.e. His Son), was coming into it that would change the course of history. We, like the shepherds, need to take that message of love and hope to everyone we meet.
In Titus 2:11-15 Paul sees God's expression of grace as a past event of salvation from the penalty of sin, a present reality of salvation from the power of sin in our lives, and a future event, when Christ returns, of salvation from the very presence of sin. Everything is because of God's grace.
In Titus 2:1-10 Titus is charged by Paul to teach sound doctrine, as it applied to the various Christians who would hear his teaching. This is not just head knowledge but living a life that glorifies God before a watching world in hope that they may be enticed to follow Christ as well.
God wants the leaders of His church to hold fast to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ because there are many rebellious men who seek to corrupt it and to lead God's people astray. We have to recognize and silence all who will do such a thing.
Titus 1 is one of two places in the Pauline writings where we can find the characteristics of a New Testament local church leader. Those who are leaders within the church should seek the Lord to help them develop these traits. And the church should seek for leaders who model them in their lives.
The book of Titus was written by Paul to Titus, one of Paul's sons in the faith, whom Paul had left behind in Crete to organize the believers who belonged to that new church. He is writing to him as a spiritual mentor and advising him. From it we can learn much about spiritual mentorship in our day.
The book of Jude is a warning against false teachers that were infiltrating the Church of Jesus Christ, given to a local Christian Church that was currently experiencing this problem. Jude wrote to encourage the church to earnestly contend for the faith that was once for all given to the saints.
The book of 3 John is a letter from the apostle John to a man named Gaius. It is a letter about being hospitable to those who are traveling and spreading the gospel of God's grace to the world. At the same time it condemns those who seek their own self-interests and not of the gospel or others.
The Book of 2 John is an urgent plea that the readers of John’s letter should show their love for God and His son Jesus by obeying the commandment to love each other and live their lives in obedience to truth of the Scriptures. It demonstrates that love and truth cannot be separated but both matter.
Paul's short letter is written to Philemon, the owner of a run-away slave named Onesimus. It is Paul's appeal to Philemon to accept Onesimus back as a brother in Christ after Onesimus was converted under the ministry of the imprisoned Paul. It's theme is Christian forgiveness and reconciliation.
The book of Obadiah, written centuries ago, has a message for us in the 21st century. Consisting of a series of Divine judgement poems against the ancient people of Edom, it serves to show us that the Lord is a God whose justice will one day prevail over all; a warning for all who walk in pride.
Jesus ends His famous Sermon on the Mount by comparing those who hear and keep His commands to a wise man who built his house on the foundation of a rock. And those who don't are like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. When the storms come the first house stands and the second falls.
When the Bible talks about fearing God, it is usually referring to an attitude of reverence and respect, not outright terror. It is a reverence for and acknowledgement of God's sovereignty and power over us. And yet a healthy fear of the Lord must also include fear of the consequences for sin also.
Heaven is a free gift given to those who accept it by faith in Jesus Christ. But there will be those who come to judgment before Christ that will try to rely upon self-righteousness to enter God's Kingdom. They will be rejected by the Lord that day and hear the words from Him: 'I never knew you.'
We who are saved are also all called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. If we are saved from eternal separation and hell, we should want to let others know with whom we come in contact that they can experience the same salvation that we have.
Jesus begins to wrap up His Sermon on the Mount with some metaphors. He starts by using the illustration of a broad gate and road that leads to destruction as opposed to the Narrow gate and road which leads to eternal life. These are the choices that we must make to follow the world or follow Jesus.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gives His disciples a rule that should govern all relationships with believers and non-believers alike. The Golden Rule, if applied consistently, can revolutionize the world and bring glory to our God and Savior.
The world would like to tell us that God is just a God of love and not a holy God of wrath and judgment. But the God of the Bible is both. Scripture depicts several judgments that will take place at the end of time. One even the Christian will participate in, and is one for which he should prepare.
In Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus is continuing His Sermon on the Mount by talking about the Christian's need to confidently pray to their Heavenly Father who both knows and cares for the needs of His children. He is trustworthy and will not fail to supply all the needs they have.
Jesus' in His famous Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 6:25-34, explains several reasons why a believer should not worry. All those who name the name of Christ should take these reasons to heart and live a life of faith. It is only then that God will be fully glorified in our lives.
