Anger is a common emotion, but many people do not know how to handle it constructively. Learn how to process anger without yelling, arguing, or prolonging your negative feelings.
When looking for a job, many candidates overlook the details, such as following an employer's application instructions. This can mean the difference between getting the interview and being passed up.
During a job interview, not all questions are created equal. Although honesty is always a good policy, there is such thing as too much information in an interview. Many personal questions are illegal.
For many people, financial problems and divorce go hand-in-hand. Although divorce may mean new financial challenges, splitting up does not need to mean financial ruin.
Splitting a 401(k) retirement plan in a divorce is more complicated than simply deciding who gets what money. In most dissolution cases, it will require a special court order issued by a judge.
Pro se legal representation means that you are handling your own case, without hiring an attorney. There are both benefits and drawbacks to representing yourself in court pro se.
Finding adoption records can be challenging, even in open adoption states. Courts and social service agencies can help you locate information on birth parents, medical history, and birth siblings.
If you are an experienced paralegal or someone considering a career in paralegal studies, there are many career options in diverse settings to match your interests, personality, and working style.
Changing your child's last name when they have your maiden name usually involves a simple request to the court. Things can be more complicated if you cannot get the father's permission, however.
Although most people are familiar with postpartum depression in new mothers, the problem of depression in new fathers in overlooked, but common and just as serious.
The pressures of raising a child can cause significant stress and anxiety for even the most level-headed mother or father. This anxiety and stress can be managed, however.
Getting your ex-boyfriend back can take both self-awareness and honesty. Before you choose to get back with your ex, make sure you are prepared to avoid the pitfalls that led to the first break-up.
Whether your child is simply being rebellious or has a diagnosed behavioral problem, there are many strategies you can try at home to help your child build new and better behaviors.
Job interviews can be stressful for any candidate, regardless of skill. Preparing yourself for tough interview questions can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase your skills.
Writing divorce papers can be as simple as filling out a form or may require a lengthy petition. The complexity of your divorce petition will depend on your individual circumstances.
The laws protecting children from maltreatment vary between states, but all jurisdictions have legislation that may carry both criminal and civil penalties for willful maltreatment or neglect.
In many states, you may file for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, which simply means that your marriage cannot be saved.
While confidentiality is important in the client-therapist relationship, it is not an absolute right. In some cases, counselors must break confidentiality to protect patients or other parties.
Courts may order one party in a divorce or custody case to pay their spouse or former partner's attorney fees. Is is possible to challenge orders and requests to pay for another party's lawyer.
If the government or another party garnishes your wages, you will usually need to ask the courts to stop garnishing your wages. This is especially important if you have already settled your debts.
Video recordings can be useful evidence in divorce cases, especially in matters of adultery or abuse. However, it is necessary to make sure you follow your state's laws before giving the court video.
If your spouse does not file a response to your divorce papers, you may be able to get a divorce by default, wherein the court grants your requests without your spouse appearing.
In a child custody case, the court will typically determine who wins based on what arrangement is in the best interests of the child. This is established through parental evidence and investigations.
While bankruptcy can provide needed relief from out-of-control debts, it can also make it difficult to rent in some cases. However, with careful planning you can still rent if you filed bankruptcy.
Even if grandparents do not act as primary caregivers, grandparent visitation can offer support and stability for children as well as their parents, especially during a divorce or separation.
Fear of losing money, assets, or child custody may lead some spouses to lie to get what they want during a divorce. Learn how to deal with these divorce settlement lies constructively.
Verbal abuse is grounds for divorce in many states and is treated like other forms of domestic violence. The amount of time it takes to divorce based on verbal abuse will depend on where you live.
Sadness and depression do not just affect the mood. Depression and feelings of sadness can also have physical side effects, including physical pain, sleep problems, and appetite changes.
There is often a fine line between careless parenting and responsible parenting. Understanding the difference can affect your child.
Choosing a medication for anxiety and panic disorders can be complex. Learn about the most commonly used drugs to treat anxiety disorders and panic.
Child custody matters are often one of the most contentious issues that parents face when divorcing. This article outlines how the court determines the best interest of the child.
Depression and anxiety are two common mental health conditions that occur together. With lifestyle changes, mental health therapy, and/or medications, these conditions can be managed effectively.
In a divorce, child custody can be one of the most complex and emotionally-taxing issues that couples face. To protect your child custody rights in a divorce, learn about what is expected of you and comply with all court orders.
Some states require you to notarize your divorce papers before filing them with the court. Confused about how to notarize divorce papers? This guide will show you how to certify your documents using a notary public.
Before you meet with your divorce, attorney, take time to make a list of questions to ask your lawyer. By planning out what questions to ask your divorce attorney, you can make the most of your time with your divorce lawyer.