Entertainer Glen Campbell was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in 2011. He said farewell to his fans in a very personal way. A documentary about Campbell's struggles with AD premieres soon.
A free trial of a streaming video service that shows current TV series may help you make up your mind whether or not to subscribe. I describe my experience with this 'free' trial offer.
Multiple factors--the brilliant mind that infused his comedy, ongoing depression and a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease--may have proved the catalyst for Robin Williams' decision to end his life.
Regularly using Amazon.com's Subscribe & Save program for items you must buy anyway is one of the most cost-effective ways of saving money.
Every gift received from a child has a memory attached to it. Looking at these gifts evokes memories, even decades later.
There's a new virus in town...a new computer virus, that is. If it invades your computer, all of your files could be lost if you don't take action now to protect them.
Part 2 of my dog’s loss-of-vision story describes an adult dog’s changing behaviors and adjustment problems after going blind.
The U.S. government shutdown was a deplorable situation which Congress should have quickly brought to an end. However, there was one positive effect of this crisis.
Just days after realizing my 8-year-old Miniature Schnauzer had become blind, I nearly lost her to HGE, a “mystery” canine illness that can be fatal in only a few hours if not aggressively treated. Here is our story.
Don't sit back and let something bad happen--to yourself or others--without making an effort to stop it. One person can make a difference, but you have to try.
When an adult dog suddenly goes blind, it's traumatic for the pet and pet parents alike. A blind dog can adjust to life without sight and get along fine, but it's difficult to believe that at first.
Mothers have a special place in their children's hearts, even when they're no longer with us. Years go by, and still we miss Mom, especially on special occasions--Mother's Day, Christmas, birthdays.
The maleficent stomach virus, also known as norovirus, is an epidemic around the world that spreads like wildfire. Here are some tips to protect yourself from this miserable experience.
Learning that your dog has chronic Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) will change you and your dog's life, but you can cope.
Did you know that "dry eyes" in dogs can be a serious condition? Learn how KCS could cause permanent damage if left untreated and why this condition needs the prompt attention of a vet.
Life choices can affect health and quality of life. Lifestyle changes may halt or reverse some damage, but prevention is best for healthy, active senior years.
Homecooked dog food made with quality organic ingredients may cost more than commercial pet food, but it's better and safer for your pet. Here's how to make dog food in your own kitchen.
Herbicides, pesticides, and other lawn and garden products are toxic to people and animals. Learn how dangerous these chemicals really are!
Anger that meat additive "Pink Slime" was used in U.S. public school lunches sparked a social networking campaign and a petition signed by 250,000 to put pressure on the USDA. It worked! NOW PINK SLIME IS BACK! But that's only one instance of the unsafe food additives and toxic chemicals added to...
Dogs may have the need to burp just like humans. My dog burps every time she eats a meal, and now I know why....
In the Deep South, the climate isn't conducive to the wished-for White Christmas. Sometimes it's just dreary and damp, and the only snow seen is on TV!
When you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables, you're not just eating food--you're eating poisons. Some food crops are sprayed with dozens of pesticides that can cause deadly health problems.
A young World War II U.S. soldier from rural Mississippi recalls--decades later--a strange encounter he and two Army buddies experienced.
These lyrics were originally written in the early '90s to poke gentle fun at an actual song that was billed as the world's "best country western song." It's meant in fun and I hope accepted as such.
A plaster cast encases some part of the wearer's body and causes all sorts of unanticipated results. Here are some tips to make your experience somewhat easier.
Movement disorders, collectively known as dystonias, can render sufferers unable to function normally. The good news is that there are treatments that can give them back their lives.
Some stress may actually help you perform better, but chronic stress that keeps your body continuously in "fight-or-flight" mode is more likely to make you ill--or even kill you!
fotosearch royalty free images Copyright© by Jaye Denman. All rights reserved. “I’ll do it later. I’m just not in the mood today.” “There’s so much to do, it’s overwhelming! I’ll do something fun today and save the work...
The arrival of spring after a harsh winter has a magical, majestic quality. Spring's colorful grandeur makes it the favorite season of many. After months of cold weather, the sun's rays work wonders!
There are various reasons why people faint. Some are harmless; others may be serious. A sudden fainting spell can cause injuries from falls. What should you do if you observe someone faint?
Mississippians experience lots of stormy weather and tornado watches. Why? Because the state is where two distinct "tornado alleys" merge.
A humorous look at the possibility of communing with produce
"You are what you eat" is true every day, but it's the tradition for New Year's Day in the Deep South, USA. Blackeyed peas and greens are said to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year.
When I heard the news of Elvis' death in August, 1977, I wrote a song to honor him and comfort my devastated teenaged daughter. These lyrics are still relevant to Elvis' faithful fans today.
An unusual Christmas is memorable--even if not in a good way--for its own reasons. If you want a happy holiday season, don't forget your flu shot in the autumn!
A dog that is aggressive about food--or anything she considers food--may bite to protect it. Ideally, train when your dog's a puppy for prevention, but re-training an adult dog may rid this behavior.
In my late sixties I stopped coloring my hair, opting for a natural salt-and-pepper gray, and easy-care DIY haircut. It's low maintenance and I now have free natural "frosting." How liberating!
When everyone else is gathering with family and friends to celebrate and taking part in everythings that make the holidays memorable, do you just want to stay abed and pull the covers over your face?
Some people seem to go through life being accident-prone. I am one of those people.
You can learn to identify First Editions and determine which ones are valuable.
Parents-to-be should be careful when choosing baby's name. What you name your son or daughter can have a major impact on his/her life, success, and happiness.
You never know when you might run across a collectible book of high value, so it's good to know what to look for....
A bibliophile loves books and usually collects them for their intrinsic value--what they contain between their covers and the enjoyment they provide. A rare book find is merely an enhancement.
The "trial-and-error" method of learning to care for a pet is not recommended. Adjusting to a new pet can be easier if you know what to expect and what is best for the pet.