There are a lot of reasons why you should be concerned about the elimination of DEI
America is getting the illegal immigrants removed for our country. The majority of Americans are very happy something is finally being done, but there could be some reasons behind these mass deportations, and it's not for the reasons you think.
If we want to see change in this country, it will take more than electing a new President
America is in crisis due to the injustices in this country. We all have work to do to make this country one of fairness for every American.
Dating has become a minefield. Here are some tips to help you navigate your way through the dating pool with your heart intact.
There are corporations that are making billions of dollars by contracting with some states to buy and/or manage prison vacilities in this country. This could be a serious problem, and people should be aware of the potential for serious consequences.
Domestic violence has a devastating effect on children. A personal story of how domestic violence affected me as a child.
Racism is a reality in our society that needs to be addressed and not ignored. People are treated very differently because of the color of their skin. The solution starts with each and everyone of us.
School violence is increasingly becoming a problem in our society. This article discusses some of the reasons violence has escalated in our schools.
Police officers use tasers to subdue suspects, but can the use of tasers by law enforcement be dangerous? Are innocent people dying because of the use of tasers?
Discussing and evaluating the difference in salary between Legislators and the average American. A very stark contrast.
We all have our favorite celebrities, but how charitable is your favorite celebrity? This hub lists the most charitable celebrities of 2017, and the many great things they are doing for so many of the less fortunate.
Living with neighbors that drive you crazy. Detailing the many different ways neighbors can test your patience.
With so many of our youth committing heinous crimes, this article discusses whether or not they should be considered for the death penalty. This is a very complex issue that deserves some thought.
Even though we are happy our troops returned from Iraq, coming home was a daunting task for them. The many obstacles they faced, and they continue to face returning to civilian life.
United States Education system is not at the level to compete with other countries. This article discusses some of the reasons why our education system is on a downward trend.
With all of the negativity in our society today, this article reminds us to enjoy the many things life has to offer before it's too late.