Good lord! Now I read a governor is forbidding businesses to have a mask and vaccine mandate! This, after he banned abortions in his state! Help!!!! Government overreach!!!!
I can’t begin to tell you how injustice eats at wears down your faith, your joy and your hope for the future. It has been 16 years now, that Chris McCowen has been behind bars. For the crime of being black. It hurts. It enrages. It dulls the senses. Let’s make it stop!
When the net hit, it was fascinating. So much info to be had! Around the late 90’s, I found conspiracies. Loved it. But, as a sideline to real life. I used to leave a picture of Bill Clinton with snake tongue on my screen.Told the kids, “I’m leaving this here in case it’s true, you won’t freak out.”
I pledge allegiance to the flag. When it’s worthy. Of the USA. When it’s worthy. One nation. Prove it to me! Liberty and justice for all. When?
In summary, I must stop now. If I think about it too much, my blood will boil. Mainly, it’s the disrespect of God that gets to me. Acting as if being mean, mocking, bullying, and racist is any form of love! TeaTrump party....check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Sometimes, it’s like Deja Vu.....or living in the Twilight Zone. It’s hard to imagine, we still have people with this mindset in the 21st century. But I realize it’s not just white people, it’s everybody. Let’s go back to Bagism. Save the world.
People luv to tell you "they're all the same". Don't believe them! It isn't true. Pick your ground and stand it. And don't let them lull you into apathy. Some things are worth fighting for!
You love to take him as your own. But far from him your souls do roam.
Words, they have power. To please or to punch. Careful their usage....rewind not an option.
In today's world, we are thrown to and frow by differing opinions. We are attacked in attempts to shame us; our words distorted to smear. Hold on to your center. You know who you are!
Stand Down please! Take your outrage and shove it. For,when we really needed your outrage, you were no-where to be found. Too busy quoting "that piece of paper" to give a damn. Too late now. Deal w it
Compassion comes in many shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, many of those who love to preach that commodity are sorely lacking in it! Sorely. Perhaps they need to practice more, preach less?
Amazing what lies and confusion can do to the psyche. I actually hear people say this is President Obama's idea... He called it dumb and un-neccessary....yeah-- real support for the idea there, LOL.
The Path forward is laid bare: as Bill Hicks said, it's just a choice.... between fear and love. Choose Love!
Awwwww, always screaming "Constitution", "Freedom", "Founding Fathers"....yet seem to have zero comprehension of any of it. Did you all wake up from a deep sleep? What triggered this madness of late?
As the new Party came in 2010, a feeling of dread washed over me. But I knew it was coming. In 2000, I knew. My daughters, whose lives I would die for, are subjugated to the same clique as my mother.
The coldness of people is a mystery to me. For, we all start out tiny babies.Yet, in that infancy, our future is formed. My biggest desire is to see the cold melt into fire. The blazing fires of Love.
For 12 years, we have been awaiting justice. For 12 years, we have been ridiculed and laughed at. For 12 years, we have cried. Justice Now. No more lies.
First read of it from Carlos Casteneda.An essence, a force; beings who have captured humans, use them as energy. Use their beauty and their talent--make fools of them. At this moment: they are exposed
A man on radio says:"Stick to the dark." Another man begs the question: "Why would God say 'go to the light'? He wouldn't fool mankind that way?".... man on radios says: "No, but the Devil would."....
"Something evil this way comes"...It's here. Whispering in the night. In dreams. In little oddities you notice going on about your day. Stay vigilant. Listen to your body-knowledge. The mind deceives.
As a talk-radio lover beginning in 1985...I had the distinct pleasure of enjoying many hours of educational, interesting, and thought-provoking talk. Then this boob came along...
People, such as Shawn Hannity, who use their plaform to lower the collective energy, have my un-dying contempt and dis-respect. That little twerp had better hope there is no such thing as Karma
I can name in one word, the bane that is all of existence..greed. Greed destroys beauty, runs over care, and makes enemies of us all. If I had but one wish, it would be thus: Punish greed as criminal.
This is a time of great awakening. Things kept secret are being revealed. At 52, my generation has seen alot of people come and go....Big people---presidents! We don't take things for granted, no way.
From the start of 2008, my rage level has been on slow burn. Not only are we dismissing the crimes of the Bush administration, but are now subject to daily calls of impeach Obama. Infuriating madness.
Jim Morrison is an American poet who influenced me heavily in my childhood. William S. Burroughs is another. They both speak to the evil that lies beneath the appearance of good. I am witness to it.
One of the biggest frustrations is trying to make someone see things your way:On both ends! It has taken a long time to see the error of my ways..we are works in progress who sometimes stunt ourselves
These are not end times, but the beginning of new ones. A new spin on an old cycle, but with one very powerful twist: 7 billion people reside on this planet now.The collective subconscious is beaming!
In case you think this is hyperbole, I suggest you read up on history. Hitler came to power using hype, propaganda and nationalism. Here is the secret weapon, so you know when they con: USA USA USA
"Lady Apocalypse is Coming into Bloom." --Les Visible
The world is full of people who go to church every Sunday, or Saturday worship-follow religious practices to a T. But what good is it if you still act like a jerk? We claim morality,but don't practice
At times, I'm embarressed to be human. What is the point of living if you offer nothing to the world but misery? Killing of animals, natural world, and each other. Torturing...what is the point?
Having watched, and lived through these past 30 years, when all the wealth of this nation flew steadily up-wards, it galls me to hear poor people, unions and "entitlements" blamed. Get a grip people.
Chaldea...just the name sounds romantic! In many ways, we have lost the romantic, the spectacular and the sublime from our daily lives. I seek to re-kindle that fire.
In 2006, an innocent man was convicted of rape and murder on Cape Cod. It was blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain. But, of course, the Old Boys Club won out. Woe to those who spoke for him.
Putting it in perspective: in many states, right to guns more important than women’s right to health --Emily's List
As I hear daily of more and more horrors and inhumanity to man, I can't help but wonder: What is it in the family of us, who turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, while our wounds never heal?
Howard Stern coined the term American Taliban, before he was hounded and fined off the air by the Christian Right. He has said many times: "Why bring more unwanted babies into the world?" Death-knell.
You know, I'm all for this two party system...(though we need more), differing points of view, etc. But this class of Republicans has got to be the most idiotic in history! Open mouth...insert stupid.
As I use the internet more and more, a funny phenomenon is being observed. People who harass and attack seem to use the same language, same line of approach, and same vicious behavior. Trolling, 101.
Since ancient times, leaders have been victim to dangers from within their own borders. Kings and Queens used slaves to test their food for poison. Power and danger are twin companions, now until end.
Hope...the embattled word. In many ways, the word itself has taken as much a beating as President Obama. Charlie Sheen: Hope is for suckers. Palin: Hopey-changey. I like the word. It means possibilty.
Have followed my sign diligently since learning of it: associated with it, agreed with the ideals it represents....only to find out in my 30's that I, and others, have been following the wrong sign!
Once they get to our minds, it's over. We become the Walking Dead.