We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Judging is what immature Christians are good at. They're referred to as legalists, which is a misnomer, since they are doing Satan's work and not extending the Grace that Jesus desires for every stranger a Christian will encounter.
Although they look similar and flock together, sheep and goats are different. Just like men and women, regardless of race, people are spiritually different from one another. Each has a different eternal destination. But they have a choice, not determined by genetics.
Much of the ministry in the church is directed at church members and their families. Some additional help is given to benevolent ministries. But there are lost souls who have lost their way in life that are not understood or tolerated. It's these people that need to experience Christian love.
as the Moon reflects the Sun's Light A full moon can be very bright in the night sky. But it has no light of its own; it simply reflects the Sun's light. We can be the light that draws people to Jesus, the Son of God. And that light does not come from us; it reflects the Holy Spirit in us.
Jesus found that men were not trustworthy. The challenge for our men since we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior is learn their responsibilities from NT scripture. Christian men should stand out among men in their community.
We have amazing tools to communicate with one another in America. But we are more divided than ever. We're so determined to silence the other side rather than find common ground. Because we can communicate, we miss body language, which is essential.
Anxiety and Anger poisoned my prayer life. I didn't pray effectively against my Anxiety and Anger, and I started to build walls between God and myself. God wants me to reflect on my issues and bring them to Him, sincerely determined to correct my lack of trust and forgiveness.