Twenty years ago, a struggling actress attended a photoshoot with other models in a London Studio. The shoot was for reference pictures for The Illustrator's Figure Reference Manual, a collection to be used by artists who could not afford live...
The 16th century Spanish mystic St John of the Cross had a vision that he had translated onto paper. He had drawn the crucifxion from an unusual angle and when Salvador Dali saw this drawing, he was inspired. The Christ of St. John of the Cross is...
Dali's paintings make a great intro to surrealism and modern art. Look at this one. If not for the cubes, Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) would look, at first glance, like an old master's piece. Surrealism is the rendering of dreams in literature,...
Artemisia was a feminist. When they thought a woman couldn't do serious subjects, she did. And probably that's why, instead of doing pretty women or flowers or scenery, she tackled gruesome themes. I don't know. She learnt the art from her father, a...
First, let's look at the simplest way of doing it, to get you started. I'm not insulting your intelligence, only making it so simple that someone who hasn't worked in photoshop till now also can follow. So please be a bit indulgent. (Click on any...