In Matthew 6:19-24 Jesus is continuing His Sermon on the Mount by talking about money and wealth. He tells us that we should not focus our hearts and lives on these things that the world treasures but focus on the One true God. Money should not be our master but our lives should revolve around God.
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount He sited the way people fasted to show that a Christian should not be hypocritical and use it to bring glory to self but rather to God. Though the Church is not required to fast today we can still learn a lot from Jesus' teaching and this ancient practice.
Paul, in his epistles, sees the kingdom of God as both a present and future reality. It will one day bring to completion all of history when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. We enter it by God's grace through faith in Christ.
Heaven and the eternal state, far from dull and boring, are going to be the most exciting times of our lives for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. We have much to look forward to and all who know Him should be greatly anticipating what is to come.
Jesus teaches in His Sermon on the Mount that God desires us to have a genuine interest in communicating with Him in prayer. Not like hypocrites who pray just to be seen as pious or holy. But He wants those come to Him humbly seeking His will, His Kingdom and His glory.
When it comes to charitable giving, God sees your heart and rewards you in heaven for your godly motives. So a Christian is not to act like a hypocrite who cares only what men think and performs only for their applause. Rather he should seek to please God in performing all acts of charity.
The Apostle Paul talks about seven things that he refers to as mysteries or secrets that were not revealed but now are revealed. They are all aspects of the one mystery which consists of the fact that all mankind, both Jew and Gentile, are being placed together in one Church, the Body of Christ.
Jesus, in Matthew 5:43-48, tells us to love our enemies just as God our Father does. Loving only those who love us and hating those who don't is what the world does. True children of the Father love those who hate them and are rewarded for their service to the Lord in the end.
We can learn a lot from the book of Deuteronomy about how to be a good father through setting the example for our children of loving the Lord with all of our hearts and by teaching them to follow His commands for our lives in all that we say and do. Further, it is vital that we do so for their good.
Jesus, in Matthew 5:38-42, is speaking to His followers in the Sermon on the Mount about how they are to be different from the world. They do this by not retaliating. Rather they are to overcome evil with good. And they are also to give to all to those with legitimate needs what they ask for.
Jesus, in Matthew 5:33-37 from His Sermon on the Mount, is correcting the religious leaders and their view on oaths. In this section He is teaching that His followers should all be people of their word who say what they mean and mean what they say. Christians should be known for keeping their word.
Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, gives the true understanding of what the Law of Moses had to say about divorce. Except for your spouse committing adultery, marriage is permanent and not to be severed by divorce. We need to take the marriage relationship as seriously as He does.
Jesus, in his famous Sermon on the Mount addresses the seventh commandment in Matthew 5:27-30. This is the law against adultery. In addressing this command He is correcting the rabbinical teaching that adultery is merely a physical act. Rather it begins with lusting in your heart.
Jesus continues His sermon on the Mount by pointing out that breaking the sixth commandment which says 'You shall not murder' is more than just the physical act of taking a life. It begins in the heart with sinful anger toward our brother made in the image of God.
In Luke 1 we see an example of a godly mother in Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. And by following her example we can learn to please God in all of our ways. Further, we need to respect all godly mother's like her whom we know and honor them as the Lord has commanded us to do.
In Matthew 5:17-20, a part of the Sermon on the Mount, we get Jesus' view of the law. It is perfect and holy because it comes from God but also is beyond our ability to fulfill it. To do so requires an internal righteousness that comes by faith in Jesus, the one who came to fulfill it for us.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus referred to His followers as 'the salt of the earth' and 'the light of the world.' All true followers, like salt, help preserve a spoiling world and give it savor. And we give light to a world steeped in the darkness of sin. So, Christ expects us to live like it.
In the beginning of the greatest sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus gives His manifesto for entering and living as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, He also reveals to us the secrets of a happy and fulfilled life. Those secrets have become known as the Beatitudes.
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 is a call by Moses to a new generation of Israelites going into the promised land for love and total commitment to God. These words can also be applied to the Church of Jesus Christ today. We all should love and be committed to Him as demonstrated by obedience to His commands.
The greatest event in human history was the day Jesus rose from the grave. And through His resurrection He gives us all the ability to do the same one day. We serve a risen Savior!!
In the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem we have our Lord presenting Himself to Israel and the world as their King. His coming a week before Passover was His offering of Himself as a lamb to take away our sin. Today, as they did then, we must decide who Jesus is and accept His sovereign rule.
