What does putting our hand to the plow and looking back mean? Does it have anything to do with you and me in 2022?
Pain is my life. Pain is my normal. Pain is my constant companion.
In Demimonde, you see though the addict's eyes and understand, mental obsession and cravings - one drink is too many and a thousand is never enough. And, spiritual bankruptcy and insanity are are opposite of a life of service. Because, if we don’t give away what was freely given to us, we lose it.
The story is told by a mother oak tree, Q, about life in Dreyland's secret treetop communities, called crowns. It revolves around a troika: Sage, a raccoon; Notch, a squirrel, and Dagger a tomcat.
A allegoric poem about living life with a "thing," that taxes today and tomorrow. Is green radio an illness or ghostly apparition? Is it an addiction or a haunted past? You decide.
A little humor goes a long ways in nearly everything, even meditation. Here's what I have sometimes experienced along the path to a spiritual awakening. PS: Don't forget to ask God to come along.
Ghostwriter 92 thought he was just popping in for a one hour AA meeting, but what he found was scary and sobering. A haunting message from eternity...from two old friends who are waiting for him!
Mantra 2011 is my daily anchor. It's a prayer that I wrote and memorized to help me through the most challenging of times. May it provide you with a foundation of gratitude for your day too.
A snapshot into the mind of a juvenile searcher, motivated by fear, who couldn't find God in the stars, in the Bible, or in the life of others. Until one night he went to Gorgeous George's revival.
Join in the adventures of Notch, a short story about a treetop community of squirrels and song birds, and their mortal enemies, Dagger and Roadkill. Told by “Q”, an American Southern Live Oak Tree.
A traffic jam during a cross-town trip turns into an epiphany about importance of treating people with dignity and compassion, not judgment and attitude.
I left the enlistment center thinking I was going to be a helicopter crewman, however as fate would have it, I actually enlisted for a school of hard knocks that taught me one of life’s great truths.
I’m your dad, brother, the uncle you love, or the odd cousin you avoid, and I’m an alcoholic. Yes, it’s hard to believe because most of you have never seen me even take sip a sip of wine.
One never knows what really may happen one morning as we drive to work, or go to the store, or walk into an old apple orchard. We may actually be entering a spiritual doorway into a whole new way of life.
Live your life one day at a time and treasure the moments you have together, for time is no friend of man. One day sooner than you think, your life will slip into the past and then it'll be too late.