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Joined 16 years ago from Pakistan

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    Types Of Monitors

    13 years ago

    Monitors are one out of three most important parts of computer; rest of the two are keyboard and Central Processing Unit. Monitors are more commonly referred as display screen. These days, monitors available in markets are of many different kinds;...

  • 120

    10 of the World's Most Famous Legends

    2 years ago

    History is full of legends that continue to mystify and entertain throughout the centuries. These legends come from cultures all over the world—some are held as strong beliefs, while others have faded away with time.

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    Importance Of Collaboration

    13 years ago

    The term collaboration refers to the act of certain individuals working together as a team in an intellectual endeavor or simply working together to perform a specific task. It means that a certain group of individuals interact amongst themselves;...

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    Types Of Keyboards

    13 years ago

    Due to an essential for various models of PC keyboards, producers have produced a huge sort that ranks from simple to complex multimedia system keyboards. These PC keyboards holds different features and even many renders short cuts to...

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    Different Types Of Cheeses

    13 years ago

    We're all know about the popular kinds of cheese, some of which are Swiss cheese, Cheddar cheese, Parmesan, Mozzarella and many more. Besides these commonly and frequently known and used types, there are more than hundreds of different kinds of...

  • 30

    Types Of Statistical Data

    13 years ago

    Statistics is the field of science that deals with organization, interpretation and analyzing of a data. The term statistical data refers to the data collected form different sources through methods experiments, surveys and analysis. This data is...

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    Types Of Stories

    13 years ago

    A story is a tale which describes a single or many incidents and involves a plot, characters and dialogues. There are many different types of stories but mainly they are of two types: fiction and non-fiction. The fiction stories are based on total...

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    Types Of Mass Media

    13 years ago

    Mass media can be defined as the media used for addressing or communicating with the masses. Anything that serves the source for communication amongst a large audience is included in the category of mass media. Mass media is a broad term under...

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    Types Of Industry

    13 years ago

    The term industry refers to a field or an organization involved in the production of goods or extraction of natural resources. The economy of a country depends on the industries it has. The more industries a country has the more economically rich...

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    Types Of Cakes

    13 years ago

    A cake is often described as a sweet dish, often baked, that represents celebration and happiness. For centuries people have been making cakes on special occasions to represent their joys. Today however cake is not only just a symbol of...

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    Types Of Information Sources

    13 years ago

    Information can be obtained through various means. A source that provides any kind of information is called an information source. There are basically two types of information sources: Primary information sources Secondary ...

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    Types of Culture Media (Preservation to Fermentation)

    10 months ago

    A growth or a culture medium is composed of different nutrients that are essential for microbial growth. Here are some that are used in microbiological laboratories.

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    Types Of Steel And Uses

    13 years ago

    Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon with a small percentage of other metals such as nickel, chromium, aluminum, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten etc.  Steel is a hard ductile and malleable solid and is probably the most solid material...

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    Types Of Truss Bridges

    13 years ago

    Truss bridges are probably one of the oldest and the most common types of bridges in the world. Basically a truss bridge is composed of truss which is straight lined structure made up of small triangular units. The elements used in the making of...

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    Famous Inventions Of The 20th Century

    13 years ago

    The 20th century was proved to be the century of some important inventions. These inventions including different electronic gadgets, tools, automobiles, etc, impressed the world all over, at the time they were made. But now they are an essential...

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    Famous Inventions Of 21st Century

    13 years ago

    One of the biggest reasons for the advancement of human race has been its eagerness to know, to advance and to look for new things in every field of life. To look for things, to make new discoveries and to invent new things, that can make our...

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    Types Of Storms

    13 years ago

    A storm is basically a natural disaster which is caused by any change in the atmosphere, whether it is a change in pressure, temperature or the water level. It usually involves heavy rains strong winds which can cause a lot of destruction. Storms...

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    Famous Inventions Of The 1800s

    13 years ago

    Many important inventions took place in 19th century. And few of them revolutionized our lives. After so many years those inventions are still part of our lives. Few of them are as discussed below. Steam Boat The Scottish Engineer named Henry...

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    Types Of Burns And Their Treatment

    13 years ago

    Burns are physical injuries that are occurred when the human skin comes in contact with heat, radiation, electricity or certain chemicals. Burns are extremely dangerous and excruciatingly painful, even a minor burn can be extremely painful. They...

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    Famous Black Scientists

    13 years ago

    For prosper a country, there is a need to advance in technology, warfare, education and the field of medicine; all this is only possible by discoveries made and experiments led by scientists. Scientists have always played a major role in the success...

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    Famous Natural Disasters

    12 years ago

    There is nothing that can be done against the God’s will. We can stop the disasters caused by man, but there is nothing we can do that can stop the natural disasters that have been written in the fate of a nation by God himself. These Natural...

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    Famous Floods

    13 years ago

    Flood is overflowing of water from its normal or artificial banks onto land which is normally dry, such as a river overwhelmed by its floodplain. Uncontrollable floods due to excessive rainfalls can cause excessive damage in a very short period...