In the closing verses of Colossians we see greetings from various people and admonitions from Paul the Apostle. In these final words we get an understanding of the people it takes to make an effective ministry happen. God uses each of us for His service and to spread His gospel.
The Apostle Paul, in Colossians 4:2-6, is dealing with the practical aspects of living out the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He does this by telling us that we are to devote ourselves to prayer, walk with wisdom toward outsiders and speak with grace to everyone that we meet.
In Colossians 3 Paul is teaching the believer how to live various aspects of life in submission to others because they are now under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Christ's Lordship should change every aspect of our lives including that of husband/wife, father/child and that of master/slave.
Paul, after proving the complete adequacy and all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ, is now making some practical applications in chapter 3. If nothing on this earth compares to Christ, then we should be setting our minds on heavenly things and not on the things of this earth.
In this second chapter of Colossians the Apostle Paul is warning the people of Colossae about those who would lead them astray from the truth of the gospel. He is confronting those who have infiltrated the church there and are teaching teaching false philosophies and practices.
We see in Colossians 1:24-29 the characteristics that the Apostle Paul possessed that made him a good minister of Jesus Christ. And from his example, we can learn how we too can be effective ministers in the world in which our Lord has placed us.
According to Colossians 1:15-23 Jesus is more than just a mere man. He is the preeminent Creator of the universe who sustains it and has reconciled all things to Himself by His death, burial and resurrection. He is indeed worthy of our praise and worship.
We see in Paul's introductory remarks in the first chapter of the book of Colossians the priority that he place on praying for his fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are instructed by the type of prayer that he prayed. It was one focused on their spiritual life and actions.
Isaiah 53 is one of 4 servant songs recorded in the book of Isaiah. It records the obedience of the Suffering Servant and the results of that obedience. This Psalm reminds us of all that Christ has done for us on the cross and that we should be grateful for His love and grace that put Him there.
Peter's denial of the Lord before His crucifixion shows us at least two things. First, it displays that all of us are capable of failing or denying our Lord in weak moments. Secondly, it reveals the grace of God that overcomes the worst of problems in our lives, even if we cause them ourselves.
In this, the longest prayer ever recorded that Jesus prayed on the night before He was to be crucified for the sins of the world, we see His heart for His disciples then and those that will come to Him in faith over the centuries that follow. It also shows His Heavenly ministry of intercession.
The account of Zacchaeus' meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates the love that God has for the most hardened of sinners. And He will never cast out anyone who comes to Him in faith. Jesus still offers that kind of love and salvation to all today. And we must reach out to all who are lost.
In Philippians 3 we have the Apostle Paul giving us his life as an example of the choices we all have to make between Christ and the assets that this world has to offer. And his conclusion is that everything is refuse in comparison to knowing Jesus Christ.
Both Simeon and Anna were part of the story of the Christ-child. They were righteous old saint who remained faithful for years waiting for the one moment when they would see the Messiah and tell others about His arrival. And the Lord rewarded their faithfulness.
The faith of a man that Jesus encountered in His ministry is the type that we have to all cultivate in our lives. It begins with an acknowledgement that without Him our faith is inadequate to face the trials in our lives. However, with Him all things are possible if we believe.
God is our Good Shepherd who lovingly leads us all the days of our lives. And we can trust Him for our eternity as well. There is no greater person to whom we can entrust ourselves or those we love.
In the last verses of II Timothy we get a more personal side of the Apostle Paul as he discusses his situation and his desire to have Timothy visit him in his Roman prison before his death at the hands of the Romans. In this section we can learn ways to help all believers going through persecution.
In these last days that we're living in, there has come about a spiritual anorexia. By that I mean a self-imposed famine in reading and understanding the Word of God. God's servant helps solve this by preaching the Word, being aware of false teachers and by living for the Judgment Seat of Christ.
In II Timothy 3:10-17 we have the Apostle Paul continuing his warning to his son-in-the-faith Timothy about the perilous times in which they were living and we are living in today as well. In this section he gives Timothy two major ingredients for navigating these times successfully.
According to Paul in II Timothy 3:1-9, we are living in "perilous times." There are several characteristics of people in these last days before Christ returns to earth of which all Christians should be aware. This article shows these characteristics which Paul warns us about.
In II Timothy 2:14-26 Paul continues to talk with his young ,protégé, Timothy, showing him that he has to continue serving the Lord, striving daily to be an 'approved workman', one that handles the Word of Truth correctly, cleanses Himself for God's service and doesn't quarrel but is kind to all.
