May impermanence be understood; may craving and clinging be let go; may loving-kindness be radiated; may every step be a mindful step; may every thought be a reflective thought; may every moment be a happy moment; if only we live in the present moment.
You cannot stop negative thoughts popping into your head, but you can choose to stop letting them control you and your life.
Clarity of the mind comes from inside. Looking outside to clear the mind is like stirring the muddy water with a stick: the more effort we put in, the muddier the water becomes.
The mind is like water. When it is turbulent, it is difficult to see. When it is calm everything becomes clear.
The idea of interdependence is central to Buddhism, which holds that all things come into being through the mutual interactions of various causes and conditions.
Imagine some searching for some understanding, some answer to the confusion of life. This person knows that things aren't quite right. There must be better ways to live one's life than this. She or he searches and picks up yet another book and lo and behold find the answer to his or her quest.
Forex trading. What does that mean? I am not going to lie. I am also new on this topic. However, I am learning about it and I would like to share the knowledge I have been gained. Additionally, this is a good way of self-study. So, let's start it!
"What's your workout frequency?", “How often should I workout per week?” These are a very common questions among people who are just starting to workout. Usually, the frequency will depend on your fitness goals. Getting to the place with a game plan is crucial!