The Republican party has turned away from classical conservatism to total allegiance to Donald Trump. I will examine within this Hub how this has happened. Then I will show how this will have dire consequences not only to the GOP but to the very existence of our American democracy and republic.
The Democrats regained power in the House of Representatives and many state legislatures in 2016. Their resurgence has created a schism between the new Social Democrats and moderates. This relationship and how it reflects on the nation at large is key to the party's future and that of the U.S.
The dysfunctional Trump administration has set the Democrats up for big electoral gains this November. Democratic socialists advocate for admirable but extreme positions. Should Democrats follow or pursue milder first step policies that the electorate will embrace? The mid-terms may hinge on this.
The Trump administration has administered policies on the world stage and the Far East that are at best contradictory and at worst deceptive and confusing. I will examine how this has been working in the Far East and how it is likely to develop during the rest of the President's administration.
Donald Trump ran his Presidential campaign as a narcissistic populist demagogue and barely won. I will show the signs to look for if he is going to become a leader for all the people or just his own.
Reality TV has consumed us and Donald Trump has brought it into our politics. Bernie Sanders has shown another way where active citizens are more important. Our future hinges on which model wins out.
There are a lot of different political labels out there, and if we are not careful we can let them completely define our viewpoints and ways of thinking. Read on to learn more.