The author of Human+ writes about the personal 'psi' experiences which influenced his novel on the clash between consciousness and emerging technology.
How a spotlight on the brain - and a new invention - may reveal how consciousness can leave the body.
Graham Billow’s spine erected itself reflexively at the sound of the morning news glooping itself across his wall screen. Under the gaze of the "all-seeing-eye" camera in a high corner of the room, he robotically walked himself to his kitchenette....
"Inconvenience caused is regretted" says a maintenance sign in Mumbai airport. I ponder this wisdom. It seems even the builders are gurus in India; I've come to the right place. I'd travelled from a highly ordered society – creeping toward the...
An account of a ten day silent Vipassana meditation retreat, the same technique said to have enlightened Siddartha Gotama, the Buddha, conducted in Portugal's Algarve.
Review of the film Enter the Void, directed by Gaspar Noe, a psychedelic melodrama about a young drug dealer living in Tokyo who dies while under the influence of the drug, DMT, and experiences an out of body experience, continuing to watch over his sister and the events that follow.
The frustrations of suffering with myalgic encephelomyletis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), problems with doctors and the medical establishment, the benefits of complementary medicine and recovery from the illness.