Richard Chase was responsible for the most grotesque, despicable crimes imaginable. His vile killing methods earned him the nickname "The Vampire of Sacramento."
"Poltergeist" might be one of the most iconic horror movies of the '80s, but its filming was marred with strange occurrences, unexplainable phenomena, and untimely death.
A mysterious sleeping sickness befalls several small towns in Kazakhstan, leaving scientists dumbfounded.
The ability to regenerate lost limbs, natural defensive and offensive evolution, or mutation.The ability to regenerate dead cells so that we live beyond the century mark and beyond, or to cure cancer is possible. Is a precursor to the next stage of human evolution reflected here?
This is the complete story of Dennis Rader, the BTK killer from Witchita, Kansas, who went on a killing spree that started in the 1970s and didn't end until the late 1990s. During that time, Rader took the the lives of over a dozen people.
Leading normal lives, with wives, children, jobs, relatives, and friends. Waking up, going to work in the morning. Coming home, sitting down, having a family dinner with polite and restrained conversations. Then going out to kill. Do you think that...
This article offers a profile of serial killer Gerard John Schaefer Jr., probing into his childhood, psychology, and sadistic crimes. What causes someone to take delight in killing and torturing others?
A truly amazing collection of some of the lesser-known inhabitants of this planet we call Earth.
In the 80's there was and explosion of "Techno Pop", mostly garbage like Wham, Bananarama, and so many other pointless bands. Most new music coming out was garbage that seemed to clog the airwaves. My friends and I found solice in classic rock,...
These 10 amazing caverns are some of the best the world has to offer. Whether for their unique geological features, unparalleled beauty, or large size, each of these caves stands out as a must-see for any subterranean explorer.