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    Famous Scientists Of The 20th Century

    13 years ago

    The only word that simply defines the 20th century is “revolution”. The change brought to the world during the 100 years of this century was so huge, that by the time it ended the whole face of the earth had completely changed. Everything went...

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    The 4 Main Types of Pollution and Their Causes

    2 years ago

    For hundreds of years, humans have been dispersing dangerous contaminants into the earth, leading the global warming and climate change. This article will take a brief look into the four main types of pollution and their causes.

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    Types Of Earthquakes

    13 years ago

    An earthquake is perhaps the most deadly and the most dangerous natural phenomenon of earth. It is characterized by the sudden tremors on earth’s surface caused due to the release of energy from its crust. At times the tremors in an earthquake...

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    Famous Mountain Passes Of The World

    13 years ago

    A mountain pass is defined as a path between two mountain peaks. Geographically speaking a mountain pass is a saddle point between two areas of higher elevations and makes a path for crossing between the chains of mountains. The Significance Of...

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    Major Mountain Ranges Of The World

    12 years ago

    A Mountain Range is a collection of several high and low mountains, often termed as its peaks. It may consist of several valleys and river channels formed by water rushing down from melting glaciers. Mountain ranges consist of several peaks and...

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    Famous Deserts Of The World

    13 years ago

    A desert is a type of region or terrain on, Earth's surface which receives very less rainfall compared to other regions. Deserts are extremely dry regions with very little water around. In such extreme climates there is very little plant and animal...

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    10 Famous Mountains In Europe

    13 years ago

    Mountains are beautiful creation of nature. Most of the highest mountains are situated in the famous and mighty Himalayan range. Along side Himalayas, is the Karakoram range and other ranges having many peaks rising up to 8000 metres. Surely that...

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    The Colorado Plateau

    13 years ago

    Colorado plateau province or Colorado plateau is land blessed with natural beauty. This province is center of four corner states of southwestern United States. Geography Of Colorado Plateau This province covers an area of approximately one...

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    Painting With Seashells

    13 years ago

    Picnics on sea sides are incomplete without collecting sea shells from there. After collecting lot so many seashells, the next thing you want to do is make something creative with that. One of many ways of making seashells attractive is painting on...

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    Alpine Biome

    13 years ago

    What Is A Biome? Communities of different species living together under certain climatic conditions are called an ecosystem. The complex interaction of specific plants and animals, living in the ecosystem, climate, geology etc constitute to give...

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    Famous Plateaus

    13 years ago

    Plateaus are in general referred to as the flat top mountains but by definition a plateau is defined as a large flat piece of land raised approximately more than 15000 feet above its surroundings, having at least one steep side. A plateau may...

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    Western Dragon Mythology

    13 years ago

    What Is A Dragon? What are dragons? Do they actually exist or they just another sample drawn out of a human imagination? For centuries these creatures have influenced the human culture. From the early Mayan and the Chinese culture to the western...

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    The 10 Most Famous Lakes in the World

    8 months ago

    Want to learn about some of the world's biggest and deepest lakes? Read on to discover 10 of the most amazing lakes on the planet.

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    Types Of Seashells And Seashell Collection

    12 years ago

    Seashells are available in hundreds of types. Even sometimes there can be countless amount of sea shells lying on the floor of the ocean. Some seashells are home to some living creatures where as others are vacant, waiting to be washed on to drying...

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    Types Of Avalanches And Famous Avalanches

    13 years ago

    You are on vacation and find a prefect spot for skiing down hill, you start up perfectly and by the time your in the middle of your down hill trip suddenly a huge mass of ice and snow breaks away beneath your skis and the entire skin of mountain of...

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    Famous Rivers Around The World

    12 years ago

    Rivers are one of nature's blessing that are key to the survival and prosperity of Civilizations. Since ancient times, man has evolved besides river banks and turned barren lands into historic cultural centers. Even now in modern times, we still...

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    How to Make Natural Rubber Latex at Home

    2 years ago

    Rubber is a raw material used in most flexible items. Its peculiar, elastomeric nature is due to its unique chemical composition. Did you know you could make your own? Here's how.

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    How To Write A Recommendation Letter

    13 years ago

    A recommendation letter is a personal sanction, normally describing the positive attributes and values of an individual and expended in support of an individual for a new position of a company or some public office. While recommending an...

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    Tundra Biomes

    13 years ago

    There are little pieces of knowledge that many of us tend to miss, simply because we failed to take interests, or sometimes because we were never informed about them. Well, for those of us who have forgotten about these details here is a reminder....

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    Importance Of Advertising

    12 years ago

    Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumers, customers and general public aware of the product. It lets the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands, their goods and services....

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    The Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

    7 years ago

    Exercise is a necessity for all of us. Aerobic exercises include a warm-up, an intense workout, and finally a cool-down period. The heart gets stronger as it delivers oxygen throughout the body.

