No one can change the world by themselves, and we certainly cannot change the world in a day or a week, or a year; but what if each of us is connected to every living thing around us, and that what we do may have a ripple effect?
Sometimes known as a whistle-pig, a marmot, a woodchuck, or a land-beaver, the groundhog is a North American pop-culture icon. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the life and habits of the groundhog.
A Poem that questions our potential to be saint or sinner, loser or winner, leader or criminal. Is it nature or nurture? Can a single moment make the difference?
Another poem from my motherless daughter collection, this one is brand new, and is about both of my parents, my struggle to let dad go, and his reunion with my mom and his family in heaven.
This article covers the guidelines, proper attire, and appropriate and inappropriate etiquette for funerals, condolence calls, viewings, wakes, and family visitations.
All over the world, throughout many nations and lands, children as young as six or seven are being conscripted, enslaved, and trained by terrorist factions of many different origins. They are taken from their parents, their families, their communities, and their homes, a large majority will never...
If you don't want to be here Then you need to go. If you don't love me You need to say so. It's getting to the point Whether you go or stay Will not really matter, I am alone anyway
A poem about the bittersweet moment of having the strength to watch as your adult child leaves the nest. It's all about the memories of them as a child, colliding with the adult them; and the realization that no matter how old they get, they will always be your child.
The Country Bear Jamboree opened in the days when you still had to buy individual tickets for attractions in the park and was an "E ticket” attraction. An audio-animatronic show that featured a cast of seventeen bears, the talking heads of an American bison, a stag, and a moose, and one raccoon....
A poem about love and relationships, and not giving up on a love that could turn out to be wonderful, just because there are obstacles in the way.