What do you need to set up a cage that will meet all your bird's needs and keep him happy? This article details things to consider when choosing perches, food and water bowls, mineral supplements, and toys.
See examples of how to organize indoor spaces for companion birds. Discover ideas for bird trees or stands and learn how to choose the right cage.
Most people would call me conservative. I’ve probably given out this impression by being married for 20 years to the same man, and mostly being a homemaker and mother of two, though I have a Masters degree. I support stable families, education,...
I've been contacted out of the blue by long-lost family: my father and three brothers. Here's my story, along with tips for navigating this complex situation.
The history presented in the Kebra Nagast begins with a romance between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba during her visit to his court in Jerusalem. Ethiopia’s ruling dynasty claims descent from Solomon and Sheba’s son, Menelik I. Twenty...
Geography and history mostly isolated the Ethiopian Orthodox Church from the rest of the Christian world until the 20th century. The Ethiopian king converted to Christ in the 4th century, about the same time as the Roman Emperor Constantine. Unlike...
I’ve always been fascinated with heaven, and wondered about the details. Recently I’ve read two books which are stories of children who purport to have experienced heaven, one in visions, and one in a Near Death Experience. In this hub,...