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    How to Kill Flies

    3 years ago

    Flies are annoying, and it's important to get rid of them to keep your house clean. Learn how to kill flies and prevent them from entering your home.

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    Famous Mountain Climbers

    13 years ago

    There are some activities in the world that have no limits, no bound no ends. These activities are extreme in any definition and people perform all these activities just to satisfy the adventurous nature of them. Many of the people do extreme things...

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    Mysterious Myths About Mermaids

    13 years ago

    Almost every one out there must have seen the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" or read this book in their childhood. The mermaid has always been a creature of mystery, fantasy and unlimited beauty. Its elegance and splendour has been known to enchant...

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    The Anaconda: Largest Snake in the World

    10 months ago

    Anacondas are some of the world's largest snakes. Read on to find out more about their physical characteristics, diet, lifespan and more.

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    Types Of Bluetooth Hacks And Its Security Issues

    13 years ago

    Bluetooth came up as one of the major breakthroughs in close range wireless transfer of data and communication standard between mobile devices. Although the GSM standard itself is a wireless standard operating on licensed bands, yet transfer of...

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    How To Sight The New Moon Crescent?

    13 years ago

    Sighting of the Shawwal crescent,is an exciting event adding more joy to the Eid celebrations. This has changed in recent years, and various controversies over the sighting of the new crescent have spoiled the tradition. Here, it would not be a bad...

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    Superstitions About Celestial Bodies

    13 years ago

    THE fear of the unknown is natural. This terror goes back to thousands of years and emerges from various beliefs regarding supernatural existence, celestial bodies' and so on. For the young, it is easy to laugh off the fears of various space-related...

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    The Four Factors Involved in Scientific Revolutions

    2 years ago

    Scientific revolutions are not a mystery anymore. It is obvious from past revolutions that there are four critical factors that pave the way for major revolutions in science and technology.

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    Effects Of Television On Humans

    13 years ago

    While controversy continues to surround the way the content screen media affects our thoughts and behaviour, a growing body of empirical evidence is indicating that watching television causes physiological changes, which are really not for the...

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    Stephen Hawking (One Of The Greatest Scientists Of Modern Times)

    13 years ago

    People with great aspirations have to bear hurdles in their life but there are those who even don't have to go through tough times. Similarly, there are others who have the determination and courage to accomplish their mission no matter what comes...

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    The History of Bleach

    11 months ago

    When was bleach invented? Learn the answer and more in this discussion of bleach history.

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    Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain

    13 years ago

    HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and have been horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know about your little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the more reason to be paranoid now thanks...

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    How To Create A "Personal Area Network" Using Bluetooth

    16 years ago

    Bluetooth is an exciting technology made popular by mobile phones. However, Bluetooth capabilities have extended beyond phone-to-phone and phone-to-PC connectivity since we can easily use it for creating a wireless Personal Area Network (PAN)...

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    Culture: East Vs West‏ (Explained Pictorially)

    13 years ago

    Understanding of Asian culture vs. Western culture can be made through the pictorial representation below. It very well applies to all Asians - including Pakistani, Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Thais, Koreans, Indonesian, Malays, Dayaks, etc. Blue...

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    25 Dirtiest Cities In the World

    8 years ago

    Problems with waste disposal continue to contaminate the rivers of Nigeria, especially affecting residents in Port Harcourt. The area lacks strategies for preventing oil spills and contamination, and the clean-up methods after disasters require...

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    The Viper And Types Of Viper Snakes

    13 years ago

    Viper belongs to the family of venomous snakes, characterized by a pair of long, hollow fangs, usually with reserve fangs beside them, in the front of the upper jaw. The fangs fold back against the palate when not in use and quickly swing forward to...

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    History Of Housing

    13 years ago

    A HOUSE is a building that provides shelter, comfort, and protection. It is one of man's three most important necessities. The other two being food and clothing. Shelter protects man from wind and rain, and from hot and cold weather. It shields him...

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    The Greatest Travellers Of All Time

    13 years ago

    When one talks of journeys, that too of thousands of miles, one cannot forget the names of some travellers who set out for journeys covering millions of miles and thus came to be known as great travellers of the world. Here is a brief account of...

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    JAMES WATT (Inventor Of The Steam Engine)

    13 years ago

    James Watt, Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, renowned for his improvements of the steam engine was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. The son of a ship's chandler, James had little formal education due to poor health in his...

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    Pot Painting

    13 years ago

    As the name suggests, it is a hobby in which a person decorates clay pots and vases in various ways. It is a very interesting hobby as the results are often quite diverse (from what you expected!) and creative. One does not even need to learn it...

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    Extinct Species Of The World

    13 years ago

    Extinction is a normal process in the course of evolution. Species have slowly evolved and disappeared throughout geologic time as the result of climate changes and the inability to adapt to survive competition and predation. Since the 1600s,...


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