Hertha David profile image80

Hertha David

Joined 4 years ago from Windhoek, Namibia Last activity 5 days ago

  • 38
  • 49
  • 61
  • How can I practice self-reflection?

    How can I practice self-reflection?

    5 days ago

    Reflecting on my frustration after helping my mom, I realized the importance of self-reflection to understand emotions, increase emotional intelligence, and foster gratitude. Tips for self-reflection include pausing, questioning, and journaling.

  • Fatigue as a Christian Girl

    Fatigue as a Christian Girl

    7 days ago

    After making a deal with God to quit alcohol and shisha, I found initial spiritual fulfillment. However, as time passed, my once joyous connection with God turned into a routine. Now, I seek to rekindle my faith and find new ways to deepen my relationship with Him.

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    Having Faith in God as a Young Woman.

    4 months ago

    This article will be a guide as to what it looks like to have faith in God and how to keep the faith.

  • How can I obey God

    How can I obey God

    5 months ago

    This reflection highlights the struggle of balancing worldly duties with spiritual growth, inviting others to join in exploring practical ways to prioritize faith amidst life's chaos.

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    "I Am Unable to Understand My Partner" - Says a Man In Love

    2 years ago

    Understanding your partner is very important and difficult. One needs to be mentally prepared to work hard and successfully succeed in understanding your partner or else that relationship will drain you.

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    A night too temporary

    2 years ago

    After an hour of watching a romantic comedy on Netflix, I said to myself, ''hey, why not write a little something about this''. Its a an attraction at first sight one so strong and maybe should've never happened.

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    Uggggh.. I Hate This Feeling!

    3 years ago

    Why does love or liking someone have to be so much emotional work?

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    Am I in Love Again?

    3 years ago

    Things happen in strange ways sometimes.

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    What does it really mean to be a good teacher?

    3 years ago

    Are Namibian teachers actually doing enough? Are they really grooming learners into good future leaders? Are they role models? Is the educational ministry training teachers enough? Is the educational ministry of Namibia playing it's role?

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    The story of Ndapewah.

    3 years ago

    After years of being exposed to various types of communities in Namibia I have come to pick up similar traits and I think it's high time we address issues that may hinder the development of the country and the people of Namibia.

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    Seduction With Music.

    3 years ago

    This poem is about a college romance who dance their way into making love through music.

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    He Is Submissive.

    3 years ago

    This short story explain 's a dominant and submissive relationship, quiet sad if you ask me Quit sad if you ask me.

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    I have a crush on the girl next door.

    2 years ago

    This story is based on a man that has fallen inlove with his neighbors daughter. Read how we describes her.

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    A man's motivation.

    3 years ago

    This poem is dedicated to all men that love their books. Keep reading those books, please do take care of them as they can be your strongest motivation.

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    How To Get Over Insecurities And Love Yourself.

    2 years ago

    I see people of all age types that are so insecure and look down on themselves. I say to hell with that it's time you learn to love yourself and be you.

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    The Storm Is Over.

    3 years ago

    If red flags are more than the green flags, honestly just run and never look back.

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    He called me a flower.

    3 years ago

    This is a poem that teaches that one should not settle to be appreciated for their physical appearance, rather they should be appreciated for who they really are.

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    The Soccer Player

    3 years ago

    This poem tells a story about a young soccer player admired by a friend. Many Namibian boys play soccer on the roads of their streets and very few in river beds that have been cleared up because there are little or no parks in informal settlements that have soccer fields.

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    Women Very Beautiful Women

    3 years ago

    This is a poem about women hope you like it and can relate it.

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    I Long To Be Free.

    3 years ago

    Most of us are held captive either by people, social context or ourselves. However, one thing is certain. We all long for emancipation.

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    The Three Guys On My Mind!

    3 years ago

    Love is very complicated. High school love is complicated. Take a look at mine.

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    Women Should encourage One Another and Not Break One Another.

    3 years ago

    Just this week in my country a sex tape went viral on all social media platforms. This then lead to hundreds of women posting all nasty things on social media about how dirty the couple was and how she was not good at sex. This poem encourages women to do better.

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    I Met Him At The Bank.

    3 years ago

    This is a narrative poem that tells the story of how a lady was swept off her feet by a bank clerk.

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    The Way He Uses Me.

    3 years ago

    This poem is about a girl who lived with a family member that abuses her sexually and emotionally. In my country this situations are likely to happen and not only to girls but boys too. It needs to come to and end and this victims should be encouraged to stand up for what is right and have hope.

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    Give Thanks.

    3 years ago

    It's incredible that we do not appreciate certain people or things in our lives. Is it that we do not know how to say "thank you" or we just do not see their or its value.

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    I Miss Him So Much.

    3 years ago

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    How Does One Sleep at Night Knowing...?

    3 years ago

    I sometimes wonder how some people get it so right to just harm people and totally be okay with it. I hope this poem will help you treat people the way that you want to be treated

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    You Can Be Happy Too!

    3 years ago

    Many people are trying to find their source of happiness. Although many of us already have it we still search for it. Weird! Nevertheless, this poems tells its audience that they too can be happy and it will not cost much.

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    I Love My Mother So Very Much.

    3 years ago

    This poem focuses on a child's love for her mother. She tells us what her mom is like. She tells us why she loves her mother.

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    Poverty And I.

    4 years ago

    So many Namibian people are living in poverty for many years now. It's quite sad seeing a 15 year old boy selling sweets on the streets instead of going to school. The. Namibian government is doing it's best to fight poverty with the Harambee Prosperity Plan. I pray it ends soon all over the world.

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    I Would Have My First Kiss All Over Again.

    3 years ago

    Ow my! My first kiss. I do not know about boys but a girls first kiss is very important. Especially with when it's with the one they love or have a crush on. One never really knows when it will happen but it will. Mine was unexpected.

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    It Hurts.

    3 years ago

    This poem describes how a lady fell in love with a man that had no intention in getting to know her or even give effort. At this point she has tried, she has done her part but she will not force him to do his part because if he wanted to he could have.

  • Namibian History During The Years 1915-1990, PART 1

    Namibian History During The Years 1915-1990, PART 1

    4 years ago

    Over the years I have noticed that so many people do not know the History of Namibia and it is quite sad because we only learn for one reason; We learn history so we do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

  • I Am In Biology Class and I Am Bored

    I Am In Biology Class and I Am Bored

    2 years ago

    This poem is dedicated to the topic, Plant Reproduction, in biology.

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    Have You Ever Been In Love With...?

    4 years ago

    It's quite phenomenal how we claim to love someone or something but in some unfortunate cases one is asked why they love that someone or something they they give you a sad answer?

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    Analysis of the Poem," Hey There Little Boy", by Hertha David.

    4 years ago

    For many years now we have been so focused on educating and protecting the rights of the girl-child and this is truly amazing. However, this has led to the neglectance of the boy-child. Moreover, this poem educates and raises awareness for the boy-child. As their lives matter too.

  • And Yet Again I Ask Why?

    And Yet Again I Ask Why?

    4 years ago

    This poem focuses on a woman who was raped by a man. He was no stranger due to the fact that, they have been communicating for weeks. She was in love with his genuine smile and genuine gestures. And yet again she asks why, why did he have to commit such an evil act even after she said no?

  • The Next Time I Fall In Love.

    The Next Time I Fall In Love.

    4 years ago

    This poem focuses on a young woman that has been in love twice. Her first love was majestic, pure and impossible however, her second love was beautiful, painful and possible but she got hurt. So she sits on her bed on a warm summer night and thinks about how she wants her next love life to be like.


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