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John Macleans

Joined 2 years ago from Lagos

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    Chemistry Calculations: Formula, Mass and Mole

    8 months ago

    Mastering chemistry calculations involves understanding formulas, calculating mass using molar masses, and converting between mass and moles. Precision in these fundamental skills enhances problem-solving in diverse chemical scenarios. This article will help you acquire these skills.

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    Ada Lovelace: The Mother of Computer Programming

    8 months ago

    Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), mathematician and writer, is heralded as the world's first computer programmer. Daughter of poet Lord Byron, she collaborated with Charles Babbage on his Analytical Engine, producing detailed notes that included the first algorithm intended for implementation by a machine.

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    Chelsea FC's Golden Moments

    8 months ago

    Chelsea FC is a successful football club with a long, rich history. The article, "Chelsea FC's Golden Moments", showcases Chelsea FC's rich history and success in both domestic and international competitions.

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    The Men who Ruled America: Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

    8 months ago

    This article delves into the concise biographies of American presidents, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and enduring influence on the nation.

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    Being a Woman in Tudor Britain

    8 months ago

    Women in Tudor Britain faced a complex landscape of societal norms, limited legal rights, and distinct roles based on social class. Whether noble, gentry, or commoners, women were primarily expected to be wives and mothers. Education and legal rights were restricted.

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    Why the United Kingdom was So Powerful

    8 months ago

    The UK's historical power stemmed from geographic advantage, industrial revolution, naval supremacy, colonization, economic strength, political stability, intellectual advancements, military prowess, legal system, and cultural influence. These factors made it a global superpower in the 18th century.

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    The Men Who Ruled America: George Washington and John Adams

    8 months ago

    This article delves into the concise biographies of American presidents, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and enduring influence on the nation.

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    J.Robert Oppenheimer

    8 months ago

    J. Robert Oppenheimer, a brilliant physicist, led the Manhattan Project, developing the atomic bomb during WWII. His post-war advocacy for nuclear control led to conflicts with the U.S. government, impacting his career. He remained influential in academia until his retirement in 1966.

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    How to Salvage a Failing Marriage

    8 months ago

    Salvaging a failing marriage can be a challenging but worthwhile endeavor. This article is a comprehensive guide to help you work through the difficulties and improve your relationship.

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    The American Civil War: The Battle of Gettysburg

    8 months ago

    The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant battle during the American Civil War, fought from July 1 to 3, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was a pivotal moment in the war, with Union forces, led by General George G. Meade, defeating Confederate forces, commanded by General Robert E. Lee.

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    Business Differentiation from the First Principle

    8 months ago

    Differentiation from the first principles is about understanding your market, competitors, and, most importantly, your customers' needs and then crafting a strategy that uniquely fulfills those needs. It's a process of continuous improvement and innovation to stay ahead in a competitive

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    A Concise Dictionary of Chemistry (Volume 1: A-C)

    10 months ago

    This is the first volume of a series of articles explaining the key terms in chemistry. This volume covers the terms starting from A-C.

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    Notable Figures in Chemistry

    10 months ago

    This article explores the lives and times of certain key historical figures whose works helped shape chemistry into the amazing and broad field of study for which it is known today.

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    How to Find Success and Happiness: How to Hurdle the Age Barrier

    2 years ago

    In the quest for a happy and successful life, age should be deemed nothing but a number; it should not be allowed to constitute a barrier to the realisation of one's goals and aspirations. This article highlights a number of practical ways that can help one hurdle the age barrier.

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    Living a Life of Purpose: The Role of Vision and Goals

    8 months ago

    Having a clear vision and well-defined goals serve as the primary catalysts for motivating individuals to steer their actions towards achieving success and happiness. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a vision and initiate practical steps to turn it into reality.

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    The Importance of Goal Setting

    8 months ago

    A purposeful life is a life of vision; to live one's life without a vision connotes lack of purpose. One must live for something, which, for obvious reasons, should be noble. Once one has conceived a vision, then one must work toward bringing it to reality by setting clear and realistic goals.

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    How to Spot Fake Love

    8 months ago

    A relationship should be a veritable platform for the mutual expression of love between two people. But this is not always the case: unscrupulous people abound whose sole relationship goal is to advance their own selfish desires. This article explains some ways of spotting such people.


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