In II Timothy 2 Paul, who is in jail and about to be killed for the preaching of the gospel is using this last letter to write to his son in the faith, Timothy, encouraging him to remain faithful to his job of preaching the gospel. He wants him to remain committed and not swayed by the world.
Paul, the Apostle, is in prison putting his affairs in order before he is executed by the Roman government. While in prison he writes to his son in the faith, Timothy, and gives him instructions on how he should live and minister after the apostle is gone. These are the final words Paul writes.
Just like in the days of Ezekiel, the Lord is still looking for men and women who will stand in the gap for Him. We need to stand for what is right and holy in a time when many have abandoned the faith and aren't seeking the will and glory of God.
The story of David and Goliath is one of faith in God, courage and overcoming impossible odds. By looking at it carefully we can see what every Christian should do when facing the Goliath in our lives. We must trust God who has never lost a battle and He will help us, thus bringing Him glory.
In Ezekiel's vision of dry bones we see that with God there are no hopeless situations. He took the spiritually dead and scattered people of Israel and showed to them a time when He would give them new life and fulfill His national promises. We can trust Him with His promises to us as well.
Jesus, in His humanity, was tempted to sin by Satan. However, temptation is not sin. Jesus successfully overcame Satan's temptations, demonstrating His sinless character and His ability to be our sacrifice on the cross. He also left us an example to follow to get victory over sin in our own lives.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was said, by the Apostle Peter, to be one who went about doing good. One of the jobs of His followers is to follow in His footsteps and do good to everyone that we meet.
Just like God comforted His people of old, the nation of Judah, He comforts us today as His people, the Church. He is all-powerful and all-knowing so that He is able to keep all of the promises made to us through Jesus Christ. So no matter what situation we are in, it will work out for the best.
The miracle of the healing of the paralytic man gives us several lessons. The greatest of these is the fact that God wants us to demonstrate a faith in Him that will go through any obstacle to get to Him and allow Him to change your life and the life of your friends.
History is important. That is especially true of salvation history because it reminds us of God's faithfulness to His people throughout time and His promise never to leave or forsake us in the present and future. To forget the past is dangerous because it will cause us to forget God.
We are in a war with an unseen enemy, the Caronavirus. And people are panicking. The Christian response should be not to panic but to follow the facts of Scripture, as well as the admonitions not to fear. God is in control and He will get us through this. The Christian must not fear but trust God.
In John 4, we learn that Jesus cared for and used an outcast from society, the woman at the well for His glory. And because of that many came to know Him as Savior and Lord. The truth is, He can use us too.
Chapter 3 of II Thessalonians is Paul's final instructions to this persecuted church that has remained faithful to the Lord. It is practical and demonstrates how the gospel message is lived out by believers.
In II Thessalonians 2, the persecuted people of God in Thessalonica were being told that the Day of the Lord had already come and they were worried that they had missed the Lord's return for them. Paul lets them know that this Day will not come until the Man of Lawlessness is revealed.
II Thessalonians is the second letter written by the Apostle Paul to the people of Thessalonica. They were a persecuted church that was remaining faithful despite what they were going through. In chapter 1, Paul encourages them to continue in faithfulness to God since they are on the winning team!
Paul, in the final verses of I Thessalonians, is giving some last-minute instructions to this persecuted church for how to continue in the path of holiness or sanctification that they are now on. In doing this he shows us several ways that we can continue on this path ourselves.
When a believer dies, they go immediately to be with the Lord. The problems and cares of this life are over and they will spend eternity with the One who made it all possible, the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this, we don't have to be afraid of death, or grieve as those without hope in Christ.
The Bible, in either the Old or the New Testaments, does not promote the political systems of Communism or Socialism. They are systems that have never worked in history and God's Word cannot be used to justify their continued existence or acceptance by a nation.
Paul, in I Thessalonians 4, just got finished telling the believers that both dead and living saints will be part of the Rapture, where they will meet the Lord in the air. Now he turns his teaching to the Day of the Lord, which is when the Lord's wrath will be poured out on the world for sin.
In I Thessalonians 4:1-12 Paul addresses the godly church in Thessalonica who remains faithful despite persecution. The Apostle Paul encourages them to continue in the faith by living to please God more and more in the areas of sexual purity, love and by leading a quiet and productive life.
