A personal review from long-term use of the LadyCare magnet for the relief of cramping and menopausal symptoms.
The caloric test examines inner ear function in patients who have balance problems or who suffer from dizziness. Knowing what to expect can ease anxiety about the procedure.
Learn the pros and cons of buying a recliner sofa. I'll share my experience, guidelines, and whether I think it was worth it or not!
A humorous look at naming pets. Even shrimps and prawns are individuals....
Cute as a button! Happy as Larry. Sick as a parrot. How did phrases like these find their way into everyday language?
There are many causes of dizziness and vertigo. Here, seven medical conditions are highlighted, along with pointers for further information.....
An encounter with transient global amnesia, or sudden memory loss. How life can change in an instant...
Read on for tips for living with dizziness and inner ear disorders. This is how I manage to reduce my symptoms and get on with my life.