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James W Siddall

Joined 4 years ago from Cleveland

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    Emergency Hiking Shelters

    2 years ago

    The prudent day hiker or backpacker needs to be prepared to build a natural debris hut or carry a commercially available shelter among the “ten essentials” for survival.

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    Modern Hiking Knives

    2 years ago

    Bladed tools date to the earliest human history. Modern knife designs and materials have evolved into a wide variety of sophisticated fixed blades, folding models and multi-tools that meet the needs of every hiker.

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    A Hiker’s Guide to Weather Forecasting

    2 years ago

    Weather forecasting is challenging and can be unforgiving for the underprepared. Scientific and naturalistic forecasting are reviewed. The wise hiker will gear up for a worst case scenario and be prepared for typical weather hazards including hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration and lightning.

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    Basic Hiking Navigation (How to Use a Compass & More)

    11 months ago

    Learn all about basic compass navigation along with simple techniques to keep you safe and oriented on a hike.

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    A Hiker's Guide to Potable Water

    3 years ago

    Water is essential for healthy functioning. Supplementing the supply of clean water a hiker carries requires knowledge of the locations of potable water on the hiking trail and a means of purifying water by boiling, filtering, chemical additives or ultraviolet light.

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    Predators On the Hiking Trail

    3 years ago

    Hiking is generally a safe and enjoyable activity. Dangers posed by animal and human predators are at the low end of the risk scale. However, the consequences of being unprepared for an aggressive encounter can result in serious injury or death.

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    The Legend of Lost Hikers

    3 years ago

    Hiking is an activity enjoyed by millions of visitors to America’s vast national park lands. Overall, the risk of being injured or killed while visiting the parks is very low according to the National Park Service.Yet, the legend of lost hikers who have disappeared without a trace remains a mystery.

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    The Psychology of Dying

    3 years ago

    For some people the fact that life is finite creates overwhelming fear and anxiety leading to dysfunctional avoidance behavior ranging from workaholism to substance abuse. For others the awareness of death provides the motivation for life’s most creative works.

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    The Power of Meaning in Your Life

    3 years ago

    There are some questions so important and universal that everyone has struggled to answer them. The most frequent question on most people’s list is: What is the meaning of life?

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    Qualities of Leadership Excellence

    4 years ago

    This article is essential for anyone charged with hiring candidates for leadership positions. Selecting the right person for the job can mean the difference between success, failure, or even disaster.

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    Mind the Master

    4 years ago

    One of the greatest insights in the field of psychology is embodied in the phrase ” What you think you become.” which originated in Buddhist teachings 2500 years ago.

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    Cultivating the Success Mindset

    4 years ago

    Successful people consistently exhibit a Proactive Mindset characterized by confidence and tenacity in the face of a challenge. Unsuccessful people demonstrate a Reactive Mindset associated with uncertainty and the tendency to retreat when they get frustrated. Which are you?

  • Walking, the Wonder Drug

    Walking, the Wonder Drug

    4 years ago

    How would you like to achieve mental and physical fitness in 20 minutes a day without an athletic trainer, joining a gym, learning a new sport, or purchasing expensive equipment? The latest research shows that even low intensity walking, five days a week can significantly improve health and fitness.

  • Blackout


    4 years ago

    Americans are completely dependent on the electrical grid for all of life sustaining goods services. Shockingly, the grid is highly vulnerable to cyber attack. A rational and cost-effective plan for individuals is proposed for emergency preparedness.

  • Dangerous Personalities

    Dangerous Personalities

    4 years ago

    Dangerous personalities may appear to be normal but they are not like you. They are deeply flawed psychologically, feeling entitled and easily angered when their needs are frustrated.

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    Smart Emergency Preparedness

    4 years ago

    Emergencies require a smart approach to preparedness. Most of these situations are temporary and have a high probability of occurrence such as a short term disruption of utility services caused by an electrical storm, an injury at home or a threat to personal or household security.

  • Hiking in Florida: Dangers and Precautions

    Hiking in Florida: Dangers and Precautions

    4 years ago

    The majority of serious incidents involving the lost and injured, are day hikers who fail to make careful plans or carry adequate provisions. When a hiker wanders off trail the search area expands dramatically decreasing the likelihood of a successful rescue.


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