Are you looking to add some cuteness to your "Minecraft" game? Well, now you can, in the form of a pet cat! Read on to find out how to tame, feed, and take care of your new furry friend.
High heels are lovely, but they do take some skill to wear without causing serious damage or even worse, looking silly. Oh, the horror of looking silly! Here's how to work a stiletto like a pro.
Society, the fashion industry and department stores have got it wrong. Nylon panties aren't women's underwear, they are most certainly panties for men. How have I come to that revolutionary conclusion? It is simple. As a woman, I have been made well...
This question comes from a reader, who asks: Hope, I am a 25 year old man who enjoys wearing lingerie and panties under my clothes. I can't order things online as I am currently living with two college buddies who are often going through my mail....
Worried about how much your rabbit poops? If you have a new rabbit, you might be surprised by how much poop it makes. Rabbits poop a lot! Learn what's normal and what might be a reason to visit a vet.
Let's start this hub with a confession. I owned and ran an internal filter for many months before I worked out what the little piece of plastic tubing with the doodad on the top was. It was, they said, a venturi. But what was I supposed to do with...
When you talk to men who love wearing lingerie, one brand comes up time and time again: Vanity Fair. It's not one of the showiest brands, nor is it the most feminine from an aesthetic standpoint, but it is undeniably comfortable.
For a beginner, I would recommend tropical fish instead of cold water fish. Find out why in this article, which should help in making your decision.
Find out what styles and types of shaping undergarments are available for men, what purposes they are used for, and how to find the perfect girdle for a man to wear.
Was your filter designed by this guy? You know what's useless? Common knowledge. The sort of knowledge that makes claims, but never supports them. Aquarium filters can be loud, even if you buy a good one, and some people just want to be able to...
Used fish tanks must be cleaned before fish can be introduced, and most cleaning products are not suitable. Here's how to clean an old, empty fish tank naturally and safely.
Men should be able to wear whatever they like. But if you really want to quit wearing women's clothing, I'll give you the secret to stopping this behavior.
Do you think 99% of women would leave James Bond because he occasionally wears a bra? Doubtful. Read on to learn what would cause a woman to leave a man who cross-dresses.
With thanks to C J ... Men who don't wear lingerie and women who have never really thought about men who wear lingerie often don't appreciate the difficulties associated with being a man who wears lingerie. If you spend any amount of time speaking...
Panties available from Bob had hesitated about buying panties online for a long time. One never knew where the panties had been, or the real quality of them. After all, he had heard about Nigerian scammers and the people...
These are my favorite articles to write, because it is in these articles that we get to demonstrate (when I say we, I mean me, and the lingerie wearing men who read and so graciously contribute to these articles,) that men do look great in women's...
So you like to wear lingerie under your clothes during the day, and you want to extend your lingerie obsession into the night as well. Explore these nylon nightgown styles for a smooth and silk night's sleep.
I write a great deal on the topic of men wearing lingerie in public and yet, it seems that there is not enough writing in the world to properly address this topic. Words only go so far, some things require illustration, and a great friend of mine...
Believe it or not, some men want to wear a bra to work, (or anywhere in public, for that matter,) but don't want to get caught doing it. Gadzooks! How are they to achieve such a goal. I have some tips for them, which I believe will help. I can only...
I wrote a hub about petticoats, and men wearing petticoats, but you know what I didn't have? Any pictures of men wearing petticoats. That left a gap in authenticity in my hub, after all, if I claim that men sometimes wear petticoats, but offer no...
Sliding over your head, the smooth nylon, the slightly rougher sensation of lace. It extends over your shoulders, brushes over your chest, teases your torso and continues onwards down your body. The straps settle in on your shoulders, the last few...
There's very little in the world prettier or more “innocent” than the camisole, and there's certainly no material more sensual than silk. Silk camisoles can easily become part of a man's everyday wear as they are largely unobtrusive under a...
This is a follow up to the wildly popular and fiercely debated 'Why It's A Big Deal When Men Wear Women's Clothes In Public', and a rebuttal to some of the more ignorant comments there which claimed that men shouldn't wear women's clothing not...
When men wear women's clothes in public, it is often viewed as an act of defiance, as breaking the rules. Why is it such a big deal?
In spite of the name being somewhat reminiscent of a heavyset Austrian milk maid, Olga panties have sent more than one man who wears lingerie into fits of fan boy passion. Why? Because Olga produces some of the filmiest, floatiest lingerie you will...
A title full of paradox, irony and wordplay. Let's just sit here and admire it for a bit, shall we. Tee hee. Anyways, as you may have gathered, this article will be a homage to the boyshort. I'm not ashamed to admit that I love boyshorts, they feel...
Nylon stockings are throwbacks to the very inception of stockings. Well, okay, perhaps not the inception of stockings, but at least to WWII, which was a fairly long time ago, at least in terms of my life span. At that time, nylon stockings were in...
Lovers of cotton lingerie will love Victoria's Secret, who can apparently take any kind of fabric, drape it over a pretty woman with an impossible figure and make it look good. I suspect that they're magicians and wizards. Cotton lingerie from VS is...
A man who loves bras will soon find that he is spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a bra. Does he want to be sensual? Does he want to be naughty? Does he want to choose a white bra which blends with the sheets and is hard to find after a...
Depending on the type of man you're with, you may occasionally experience periods where he behaves like a total ass, withdrawing normal contact, eschewing his normal sweet nothings and instead ignoring you. This will normally occur after a...
It has been brought to my attention that some men have been lead astray by the liberal atheist homosexual agenda and wear women's lingerie. This is a danger to society at large and must be stopped forthwith. Fortunately I have come upon this den of...
