The two sisters have escaped their home and now travel through the Rabid Lands.
That popping noise you sometimes get when walking in a pair of jeans? Yeah, it happens to me too.
I thought it'd be cool to write about a phoenix in a human's body, cared for by a man who loved her previous self. It tied itself together randomly, so naturally it reads a bit oddly to me.
These things I always practice, and am always improving with.
A people who began far off into the ancient and restricted Rabid Lands have come into a fierce and dangerous power battle born of their own isolation. Two of their youngest children, Saneya and her sister Lunai, have fled into the Rabids never to return.
How some fats and sugars are good nutritional choices. They taste good for a reason!
Much like an addictive drug, the more bad fat we consume from junk foods the more our brains are going to want. This is essentially how our bodies fight to stay fat.