I Thessalonians 3 tells gives us a clue as to how Paul and the Thessalonian believers were able to make it through the toughest of times in their lives. They were persecuted but still were able to remain faithful in the midst of it all. And their example shows us how we can do this today as well.
Just like in our day, the majority of people in the New Testament world didn't pay attention to the greatest event in human history, the birth of Jesus Christ. We, His followers, must rather be like the shepherds of that time who were told the good news and proclaimed it to others.
After talking about the Thessalonian church and encouraging them for remaining faithful to the Lord under much opposition, Paul then goes on to let them know how he preached the gospel to them, lived it out in his life and remained concerned for them, thus setting an example for future pastors.
In the book of I Thessalonians, we have a portrait of a church that remained faithful to the Lord despite persecution. Today we can learn from their example of holiness and faithfulness as we anticipate our Lord's return to take the church home to be with Him.
Paul concludes the great epistle to the Romans by greeting those in Rome whom he loved, warning of those who cause division, allowing people with him to give greetings and finally gives glory to God for using him as a minister of the gospel. All this points out that people make ministry possible.
One of the greatest accomplishments in life is to fulfill God's will in our ministry. We do this by prayerfully desiring to make plans, allowing for God's changes, helping the physical needs of those to whom we minister and by bathing our ministry in the prayers of the saints.
We, like the Apostle Paul, should have a strong desire to preach the gospel of God's grace to the world around us that is dying and going to Hell. If we are grateful for our own salvation, why should we not want to tell others?
Paul, after finishing his teaching on how to deal with disputable matters, tells us that we should accept one another just as Christ has accepted us. Jesus is our role model for how we should behave toward one another and we need to follow His lead. Acceptance is also seen by prayer for each other.
For the sake of the unity of the Body of Christ, sometimes it becomes necessary to curtail our personal liberty for a weaker brother or sister. We are to bear their weaknesses and please them in order to edify or build them up in the faith.
Paul takes the whole chapter of Romans 14 and goes into 15 telling us that the transformed life includes caring about the weaker brother for whom Christ died. And I care for him by not allowing the freedom that I have in Christ to cause my brother or sister to stumble and be hurt by my actions.
Romans 13:8-14 is the continuation of Paul's practical section of the book in which he shows what the transformed life of a Christian looks like. Here it includes both love of neighbor and holiness.
Paul continues his practical instructions for a person who has been saved by grace through faith by instructing us on how we need to view and act toward the government that He has ordained. We must obey because it has been placed there for our good. And we must obey because God wants us to do so.
We find in the book of Colossians that Paul is defending against heresy, and is teaching the fact that Jesus is God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe who is reconciling all things to Himself.
Paul continues his practical section of the book of Romans by showing the believer what constitutes a genuine mature Christian. He lists the traits, achieved through a transformed life by the renewal of the mind, that constitute the Spirit-filled life.
Having spent the first 11 chapters of Romans talking about the Gospel , which is received by grace through faith, Paul now gets into the implications of that practically. He began by saying that we are to be living sacrifices, giving ourselves totally to God. Then we serve others with our gifts.
Paul has spent 11 chapters telling us about the Gospel, the good news of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Now he gets practical in telling us that, in the light of God's mercy, we should be living sacrifices to Him and transform our minds to do His will.
Romans 11 is the climax of Paul's discussion of what has become of National Israel. Though it looks like God has abandoned them and His promises to them, He will yet deal the His people whom He foreknew when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. His promises to His people will never fail.
Paul continues his explanation of what happened to National Israel which he began in chapter 9. He was sorrowful because they were very religious and had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge. Salvation doesn't come by works but by faith in the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone.
Romans 9 is the beginning of Paul's explanation of why God has set aside His people Israel, even though they were His chosen nation. Paul just got finished telling us of God's promise that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ. But what of His promises to Israel? Have they failed?
Romans 8:18-39 is a continuation of Paul's answer of who will deliver us from the problems of sin in this life, both because of his old nature and because of the sin-cursed world. Jesus,His death and resurrection is the answer and He brings us several promises that help us in this life and the next.
Romans 7 talked about the struggle that believers have with sin. In Romans 8 Paul tells us that faith in Christ gives us freedom from the war within us caused by our flesh. In 8:1-17 Paul tells of the freedom from condemnation and from sin's power by the indwelling Spirit who lives in us.