A man wearing a bra isn't always what it seems. At first glance all men wearing bras might seem to be the same, but there are many different types of bra wearing male, just like there are many fishes in the sea or birds in the sky. Being able to...
What are the best panties for men? Opinions vary greatly. Some men like thongs; others prefer bloomers. This article is based on feedback I have received from some of the finest male panty connoisseurs the Internet can provide.
Picking a bra for male bra enthusiast can be a challenging task for a first time male bra buyer. This guide is intended to get you started on the path to purchasing a bra for a loved one. It might also be useful for the man who is off to purchase...
Being caught wearing women's lingerie is a major concern for many men who like to wear lingerie, but don't want others to know about it. Whilst some purists might scream about being proud of your lingerie wearing habits and not giving a...
Here are three online stores that sell large shoe sizes for men.
It's a sad fact of Western society that we frown on men wearing skirts in public. Generally speaking, men who admire the aesthetics of skirts and dresses are forced to don trousers or shorts in order to go about their everyday business in the...
As one wistful male reader pointed out, many of the panties we ladies take for granted with their skimpy styling simply won't work for a man who wants to wear panties. Men, it would seem, have additional anatomical structures which make the wearing...
Here's what will surely be a hot button issue - men wearing lingerie in order to feel feminine. Many of the articles written on the subject of men in lingerie have focused on the reasons for men wearing lingerie being things like the sensation of...
One of my readers pointed out that his biggest concern as a man who wears lingerie out and about during the day is the fear of visible panty lines. Here are some tips to avoid the curse of the visible panty line.
Here is some advice on how to find a woman who will accept you for who you are.
For those of you fresh from another planet and possessing particularly poor deductive reasoning skills, bras, also known as brassieres, are items of lingerie which are primarily designed to provide support to the breasts. Here's a guide to the different styles.
Secrets can't be kept forever. Learn what to do if your wife or girlfriend catches you wearing women's lingerie.
This one is for the ladies, especially those ones who have found themselves with a man who wears lingerie, but who didn't really plan things going that way. As I have said in other articles, the first time I found out about a man I was with wearing...
As many of you might know, I write quite extensively about men wearing lingerie. It's a delightful topic, and I enjoy it, especially when the discussion turns to men leaving their homes wearing a piece or two of lingerie under their clothing. Men...
The subject of men wearing lingerie can be a fun one, and it is often when men embrace this side of themselves and decide to quit worrying about what the rest of the world thinks about what they are wearing, that they have the most fun with their...
The lace bra has become one of the biggest lingerie icons of our time, and it is little wonder that some men like to wear lace bras as much as women do. Learn about the different versions of this undergarment and how to choose the right one for yourself.
When a man decides to wear panties, he is faced with a decision. Either he purchases women's underwear and wears it, or he purchases specialty underwear that is made of the same fabric as women's underwear but is cut to accommodate the manly parts. Read on to find out more.
One of my readers, the lovely Madeline, raised a very eloquent point with regards to why men who like to wear lingerie like to wear lingerie, and other womens clothing as well. Madeline said: "It's only since I've been playing with more complete...
Many men love wearing bras, but find that getting one to fit is quite a hassle. Don't worry guys, women have the same problem. Brasseries actually involve a fair bit of engineering to get them even close to conforming to the human physique, and even...
Infidelity is one of the biggest problems in relationships, and being cheated on is very painful. Be aware and keep an eye out for these five signs of it.
This is a question I ponder when I hear from men who are trapped in relationships with women. ( No, I'm not singling out women as the bad gals here, it's just that most men who wear panties tend to be straight, and a great proportion of them tend to...
Is your fish swimming upside down or on its side? It's possible your fish isn't dead! Swim bladder disorder, a result of overfeeding, may be the culprit.
There are men who like to wear all sorts of lingerie - panties, bras, camisoles, the list goes on. But for many it is the stocking that holds the dearest place in their heart. There is something about sliding that smooth silk or nylon over their...
This is the story of how I came upon the phenomenon of men who like to wear lingerie, and how I came to love a man who wore panties.
For many men who wear lingerie, the most difficult part of the journey isn't making the decision to wear the lingerie, it's letting their partner know about this desire. It's hard enough finding a nice lady...
Let's explore the reasons why men enjoy wearing women's lingerie and why the stigmatization by society is a double standard.
It is a common wish for a man who wears lingerie to want to wear lingerie to work. There are several reasons for this. For starters, you get to feel that lovely lingerie against your body throughout an otherwise mundane and boring workday. Secondly,...
That's the sort of title one comes up with when one is feeling inspired, my friends. I'm expecting my Pulitzer Prize for Interweb Journalism awesomeness any day now. I think that it really captures the essence of what I'm trying to communicate here,...
Many men love to wear bras. Learn about the common bra types and get tips on picking one that works well for you.
There's nothing more fun or confidence boosting than starting out an article with a definition, so let's do that first: Fetish - An object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and...
While for many men, wearing a bra is something linked with their sexuality, for a proportion of the male population, a bra is as necessary an item of clothing as it is for a woman. You see, sometimes men grow breasts too. While this is relatively...
This article looks at a few of the fun reasons that a man might don a bra. In the spirit of equality, if women can wear pants, why shouldn't men be able to wear bras?
If you've decided to become a man in panties, congratulations. It's a big step, and it's one you should be proud of. Now that you've decided to wear the panties, it's time to learn about them.
Breasts are a very primitive means of recognizing a female. In the days before make up and wet to dry hair straighteners, the difference could sometimes be a little difficult to tell. Breasts, those telling curvatures on the chest were a sure fire...
This is one of those questions that really represents a host of other questions. Questions like, why did I just find my boyfriend/husband wearing my panties? Do real men wear panties? Is he less heterosexual because he likes the feel of silk and...